Friday, August 31, 2012

Another NWO, Bullshit Control control plow, in the ground . Repaeal NAFTA and GAATT; We were much better off without those agreements.

Another NWO, Bullshit Control control plow, in the ground .
   Repeal NAFTA and GAATT; We were much better off without those agreements. 

We, the transnational corporations and the ruling elites are on the verge of a wonderful new dawn that will bring us immense power and untold wealth.
We have been secretly negotiating a new agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the United States Australia, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam and are nearing completing the final details of this agreement. We have had 600 of our best corporate lobbyists providing input and have successfully excluded Congress, our own corporate media, and the general public from the negotiations. Once implemented, this agreement will hard code corporate dominance over sovereign governments into international law that will supercede any federal, state, or local laws of any member country. This agreement will grant new corporate privileges and rights, while limiting governments and protective regulations. This agreement will far exceed anything we have been able to achieve with NAFTA, CAFTA, or any other free trade agreement.
 The details contained in this agreement will result in total corporate global governance . In this new system the role of elected  governments will be to serve as subservient agents for our interests. The institutions under governments such as the armies, police, and courts will also serve our interests, while being financed by the taxpayers of that country. The status of the member states will be locked-in,  similar to countries once they are inside the Eurozone.
In the past, we had to deal with environmental regulations, financial regulations, worker safety regulations and other issues have always brought down the profits that we worked so hard to earn and are rightfully ours. Once this agreement passes, these regulations will actually have the potential of increasing our wealth. Some of the provisions in this agreement include the establishment of corporate controlled tribunals to be administered by 3 attorneys with no conflict of interest limitations. These 3 attorney tribunals, which will be controlled by us, will have the power to order sovereign governments to use taxpayer money to pay us and our agents for any environmental or regulatory costs that our transnational corporations expended to meet local standards. We can literally expect to have long term taxpayer revenue streams that will flow into our coffers. At the very least, many existing laws would need to be rewritten and no new regulatory laws could be passed.
With this wonderful new agreement, governments that tried to pass regulations such as limits on the financial industry using risky bets such as derivatives would have the burden of proof to defend such regulations in a tribunal system controlled by us, and staffed by our lawyers and judges. The judges in these tribunals could order the government to use  taxpayers' money to pay damages should one of our transnational corporations prevail in one of these "private courts". In the past, we have received over $350 million of taxpayer money under the NAFTA style deals, because of zoning laws, toxic bans, timber rules and other regulations. It is our expectation that this figure will be dwarfed by future payments. This TPP agreement is like NAFTA on steroids. These tribunals setup by this TPP agreement will have binding corporate guarantees with both trade and cash sanctions. These cash sanctions would also effectively transfer taxpayer money to transnational corporate coffers.  Can you imagine how much money we will have flowing into our pockets as we challenge regulations within our own private court system forcing governments to pay for our lost profits or to eliminate them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad were getting such good programs.