Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ron Paul can win 2012 Election - New Poll Obama Romney Paul

A new poll out suggests that Ron Paul should would be the best candidate to win the 2012 Presidential Election.

Mitt Romney is still holding on to a small lead over Obama in the latest CPCTCSS poll. However, a surge of positive public opinion has given Ron Paul the best chances to beat Obama in November's Election. 

Over 3/4 of Americans view Ron Paul in a positive light, and hold him to be sincere and honest. While Obama is perceived to be dishonest and out of touch.

The Mainstream Media and GOP oligarchs have been asking Paul to drop out of the race in an attempt to avoid a brokered Republican Convention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOP Conention in OK. Romney sscared of Ron Paul and using obama tactics at GOP Convention.

the Romney crowd tried to keep Ron Paul supporters out, had the hotel turn off lights and close walls so the people moved to the parking lot. Said 2/3 did not vote and now they are calling roll of the counties.