We have already found out that the “Note” doesn’t go into
the vault for safe keeping but instead is deposited into an account at the
bank and becomes money. Where does the Note go then? This is where things
get VERY interesting because your “Mortgage Note” is then used to access
your Treasury Account (that you know nothing about) and get credit in the
amount of your “Mortgage Note” from your “Prepaid Treasury Account”. If
they process the “Note” and get paid for it then they have received the
funds from YOUR
account at Treasury to pay for YOUR home correct? They then
turn around and bundle the “Note” and sell it to investors on Wall Street
and get paid again! Now let’s see what happens to the “Deed of Trust” or
similar “Security Instrument” after you have signed it. You may be quite
surprised to know that not only does it not go into “safekeeping” it is
immediately SOLD as an INVESTMENT SECURITY to one of any number of
investors tied to Wall Street. There is a ready, and waiting, market for
all of the “mortgage paper” that is produced by the banks. What happens is
the “Deed of Trust” or other similar “Security Instrument” is bundled and
AGAIN!! Haven’t the bankers just transferred any risk on that mortgage
to someone else and they have their money? That is a pretty slick way of
doing things! They ALWAYS get their money right away and everyone else
connected to the transaction has the liabilities! Is there something wrong
with THIS picture? How can it possibly be that the bank has now been paid
three times in the amount of your “purported” mortgage? How is it that you
still have to pay years and years on this “purported” loan? Was any of this
disclosed to you before you signed the “Deed of Trust” or other similar
“Security Instrument”? Would you have signed ANY of those documents
including the “Mortgage Note” if you knew that this is what was actually
happening? Do you think there were any “copies” of the “Mortgage Note” and
“Deed of Trust” or other similar “Security Instrument” made during this
process? Are those
“copies” just for the records to be put in a file somewhere
or is there another purpose for them?
We have already established that the “Mortgage Note” and the
“Deed of Trust” or other similar “Security Instrument” are “Securities” by
definition under the law. Securities are regulated by the Securities and
Exchange Commission which is an agency of the Federal Government. There are
very strict regulations about what can and cannot be done with
“Securities”. There are very strict regulations that apply to the
reproduction or “copying” of “Securities”:
The Counterfeit Detection Act of 1992,
Public Law 102‐550, in Section 411 of Title 31 of the
Code of Federal Regulations, permits color illustr
tions of U.S. currency provided: · The illustration
is of a size less than three‐fourths or more than one and one‐ch part of the item illustrated
ear dimension, of ea
· The illustration is one‐sided All negatives, plates, positives, digitized storage
medium, graphic files, magnetic medium, optical storage devices, and
any other thing used in the making of the illustration that contain an
image of the illustration or any part thereof are destroyed and/or deleted
or erased after their final use
bligations and
Securities · Photographic or other likenesses of other
United States obligations and securities and foreign currencies are
permissible for any non‐fraudulent purpose, provided the
items are reproduced in black and white and are less
than three‐quarters or greater than one‐and‐one‐half times the size, in linear dimension, of any part of the
original item being reproduced. Negatives and plates used in making the
likenesses must be destroyed after their use for the purpose for which they
were made.
Title 18 USC § 472
Uttering counterfeit obligations or securities Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes,
or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent
brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any
falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other
security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Title 18 USC § 473
Dealing in counterfeit obligations or securities Whoever buys, sells, exchanges, transfers, receives, or
delivers any false, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation
or other security of the United States, with the intent that the
same be passed, published, or used as true and genuine, shall be fined
under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Title 18 USC § 474 Plates, stones, or analog, digital, or
images for
counterfeiting obligations or securities Whoever, with intent to defraud, makes, executes, acquires,
scans, captures, records, receives, transmits, reproduces, sells, or has
in such person’s control, custody, or ossession, an analog, digital, or
electronic image of any obligation or other security f the United States is
guilty of a class B felony.
Are these regulations always adhered to by the “lender” when
they have possession of these “original” SECURITIES and make reproductions
of them before they are “sold to investors? How much has been in the media
in the past 2 years about people demanding to see the “wet ink signature
Note” when there is a foreclosure action initiated against them? You hear
it all the time. Why is that such a big issue? Shouldn’t the “lender” be
able to just bring the “Note” and the “Deed of Trust” or similar “Security
Instrument” to the Court and show that they have the original
documents and are the “holder in due course” and therefore
have a legal right to foreclose? To foreclose they must have BOTH the
“Mortgage Note” and “Deed of Trust” or other similar “Security Instrument” ORIGINAL
DOCUMENTS in their possession at the time the foreclosure action is initiated. Furthermore, IS there a real honest to
goodness obligation to be collected on?
Why is it that there is such a problem with “lost Mortgage
Notes” as is claimed by numerous lenders that are trying to foreclose
today? How could it be that there could be so many “lost” documents all of
a sudden? Could it be that the documents weren’t really lost at all, but
were actually turned into a source of revenue that was never disclosed as
being a part of the transaction? To believe that so many “original”
documents could be legitimately “lost” in such a short period of time
stretches the credibility of such claims beyond belief. Could this be the
reason that MERS (Mortage Electronic Registration Systems) was formed in
the 1990’s as a way to supposedly “transfer ownership of a mortgage”
without having to have the “original documents” that would be required to
be presented to the various county recorders? Could it be they KNEW THEY
system to get around that requirement? When the foreclosure action is filed
in the court the attorney for the purported “party of interest”, usually
the “lender” who is foreclosing, files a “COPY” of the “Deed of Trust” or
similar “Investment Security” with the Complaint to begin foreclosure
proceedings. Is that “COPY” of the “Security Instrument”
within the “regulations” of Federal Law under 18 U.S.C. § 474? Is it
usually the same size or very nearly the same size as the original
document? Yes it is and without question it is a COUNTERFEIT SECURITY! Who
was it that produced that COUNTERFEIT SECURITY? Who was involved in taking
that COUNTERFEIT SECURITY to the Court to file the foreclosure action? Who
is it that is now legally in possession of that COUNTERFEIT SECURITY? Has
everyone from the original “lender” down to the Clerk of the Court where
the foreclosure is now being litigated been in possession or is currently
in possession of that COUNTERFEIT SECURITY? What about the Trustees who are
involved in the process of selling foreclosed properties in nonjudicial
states? What about the fact that there is no judicial proceeding in those
states where the documentation purported to be legal and proper to bring a
foreclosure action can be verified without expensive litigation by the
alleged “borrower”? All the trustee has to do is send a letter to the
alleged “borrower” stating they are in default and can sell their property
at public auction. It is just ASSUMED that they have the “ORIGINAL”
documents in their possession as required by law. In reality, in almost
every situation, they do NOT!!! They are using a COUNTERFEIT SECURITY as
the basis to foreclose on a property that was paid for by the person who
signed the “Mortgage Note” at the closing table that was converted to money
by the bank. When it is demanded they produce the actual “original
signed documents” they almost always refuse to do so and ask the Court to
“take their word for it” that
they have . They have, instead, submitted a COUNTERFEIT
SECURITY to the Court as their “proof of claim” to attempt to unjustly
enrich themselves through a blatantly fraudulent foreclosure action. One
often cited example of this was the decision handed down by U. S. Federal
District Court Judge Christopher A. Boyko of Ohio, who on October 31, 2007
dismissed 14 foreclosure actions at one time with scathing footnote
comments about the actions of the Plaintiffs and their attorneys. See
(Exhibit “E”). Not long after that came the dismissal of 26 foreclosure
cases in Ohio by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas M. Rose who referenced
the Boyko ruling in his decision. See (Exhibit “F”). How many other judges
have not been so brave as to stand on the principles of law as Judges Boyko
and Rose did, but need to start doing so TODAY? BOTH of the original
documents which are absolutely required to be in their possession to
begin foreclosure actions. Almost every time the people that are being
foreclosed on are able to convince the Court (in judicial foreclosures) to
demand that those “original documents” be produced in Court by the
Plaintiff, the foreclosure action stops and it is obvious why that happens!
Has any of this foreclosure activity crossed state lines in
communications or other activities? Have there been at least two predicate acts
of Fraud by the parties involved? Have the people involved used any type of
electronic communication in this Fraud such as telephone, faxing or email?
It is obvious that those
questions have to be answered with a resounding YES! If that
is the case, then the Fraud that has been discussed here falls under the
RICO statutes of Federal Law. Didn’t they eventually take down the mob for
Racketeering under RICO statutes years ago? Is it time to take down the
“NEW MOB” with RICO once again?
How could this kind of situation ever occur in this country?
Could it be that this whole entire process could be “studied concealment or
misrepresentation” where the parties involved are responsible under the law
for their conduct? Could it be that it is no “accident” that so many “wet
ink signature” Notes cannot be produced to back up the foreclosure actions
that are devastating this country? Could it be that the overwhelming use
evidence of a debt in foreclosure cases, is BY DESIGN and “studied
concealment or misrepresentation” so as to strip the people of this country
of their property and assets? Could it be that a VERY
substantial number of Banks, Mortgage Companies, Law Firms and Attorneys
are guilty of outright massive Fraud, not only against the people of this
country, but of massive Fraud on the Court as well because of this
COUNTERFEITING? How could one possibly come to any other conclusion after
learning the facts and understanding the law? How many other people are
implicated in this MASSIVE FRAUD such as Trustees and Sheriffs that have
sold literally millions of
homes after foreclosure proceedings based on these
COUNTERFEIT SECURITIES submitted as evidence of a purported obligation? How
many judges know about this Fraud happening right in their own courtrooms
and never did anything? How many of them have actually been PAID for making
judgments on foreclosures? Wouldn’t that be a felony or at the very least,
misprision of felony, to know what is going on and not act to stop it or
make it known to authorities in a position to investigate and stop it?
How is it that so many banks could recover financially, so
rapidly, from the financial debacle of 200809, with foreclosures still
running at record levels, and yet pay back taxpayer money that was showered
on them and do it so quickly? Could it be that when they take back a
property in foreclosure where they never risked any money and actually were
unjustly enriched in the previous transaction, that it is easy to make huge
sums by reselling that property and then beginning the whole
“Unconscionable” process all over again with a new “borrower”? How is it
that just three years ago a loan was available to virtually almost anyone
who could “fog a mirror” with no documentation of income or ability to
repay a loan? Common sense makes you ask how “lenders” could possibly take
those kinds of risks. Could it be that the ability to “repay a loan” was
not an issue at all for the lenders because they were going to get their
profits immediately and risk absolutely nothing at all? Could it be that,
if anything, they stood to make even more money if a person defaulted on
the “alleged loan” in a
short period of time? They could literally obtain the
property for nothing other than some legal fees and court filing costs
through foreclosure. They could then resell the property and reap
additional unjust profits once again! One does not need to have been a
finance major in college to figure out what has been happening once you are
enlightened to the FACTS.
There have been a number of different actions taken by
people to keep from losing their homes in foreclosure. The first and most
widely used tactic is to demand that the party bringing the foreclosure
action does, in fact, have the standing to bring the action. The most
important issue of standing is whether that party has actual possession of
the “original wet ink signature” documents from the closing showing they
are the “holder in due course”. As previously mentioned, in almost ALL
cases the Plaintiff bringing the action refuses to make these documents
available for inspection by the Defendant in the foreclosure action so they
can, in fact, determine the authenticity of those documents that are
claimed to be “original” and purportedly giving the legal right to
foreclose. The fact that the Courts allow this to happen repeatedly without
demanding the Plaintiff bring the ”wet ink signature documents” into the
court for inspection by the Defendant, begs the question of whether some of
the judiciary are involved in this
Fraud. Where is due process under the law for the Defendant
when the Plaintiff is NOT REQUIRED by the Court to meet that burden of
proof of standing, when demanded, to bring their action of foreclosure?
One other option that has been used more and more frequently
in recent months to deal with foreclosure actions is the issuing of a
“Bonded Promissory Note” or “Bill of Exchange” as payment to the alleged
“lender” as satisfaction of any amounts allegedly owed by the Defendant. As
was earlier described, a “Note” is money and as the banks demonstrated
after the closing, it can be deposited in the bank and converted to money.
SOME of the “Bonded Promissory Notes” and “Bills of Exchange” are, in fact,
negotiated and credit is given to the accounts specified and all turns out
well. See (Exhibit “B” para 12) The problem that has occurred is that MANY
of the “lenders” say that the “Bonded Promissory Notes” and “Bills of
Exchange” are bogus documents and are worthless and fraudulent and they
refuse to give credit for the amount of the “Note” they receive as payment
of an alleged debt even though they are given specific instructions on how
to negotiate the “Note”. Isn’t it interesting that THEY can take a “Note”
that THEY print and put before you to sign at the closing table and deposit
it in the bank and it is converted to money immediately, but the “Note”
that YOU issue is worthless and fraudulent? The only difference is WHO
PRINTS THE NOTE!!!! They are both signed by the same “borrower” and it is
that person’s credit that backs that “Note”.
The “lenders” don’t want the people to know they can use
your “Prepaid Treasury Account”, just as the banks do without your
knowledge and consent. See (Exhibit “D”) for more information on “Bills
of Exchange”. The fact that SOME of the “Bonded Promissory Notes” are
negotiated and accounts are settled, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that
they are legal SECURITIES just like the one that the bank got from the
“borrower” at the closing. Why then aren’t ALL of the “Notes” processed and
credit given to the accounts and the foreclosure dismissed? Because by
doing so you would be lowering the National Debt and the bankers would make
less money!!!!
One very interesting thing that happens with these “Bonded
Promissory Notes” or “Bills of Exchange” that are submitted as payment, is
that they are VERY RARELY RETURNED TO THE ISSUER yet credit is not given to
the intended account. They are not returned, and the issuer is told they
are “bogus, fraudulent and worthless” but they are NOT RETURNED! Why would
someone keep something that is allegedly “bogus, fraudulent and worthless”?
Could it be that they are NOT REALLY “BOGUS, FRAUDULENT AND WORTHLESS” and
the “lender” has, in fact, actually negotiated them for YET EVEN MORE
UNJUST ENRICHMENT? That is exactly what happens in many instances. There
could be no other explanation for the failure to return the allegedly
“worthless” documents WHICH ARE ACTUALLY SECURITIES!!! Does the fact
that they keep the “Note” that was
submitted and refuse to credit the account that it was
written to satisfy, rise to the level of THEFT OF SECURITIES? This
is just one more example of the Fraud that is so obvious. This is but one more
example of the ruthless nature of those who would defraud the people of
this country.
One of the incredible aspects of this whole debacle is the
fact that the very people who are participants in this Fraud are victims as
well. How many bank employees, judges, court clerks, lawyers, process
servers, Sheriffs and others have mortgages? How many of the people who
work in law offices, Courthouses, Sheriffs Departments and other entities
that are directly involved in this Fraud have been fraudulently foreclosed
on themselves? How many people in our military, law enforcement,
firefighting and medical fields have lost their homes to this Fraud? How
many of your friends or neighbors have lost their homes to these fraudulent
foreclosures? Everyone who has a mortgage is a VICTIM of this fraud but
some of the most honest, trusting, hardest working and most dedicated
people in this country have been the biggest victims. Who are those who
have been the major beneficiaries of this massive Fraud? Those with the
“superior knowledge” that enables them to take advantage of another's
ignorance of the law to deceive them by “studied concealment or
misrepresentation”. This group of beneficiaries includes many on Wall
Street, large investors, and most notoriously, the bankers at the top and
the lawyers who work so hard to enhance their profits
and protect the Fraud by them from being exposed. The time
has now come to make those having superior knowledge who HAVE taken
advantage of another's ignorance of the law to deceive them by studied
concealment or misrepresentation to be held responsible for that conduct.
This isn’t just an idea. It is THE LAW and it is time to enforce it
starting with the criminal aspect of the fraud! Under the doctrine of
“Respondeat Superior” the people at the top of these organizations are
responsible for the actions of those in their employ. That is where the
investigations and arrests need to start.
What is it going to take to put a stop to the destruction of
this country and the lives of the people who live here? It is going to take
an uprising of the people of this country, as a whole, to finally say that
they have had enough. The information presented here is but one part of the
beginning of that uprising and the beginning of the end of the Fraud upon
the people of America. It is obvious, as has been pointed out here, with
supporting evidence, that Fraud is rampant. You now know the story and can
no longer say you are totally uninformed about this subject. This is only
an outline of what needs to, and will, become common knowledge to the
people and law enforcement agencies in this country. If you are in law
enforcement it is YOUR DUTY to take what you have been given here and move
forward with your own intense investigation and root out the Fraud and stop
the theft of people’s homes. Your
failure to do so would make you an accessory to the fraud
through your inaction now that you have been noticed of what is occurring.
If you are an attorney and receive this information it would
do you well to take it to heart, and understand there is no place for your
participation in this Fraud and if you participate you will likely become
liable for substantial damages, if not more severe consequences such as
prison. If you are in the judiciary you would do well to start following
the letter of the law if you haven’t been, and start making ALL of those in
your Court do likewise, lest you find yourself looking for employment as so
many others are, if you are not incarcerated as a result of your
participation in the fraud. If you are part of the law enforcement
community that enforces legal matters regarding foreclosure you would do
well to make sure that ALL things have been done legally and properly
rather than just taking the position “I am just doing my job” and turn a
blind eye to what you now know. If you are a banker, you must know that you
are now going to start being held accountable for the destruction you have
wreaked on this country. You have every right to be, and should be,
afraid…….very afraid. If you are one of the ruthless foreclosure lawyers
that has prayed on the numerous people who have lost their homes, you need
to be afraid also. Very VERY afraid. When people learn the truth about what
you have done to them you can expect to see retaliation for what you have
done. People are going to want to see those who defrauded them brought to
justice. These are not threats by any stretch of the
imagination. These are very simple observations and the study of human
behavior shows us that when people find out they have been defrauded in
such a grand manner as this, they tend to become rather angry and search
for those who perpetrated the fraud upon them. The foreclosure lawyers and
the bankers will be standing clearly in their sights.
The question of WHERE DOES THE FRAUD BEGIN has been
answered. It began right at the closing table and was perpetuated all the
way to the loss of property through foreclosure or the incredible payment
of 20 or 30 years of payments and interest by the alleged “borrower” to
those who would conspire to commit Fraud, collusion and counterfeiting and
practice “studied concealment or misrepresentation” for their own unjust
The simplest of analogies: What would happen if you were to make a copy of a $100 Federal Reserve Note and
go to Walmart and attempt to use it to fraudulently acquire items that you
wanted? You more than likely would be arrested and charged with
counterfeiting under Title 18 USC § 474 and go to prison. What is the
difference, other than the magnitude of the fraud, between that
scenario and someone who makes a copy of a mortgage security, and using it through
foreclosure, attempts to fraudulently acquire a property? Shouldn’t they be
treated exactly the same under the law? The answer is obvious and now it is
starting to happen.
Title 18 USC § 474
Whoever, with
intent to defraud, makes, executes, acquires, scans, captures, records,
receives, transmits, reproduces, sells, or has in such person’s control,
custody, or possession, an analog, digital, or electronic image of any
obligation or other security of the United States is guilty of a class B
vitiates the most solemn Contracts, documents and even judgments" [U.S.
vs. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, at pg. 65].
“It is not
necessary for rescission of a contract that the party making the
misrepresentation should have known that it was false, but recovery is
allowed even though misrepresentation is innocently made, because it would
be unjust to allow one who made false representations, even innocently, to
retain the fruits of a bargain induced by such representations.” [Whipp
v. Iverson, 43 Wis 2d 166].
"Any false
representation of material facts made with knowledge of falsity and with
intent that it shall be acted on by another in entering into contract, and
which is so acted upon, constitutes 'fraud,' and entitles party deceived to
avoid contract or recover damages." Barnsdall Refining Corn. v.
Birnam Wood Oil Co. 92 F 26 817.
A thorough reading
of the attached exhibits will enlighten one even more, including Exhibit
Annual Financial Report
On Central Banking
"Whosoever controls the volume of money in any
country is absolute master of all industry and commerce... And when you
realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or
another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how
periods of inflation and depression originate."
James Garfield, US President
(assinated a few
weeks after this statement 7/2/1881)
On the Gold Standard
"We shall answer their demand for a gold standard
by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this
crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."
William Jennings Bryant
The Federal Reserve Act
"This act establishes the most
gigantic trust on earth. When the president signs this bill, the
invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The
people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few
years removed... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by
this banking bill."
Rep. Charles Lindbergh 1913
On the Federal Reserve System
"A super-state controlled by
international bankers and international industrialists acting together to
enslave the world for their own pleasure."
Rep. Louis McFadden PA
Bonds versus Dollars
"If our nation can issue a dollar bond,
it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good,
makes the bill good also. The differed between the bond and the bill
is the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an
additional 20%, whereas the currency pays nobody, but those who contribute
directly in some useful way.
It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds and $30
million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise
fattens the usurers and the other helps the people."
Thomas Edison
"Power from any source tends to
create an appetite for additional power... It was almost inevitable that
the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth,
but the wealth of the whole world.
To achieve this, they were perfectly willing
to feed the ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were
committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and the
establishments of a central world-wide dictatorship."
W. Cleon Skousen
Abundance is our Divine Birthright, and circumstances are
now perfect for us to reclaim our God-given heritage of prosperity.
In the 1980's, we reached into the depths of lack and limitation.
People began to believe that America and the World were in a state of
It was a very unique time on Earth, often a confusing and
frightening time. Through the advancement of modern technology, we had
instant Global communication, and we were constantly being informed of the
extreme imbalances appearing on the screen of life. We saw lack and
limitation manifesting everywhere. We saw hunger, homelessness and all
manner of poverty. We heard dire reports of economic failure, such as the
demise of the savings and loan companies and the crash of the stock market.
The terms foreclosure, bankruptcy and recession became household words.
Companies went out of business daily, and the jobless rate increased. There
was a prevailing sense of uncertainty and fear that ran through all
economic circles and the general public as well. This sense of fear created
a consciousness of panic that caused people to cast caution to the wind,
and the insidious influence of greed and selfishness tightened its
paralyzing grip. When that occurred, integrity and social conscience were
swept aside. The environment was ignored, and the well-being of Humanity
and the Earth Herself were jeopardized in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
From outer appearances it looked as if the economy was "going to hell
in a hand basket," but nothing could have been further from the Truth.
In actuality, the negative patterns of poverty, greed,
corruption, selfishness, etc., were being pushed to the surface in the
1980s by the increasing influx of God's Light. The Divine Intent was to
create a catalyst that would shift Humanity's consciousness and motivate
people into action. It seems as though we use pain as our greatest
motivator, so as we experienced the full brunt of poverty, either
personally or by observing the plight of others, millions of people were
inspired to invoke the Light of God to transmute and heal the maladies of
lack and limitation. As Awakening Humanity invoked Light into the dire
situations surfacing in people's lives, we cleared the way for Prosperity
Consciousness to be reborn.
Now we are witnessing the initial impulse of a Global
economic boom. This boom has the potential of reaching a scale never before
experienced. We are in a period of sustained growth that visionary economists
perceive could double the World's economy every dozen years and bring
prosperity to literally billions of people on Earth.
Just imagine, we are standing on the threshold of an
economic explosion that will do much to solve the seemingly insurmountable
problem of poverty and ease tensions throughout the World.
This phenomenon is not just a fluke. It is part of a Divine
Plan that is being orchestrated by God and the entire Company of Heaven as
They work in harmony and unison with Awakening Humanity. This plan has been
gradually unfolding for millennia. The purging that took place throughout
the economic world was a necessary, critical part of the planetary
transformation that is now at hand.
For aeons of time the monetary system of the World has been
abused. Instead of the natural exchange of give-and-take, based on the
principle of always working toward the highest good for all concerned, the
wealth of the World has been used by the elite few to manipulate, dominate,
oppress and control the multitudes.
Money has been such a source of pain and suffering
throughout history that religious orders in both Eastern and Western
cultures considered money itself to be innately evil. They, thereby,
denounced it and actually took vows of poverty. This action gave the Spiritual
aspirants of the World the message that somehow poverty was a virtue.
Interestingly, this belief system perpetuated the schism between the haves
and the have-nots. It also created a phenomenon that intensified the abuse
of money. The people who were truly seeking greater levels of Truth to
improve the quality of life on the Planet and those who were genuinely
striving toward Spiritual growth and self-mastery were being taught by the
world religions that money was evil and should not be acquired. That belief
left the money in the hands of those who were not pursuing the highest good
for all, but rather pursuing the self-indulgent gratification of greed and
power. Because the abuse of money has been the order of the day on Earth
for literally millennia, we probably all have etheric records and memories
of times when we either abused our wealth or when others used their wealth
to abuse us. These etheric records vibrate at a subconscious level, but
they can be very effective at repelling money away from us. In either case,
whether we were the abused or the abuser, or on occasion both, the message
was that money is a source of pain. It is very hard to get past that
subconscious block and allow money into our lives when we keep associating
money with pain.
This is truly a Cosmic Moment on Earth, a moment being
referred to as the dawn of the Permanent Golden Age. In this dawning Age,
it has been decreed by Divine Fiat that Heaven shall manifest on Earth. As
you can well imagine, poverty, homelessness, lack and limitation do not
exist in Heaven. Consequently, that means that they will not exist on Earth
either when the transformation is complete. But what we must realize is
that those maladies are not going to be eliminated because some one waves a
wand and magically makes them disappear. They are going to be eliminated
because you and I and every other person evolving on Earth learn to apply
the Laws of Prosperity accurately and effectively in our lives.
At any given moment our environment is reflecting a sum total
of our thoughts, words, actions, feelings and beliefs. The World at large
is a reflection of Humanity's consciousness. The remaining negative
experiences of lack and limitation occurring in our personal lives and in
the Global economy are not the result of God punishing us for our past
abuse of money as some are indicating. It is merely our own energy
returning to us to allow us to experience the results of our actions. At
this critical time of change, if there is any area in our lives in which we
are not reaching our highest potential, it is being pushed to the surface
in such a way that we don't have any choice but to face it and deal with
it. We are no longer being allowed by our Higher Selves to stuff or deny
our problems. Needless to say, poverty is a problem, and it is surfacing in
the lives of those whose thoughts, words, actions and feelings are based in
poverty consciousness. As long as we are comfortable, we are willing to
stagnate forever, but when we experience a real crisis in our lives, we frantically
try to alleviate it. We strayed from the original Divine Plan as far as
money goes, but we are now clearing up our past mistakes and getting back
on track.
The imbalance and failure of our economic system was brought
to our awareness through the media so that we could clearly see the error
of our ways of greed and selfishness. Now, through greater insight and
understanding, we will create an economic system that reflects a reverence
for ALL life and the highest good for all concerned.
Abundance is actually our natural state of Being. The supply
of the Universe is limitless. When the Earth was created, God provided
Humanity with everything we needed to abide in this verdant paradise of
splendor, including the knowledge and wisdom to sustain a life of
prosperity and abundance. It was only when we began to use our gift of free
will to express thoughts and feelings that reflected a consciousness of
less than prosperity that we began to experience lack and limitation.
We must remember that our thoughts are creative. Whatever we
put our attention and energy into, whatever we think and feel, we bring
into form. When Humanity began to express thoughts and feelings of fear and
lack, these discordant vibrations began to reflect on the atomic substance
of physical matter. Then, instead of the continual manifestation of the God
Supply of all good things, we began to experience extreme imbalances and
impoverishment. The Elemental Kingdom, which always reflect Humanity's
consciousness, began to show signs of decay and degeneration. Floods,
famines, droughts and pestilence became the order of the day. The people
evolving on Earth observed the changes taking place, and they became more
fearful and confused. This negative state of consciousness perpetuated even
greater degrees of lack and scarcity. Thus, over eons of time, Humanity
created a building momentum of poverty consciousness. We became deeply
entrenched in the discordant thought forms of limitation. We observed the
indigence of the outer world and accepted it as our natural state of Being.
We forgot that we are co-creators in our Earthly experience. We lost the
awareness that the things occurring in our lives are merely a reflection of
our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs. Instead, we looked at the
poverty of the World and tried to justify it by proclaiming it to be, of
all things, God's Will. We felt victimized and tried to outsmart our
so-called lot in life. We became conniving and deceitful. We believed that
the only way we could have enough was to take things away from others. This
attitude became the basis for war, crime, corruption, greed and
selfishness. The momentum of poverty consciousness increased throughout the
Ages, and day-by-day, we methodically sank into our present level of degradation.
If we will objectively observe the negative things occurring
in the World, we will see that almost every single destructive expression
of life is, in some way, reflecting a belief in lack and limitation and
also reflecting the actions of greed and selfishness that naturally
accompany that belief system. This material spiral into oblivion is now
coming to an end. It is critical, for the survival of the Planet, that we
stop our distorted acceptance of poverty and begin clearly and effectively
developing a Consciousness of Prosperity. Poverty is in absolute opposition
to the Divine Plan for the Earth and all of Humanity. Poverty cannot exist
in the presence of Light, and the Earth is destined to be a Planet of
Through the Power of God anchored in my Heart and within the
Hearts of ALL Humanity, I invoke the Divine Flames of Gratitude and
Acceptance. Precious Sacred Fire, blaze in, through and around every
electron of my Being. Flood my consciousness with Gratitude for and the
acceptance of God's Limitless Flow of Abundance. Lift me into the Realms of
Truth, and Bless me with the clear Inner Knowing that the God Supply of all
good things is my Divine Birthright.
I relinquish now, in the Name of God, all of the power I
have ever given to lack and limitation through my thoughts, words, actions
or feelings.
I relinquish now, in the Name of God, all of the beliefs I
have ever had that are based in poverty consciousness.
In deep Humility and Gratitude, I consecrate and dedicate my
very life to be the open door through which God's Limitless Abundance will
flow to Bless me, my family, friends, co-workers and ALL Humanity.
As I think, speak, feel and act, the Presence of God within
me is expanding God's Gift of Prosperity to all life evolving on Earth.
I AM an Awakened Light Being! I Gratefully accept God's Gift
of Prosperity and Limitless Abundance!
And So It Is!
David M. Adma, Jr.
May 1, 2012
David M. Adam, Jr.
Subject: I Paid -- Didn't You?
This was sent to me, I am forwarding it because it does
touch a nerve in me..
This is another example of what Rick Perry called
"TREASON in high places" !!!
Get angry and pass this on!
Remember, not only did you contribute to Social Security but
your employer did too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. If you
averaged only $30K over your working life, that's close to $220,500.
If you calculate the future value of $4,500 per year (yours
& your employer's contribution) at a simple 5% (less than what the
govt. Pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working you'd
have $892,919.98.
If you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $26,787.60
per year and it would last better than 30 years (until you're 95 if you
retire at age 65) and that's with no interest paid on that final amount on
deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you'd have a
lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month.
The folks in Washington have pulled off a bigger Ponzi
scheme than Bernie Madoff ever had.
Entitlement my ass, I paid cash for my social security
insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money, doesn't make my
benefits some kind of charity or handout!!
Congressional benefits ---- free healthcare, outrageous
retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited
paid sick days, now that's welfare, and they have the nerve to call my
social security retirement entitlements?
We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors,
Veterans, Orphans, Homeless
In the last months we have provided aid toHaiti , Chile ,
and Turkey . And now Pakistan ...... home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS
Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no
aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious
organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to
Foreign Countries!
They call Social Security and Medicare an
"entitlement" even though most of us have been paying for it all
our working lives and now when it's time for us to collect, the government
is running out of money. Why did the government borrow from it in the first
place? Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to
other countries.
Sad isn't it?
99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.
I like to read, but this is information overload for one sitting.
The issue here is 'truth' surrounded by distortion.
Do I pay for a car and then fill out he contract and promise to pay for the car?
That's the slight of hand it appears happened in the mortgage process.
Think back. I've done a mortgage and refi and I pay attention.
The common thing that happened was someone at the table handed me paperwork one sheet at a time and told me where to sign. I did as instructed to help the transaction move forward.
I got the Note (BEFORE) I got the DEED OF (no)TRUST.
I believe this was the slight of hand.
I believe, without proof, so call it an opinion, that I signed the Note and the home was paid for, BUT, right at that time, another party in the room said this.
"Let me take these papers and make copies of them for you" and picked up the prior papers and the NOTE (the money) and walked out the room.
Having no money to complete the transaction (I was robbed and didn't know it), I pledged my home I had just purchased as collateral and set up a trust with a Trustee and a Beneficiary and I was locked out of that transaction as soon as I created it. The Trustee didn't have to talk to me, and the Beneficiary had my property in trust, and the money I paid for the home was gone, so when it was all over there was no payment made and I was making payments.
I also noticed that after all was said and done, and after the Deed of Trust was completed, the last document was the one to further encumber my property with an HOA and their restrictions and provisions.
When I stated I didn't want to sign that document I was told the entire process hinged on that document being signed.
First home...what can I say..I signed it to.
I learned a lot from the process, I don't know everything, but I learned enough to know that all papers involved in any process needs to stay in the room until the entire transaction is complete. I should handle the papers and not be handed a sheet at a time, and that you never pay for something and then fill out the contract to pay for it...that's out of order. You usually fill out the contract and then make the payment. Think Car Repair, or Dental Work. You fill out paperwork, and pay last.
If you've ever read all that Allodial title information, some will go so far as to tell you how to stack the documents you've created before you file them, because the order of the documents determines the strength of the claim (in so many words).
You don't want a document that says you don't own something on top of a document that says you do, because last one in, first one out (LIFO) would mean you don't own something since it's on top.
They wrote the rules, and kept us ignorant and as long as we didn't indicate we didn't see something or didn't know something, they make a presumption that we were fully aware of the terms of the agreement, thus our signature is proof of our awareness and acceptance.
Falling into the Rabbit Hole is easy.
You should understand that the closing attorney (or title company) or their employees are also "duped" and don't understand the whole process (like you described above). People do their job and don't question the process. The Banks are the ones that made the "rules" and the bank's representation (closing or title company) does what they tell them to do. Most of the time the bank won't "fund" the loan without faxing or emailing them a copy of the "Security Instrument" or Note. Now I see why. Then, I didn't get it.
Also this info says you have a 3 day right of recission on a purchase. Not so in my state. Once you sign everything, it's yours. Done, finito!
is there a way out of the morgage? tx ?
The rest of the supporting documents... Including the "Exhibits" can be found here.... http://www.4shared.com/zip/KJv6B_j0/FBI_Docs.html
This information has been available for a couple of years. For some reason, websites have refused it's dissemination.
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