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Posted By: The_Fox [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 10-May-2012 10:11:12
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EITHER we aren't alone, or it's nigh time NASA fixed its dodgy cameras.
For the third time this year, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has returned an image of a giant UFO hovering near, or feeding off the Sun. Maybe.
SOHO was launched in 1995 as a joint effort between NASA and the European Space Agency, with a sole aim to study the Sun. The mission was supposed to last just two years, but it is still plugging away and has approved support from ESA to continue to do so until at least December.
In recent years, SOHO has found an extended role as a predictor of solar weather activity, helping scientists on Earth prepare for radiation bursts sent our way by solar flares.
On the SOHO homepage, fans can access all sorts of Sun-related data, including images that have been built from observations from any of the dozen or so instruments onboard SOHO, and videos.
The same sort of content can be found at NASA's solo project, the Solar Dynamic Observatory. Most popular are videos that feature comet fly-bys or collisions. Others specialises in time lapse rotations of the Sun showing flare activity.
It's these that keep turning up on skywatcher websites and conspiracy theorist blogs in equal measures.
In December, one was the source of hysteria surrounding the appearance of a cloaked alien spaceship near Mercury.
In March, it was a Death Star refuelling on the sun.
And now one YouTuber, rob19791, claims to have found the ultimate proof of alien life feeding off our Sun - a NASA cover-up.
He posted this video, UFO next to the sun, on May 5, of footage taken two days earlier by SOHO. In his eyes, the video clearly shows a massive rectangular object hovering near the Sun's surface.
NASA is a vrey corrupt organization owned by the united nations. They will never tell Americans the truth and they force their workers to never tell the truth either. i am suspecting very much that during the mass arrests there will be a large number of NASA people going into that mix thugs. Everything Americans have paid for in NASA's work has went to NASA people and to their agendas. They are liars and thieves.
I don't think it is my imagination that these people are trying to put an end to us. It is shocking to me all the organizations all over the world, we pay for, that has nothing to do with keeping us safe. These people are like a CANCER. First they invade (from within) then they take everything the body has (for themselves) and finally it kills it's host. We need a good chemo therapy if America is to survive. This may sound like a crazy idea but, my idea is : 528Hz frequency (love frequency). Humans are mostly water. Check out the effects of frequency on water. If we could surround the earth with it, they wouldn't be able to stay here. I think 528hz is that chemo therapy. It may be crazy but what if that was it. Check out And
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