We already know what a Thug Bamarama is but do you think RommaDumb is any better???? He made out like a bandit
with the Bailout money (watch this video very closely) not to mention the Ponzi scheme he and his son are currently running.
He is another Bush Crime Family puppet just like Bamarama.
Ron Paul is the MAN thru experience and thru his morals and integrity for our liberty. He is same calibre as a Founding Father.
Too old you say??? How stupid or nieve can you get? You say you love the Bible and have faith? Do you really? How old was Moses
and what did God and the people of his day think of him and the job he did? Where are the Pulpit Masters and REAL Christians
who really pray and seek HIS face and do not rely on the Criminals TV to make their choices for them? Have you seen anything other
than who is killing who and who is in bed with his friend's wife or how great Romney or Obama are? Why do the criminal networks
and papers ignore Ron Paul? Have you ever checked into it? No the people accept whatever the criminal cabal throws at them on TV.
Where are the Churches and Pastors who fear the criminal IRS and refuse to lead their Sheeple for fear of someone knocking on their
door over what they preached about last Sunday? Have you ever heard a Pastor preach on serving 2 Masters? Every 501c (3) church is
doing just that. How about getting lecture from family and friends and your Pastor if you suggest challenging the local or national
government over an issue where it is obviously not correctly being interpreted? Romans 13?????? I cannot find any where in my Bibles
where I am to serve a corrupt government? Have you seen any of this video on the mainstream mafia TV or papers? How about the
911 corruption used to creaate the Patriot Act and invade Iraq and steal our rights quitely at the same time. Where are the Pastors that
need to be training their sheeple and leading them to safety as well as warning them how to prepare for potential future happenings?
It is frigthening to me when there are still massive amounts of people in America that have no idea what is happening and even believe
there is no way under the sun things can be changed? Even more frightening is fact that Preachers (and other leaders as well) believe
the government is good and untouchable. It is sad the Seminaries and bible schools do not understand nor teach fundamental bible
principals. There are few good Pastors such as Chuck Baldwin (there is a list of Ministers on Chuck's site who are not 501c (3)) and the
late James Kennedy. The 501c(3) churches spend so much time over donations and tax reporting for that tax deduction for it members.
What a farce? I really doubt more than a handful of Pastors even know the downfall of America right now is the result of the fraudulant
FRB and it's sister the criminal IRS who seek taxes from every person in USA thru a law that is not a positve law and when read carefully
has no legal enforcement behind it even thou they illegally use Title 27 for enforcement which is the Department of Alcohol, Firearms, and
Tobacco which has nothing to do with a federal income tax which people still believe is used to fund the criminal government in DC. It is
even more amazing when people laugh and refuse to believe you even after they are told so. The house is falling and soon people will
realize how dumbed down they really are. The next few months people will see things and be informed of things and why and how it all
became as correct as it did. Massive arrests of these DArk Cabal figures is starting now and mainstream media will begin to swing over and
start disclosing these criminals for what they have done. A day of Jubilee and prosperity is around the corner. Let the Light (Love) shine. We
all will love one another.....
What a day that will be......
Time to get real folks............
Maybe it's time to re-consider buying ANY General Motors product. And, for that matter, check what other products that are on the shelves. The businesses of this country have virtually sold their souls to Satan, or should read, CHINA, with no regard as to the damage that is causing our economy. And of course, the "sheeple" continuously buy these "Chinese" products which some have been proven faulty and dangerous, especially food products, processed through and from China. Yep, America is committing suicide, and smiling about it.
============================== ============================== =
What you will see in the linked video clip may be shocking to you, but it is really nothing new. Big corporations in the United States may tout themselves as loyal, patriotic "corporate citizens," but many of them have allegiance only to the bottom line. Before and during WW2, General Motors, Ford, General Electric, other corporations, Brown Brothers, Harriman Bank (related to the Daddy and Grandaddy of Bush I and Bush II respectively), CITI Bank and other entities did plenty of business with the Nazi government. One company (SKF) shipped critical ball bearings from the U.S. to Germany via South America throughout the war. Now check out what is going on these days.
Ron Paul last hope for America.....
Ron paul dropped now what do we do?
It does not say bring them before me and LOVE them. It says "BRING THE LEADERS OF THE PEOPLE BEFORE ME AND "SLAY" THEM IN BROAD DAYLIGHT." NUMBERS 25;4
Note Ron Paul has not dropped. Check the facts please.
Problem is if you have a GM product and can't afford to buy another product... I would like to boycott a lot of products but when I purchased I was not in the 'know' of the treacherous behavior of the corporations and government to the extent. Now no money to trade things in... doing with what I have and thankful I have what I have to survive during this craziness! So people, don't judge those who have 'older' models of stuff and those not in the know yet.
anon 2:33pm.
Ron Paul did not drop out of the race he decided not to spent peoples money by running ad's and appearing in 11 primaries instead he's got boots on the ground. he already secure his place in the upcoming GOP convention Tampa Bay Florida, this should give you hope.
Yesterday afternoon, Minnesota was added to the list of Ron Paul wins with a stunning victory.
Out of the 40 national delegates Minnesota will send to the Tampa, Florida Republican National Convention in August, a whopping 32 are Ron Paul supporters!
Wow...Do you know what you are saying? Basically, you are a want to be Joneser... Keeping up with the Joneses.... That's the way they programmed the people to be mass consumers of every new item that came out. In reality, if you have older models of everything, you actually have quality products, probably made in America, that won't break, and made at a time when manufacturers and their employees were proud to do an excellent job and to create a product that would last. I personally would like to see America get back to that, and make things with integrity, and make the best products, and to hell with the free trade agreements...let them keep their crap. The quality of the cheap clothes they sell is a sham on the people. Let's get behind America becoming prosperous again, and supporting their own economy, and truly putting people back to work. This stuff like the destruction of the honeybees with roundup and all has got to BE stopped!! We need to grow our crops here and eat our local food, but NO GMOs and NO roundup ready crops that you can just spray with bug and weed killer and then you eat this stuff when you go to your local grocery store. This Corn, Soy, etc. is just knocking out your immune system, so when they force their vaccines on you...(IF You Let Them) and pull their bioweapon assaults...they will take you out. I would definitely stay away from GM automobiles... Let them sell them to the Chinese, and let them go out of business here in America. We vote by our Dollars. I vote NO.
GM is becoming China Motors:...GM-China tech Center under construction....
....70% of cars not built here/USA ....11 assembly plants in China....etc....
http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Lvl5Gan69Wo ... /big screen/ ...9:15min.....///
General Motors is becoming China Motors - Forget the spin. The evidence is clear and convincing. Did U.S. taxpayers save GM, for China? Listen to the candid ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvl5Gan69Wo ///
and www.youtube.com/social/blog/waronyou-forums
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