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Hi John
Arguably no other health topic in the world creates more debate, controversy, frustration and heartbreak than autism.
And depending on who is doing the talking, you can hear vastly different opinions about autism and most specifically, what are the causes or contributing factors to this devastating condition.
Most of the mainstream medical community and the pharmaceutical industry vehemently deny ANY connection whatsoever between vaccines and autism. Instead they continue to take the position that there are genetic factors or other “unknown causes” which are responsible for this modern-day epidemic.
You’ll hear quite a different story from parents of autistic children, which are remarkably similar, describing how their kids were progressing normally until they received one or more vaccines, after which they developed fevers, headaches, uncontrollable crying, seizures, personality changes, and were never the same again.
I am not here today to try to convince you of anything. Instead what I am going to do is to simply report the FACTS.
Not the “facts” as skewed by any special interest group, drug company, parent advocacy group or medical association.
Just the cold hard facts…plus some promising answers if your child or someone you know has this heartbreaking condition.
What exactly is autism?
Simply put, autism is a condition diagnosed by a series of behaviors. It is characterized by the absence of normal speech, failing to meet developmental milestones, lack of socialization and lack of behavioral control.
For a child to be diagnosed with autism, he or she must meet the symptom criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association.
To be diagnosed with autism, a child must have six or more of the following symptoms, and two or more of those symptoms must fall under the social skills category.
Social skills
- Has difficulty with nonverbal behaviors,
such as making eye contact, making facial expressions or using gestures
- Has difficulty forming friendships with
peers and seems to prefer playing alone
- Doesn't share experiences or emotions with
other people, such as sharing achievements or pointing out objects or
other interests
- Appears unaware of others' feelings
- Doesn't speak or has delayed speech and
doesn't make an attempt to communicate with gestures or miming
- Can't start a conversation or keep one going
- May repeat words or phrases verbatim, but
doesn't understand how to use them
- Doesn't play make-believe or doesn't imitate
the behavior of adults when playing
- Develops interests in objects or topics that
are abnormal in intensity, detail or focus
- Performs repetitive movements, such as
rocking, spinning or hand-flapping
- Becomes disturbed at the slightest change in
routines or rituals
- May be fascinated by parts of an object
Children with autism also frequently have gastrointestinal problems (including yeast overgrowth, dysbiosis and leaky gut), asthma, food and environmental allergies and sensitivities, eczema and immune system problems (including increased susceptibility to infections and autoimmune conditions) and seizures.
The statistics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the rate of autism among children in the US has continued to rise since the early 1980s and has nearly doubled over the past decade alone. It jumped from about 1 in 10,000 children back in 1983 to 1 in 150 children in 2000, then to 1 in 88 in 2008 (which was the last time data was collected and the rate officially calculated).
This steady rise in autism rates directly coincides with increases in the CDC-recommended vaccination schedule.
For instance, back in 1983 when the autism rate was 1 in 10,000 the CDC recommended 10 vaccines for children from birth to six years old.
Now? The current schedule calls for 36 vaccines (including one in the womb—a prenatal flu shot) and the autism rate is 1 in 88.
What a vaccine does inside your body & the link to autism
Your body was designed to take in food and other substances from the external environment primarily through the GI tract. Any substances that can be used as nourishment are properly broken down by the enzymes in your GI tract and the resulting nutrients absorbed into circulation. The unusable residue from digestion is passed out of your body as your bowel movements.
In addition, any substances that get absorbed into your bloodstream from your GI tract that your body sees as toxins are filtered out by the liver and kidneys and excreted (via bile and your bowel movements and/or urine).
But vaccines are different.
Since vaccinations are injected directly into the bloodstream, they completely bypass the protective barrier of the GI tract. This means that the vaccine ingredients (more on those below) have direct access to your cells, tissues and organ systems from the moment they are injected—and that includes your brain.
It is a documented fact that vaccines can cause a dangerous inflammation of the brain called encephalitis. As a matter of fact, encephalitis (or a derivative thereof) is listed as a potential side effect on the packaging literature for all of the following vaccinations:
- Merck M-M-R® II Package Insert (Measles,
Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live) ADVERSE REACTIONS, Nervous System:
Encephalitis; encephalopathy
- Merck Hepatitis B Vaccine Package Insert
RECOMBIVAX HB® ADVERSE REACTIONS, Marketed Experience, Nervous System:
- Merck GARDASIL Package Insert (Human
Papillomavirus Quadrivalent) ADVERSE REACTIONS, Postmarketing Experience,
Nervous system: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
- Merck Chickenpox Vaccine Package Insert
VARIVAX® Varicella Virus Vaccine Live ADVERSE REACTIONS,
post-marketing: Encephalitis
- Glaxo Pertussis Vaccine Package Insert
INFANRIX (DTaP) Postmarketing Experience, Nervous System Disorders:
- DTaP IPV and HIB Combo Vaccine Package
Insert PENTACEL Sanofi Pasteur; Data from Clinical Studies, Serious
Adverse Events: Encephalopathy
- Flu Mist Vaccine Package Insert MedImmune
FLUMIST® (Influenza Vaccine Live, Intranasal Spray); Postmarketing
Experience, Nervous system disorders: Vaccine-associated encephalitis
- Flu Vaccine Package Insert AFLURIA – CSL
marketed by Merck; Postmarketing Experience, Nervous system disorders:
- Flu Vaccine Package Insert AGRIFLU –
Novartis Vaccines; Postmarketing Experience, Nervous system disorders:
Encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis
- Flu Vaccine Package Insert FLUARIX
GlaxoSmithKline; Postmarketing Experience, Nervous system disorders:
Moreover, vaccines contains proteins (such as egg protein, cow protein and human fetal protein), but unlike proteins ingested through the diet, proteins in vaccinations have not been broken down by the GI tract like they need to in order to be used by the body. Since they are too large to be used for nourishment, they instead can remain in the bloodstream, taunt the immune system and spur the development of allergies and sensitivities—which are commonly seen with autism.
In addition, vaccines can suppress the immune system, and lead to seizures and gastrointestinal problems, again all of which are consistent with autism.
What’s in a vaccine and have the ingredients been tested?
Although the ingredients in a vaccination can vary from shot to shot depending on the type, here are common ingredients found in vaccines and information about the safety testing of each (underscored items are consistent with autism):
- Aluminum. Numerous studies show aluminum to be a dangerous
neurotoxin. It can cause disturbed sleep, nervousness, emotional
instability, memory loss, headaches, and impaired thinking and
memory. It also binds with brain cells and is associated with the
plaques found in Alzheimer's patients.
- Bovine Protein: There is no data available regarding the safety
of injecting cow protein directly into children.
- Egg Protein: There is no data available regarding the safety
of injecting egg protein directly into children. It may be especially
dangerous for children with egg allergies.
- Formaldehyde: This is a chemical used as an embalming fluid,
in the production of foam insulations, as adhesives in the
production of particle board and plywood, and in the treating of textiles.
There is no data regarding the safety of injecting formaldehyde
directly into children.
- Human DNA from fetal cell line MRC-5; Human protein from
fetal cell line MRC-5 and Human protein from WI-38: There is
also no data available regarding the safety of injecting human
fetal DNA or human fetal protein directly into children.
- Mercury: Mercury is a known neurotoxin whose main
target is the brain. Mercury exposure can cause mental
dysfunction, fatigue, poor memory, decreased senses of touch, hearing
and vision, depression, emotional problems, neurological and
muscular disorders, kidney and gastrointestinal problems,
infertility and heart disease. The EPA safety limit for mercury is 5
micrograms. So children who are vaccinated simultaneousl y with Menomune
and Fluvirin at vaccine clinics for example will receive 10 times the
safety limit of mercury in one day.
- 2-Phenoxyethanol: This is commonly used in the manufacture of insect
repellant; as a solvent for cellulose acetate, dyes, stamp pad,
ball point, and specialty inks; as a chemical intermediate for
carboxylic acid esters (acrylate, maleate) and polymers (formaldehyde,
melamine); and as a preservative for human specimens used for
dissection. There is no data regarding the safety of injecting
phenoxyethanol into children. According to the MSDS (Material Safety Data
Sheet) on 2-Phenoxyethanol, it is “extremely hazardous” in case of
ingestion, inhalation, skin contact or eye-contact. It is toxic to the nervous
system, kidneys, and liver.
- Polysorbate 80: This is a surfactant and emulsifier used in cleaners
and personal care products. There is no data available regarding the safety
of injecting Polysorbate 80 directly into children.
- Yeast Protein: There is no data regarding the safety of
injecting yeast protein directly into children. It may be especially
dangerous for children with yeast allergies.
Other factors
There are other factors which can introduce potentially dangerous chemicals into the bodies of children which are linked to autism including:
- Fluoridated water
- MSG (monosodium glutamate)
- GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
These are the facts, my friend. I will let you draw your own conclusions.
Now let’s shift the focus to:
What can be done for someone with autism?
The bright ray of hope in the dark world of autism is that many parents have reported tremendous improvements in their children’s behavior and symptomology when some of the underlying factors and problems associated with autism were tackled with safe, natural measures!
Here are some strategies that have shown to be extremely helpful:
1- Probiotic supplementation
First and foremost, probiotics can help address and reverse the gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, yeast overgrowth and impaired immune resistance that are SO common in autistic children.
In addition, probiotics can help encourage better digestion and enhance nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract, which are also challenges for kids with autism. Lacking nutrients can mean not getting essential nutrients to the brain, which can make cognitive dysfunction even worse!

And for a probiotic that’s up to this very important task, Super Shield is your ticket!
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
Super Shield contains two species of bacteria that are showing a LOT of promise with autism in many studies-- Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
In addition to helping to alleviate autism symptoms, these powerhouse strains can also help your body in other ways:
- L. plantarum helps reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol
levels while boosting your overall immune response and fighting off
pathogens like E. coli.
- L. rhamnosus can help shorten diarrhea
(common with autistic kids), relieve constipation (also very common with
autism), and possibly even help prevent lactose intolerance.
2- Eat a diet of real foods and avoid processed foods
This is vital for everyone, but especially someone with autism. It’s essential to eliminate as many potential food sources of chemicals and toxins as you can and introduce a variety of healthful, nutritious real foods.
In addition, eliminating casein and gluten have also been shown to be helpful.
Here’s why:
When the gut wall is leaky (which is commonly seen with autism), incompletely digested proteins like casein (the protein in dairy products) and gluten (the protein in wheat, barley and rye) can seep out into the bloodstream.
Then these proteins can travel to the brain and cause it to trigger opiate-like effects (like being on morphine), which is a common symptom of children with autism.
That's why parents of autistic children are frequently told to eliminate both casein and gluten from their child's diet...and they see great results when they do.
Studies show that over 65% of parents who switch their autistic children to a gluten- and casein-free diet see dramatic improvements. Below are just some of the remarkable changes and improvements parents have reported:
- Potty
- Learning
to speak
- Expanded
vocabulary; speaking in sentences
- Reading
Socialization and interaction with other children and adults
- End of
temper tantrums and “meltdowns”

That’s why a program like Great Taste No Gluten can be a Godsend to anyone trying to eat healthier and eliminate gluten from their life.
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
In addition to stressing the importance of real, nutritious foods in easy to digest meal combinations, Great Taste No Gluten will teach you all you need to know about keeping gluten out of your world, plus it even explains the link between gluten and autism.
There are also handy substitution charts, a gluten free grain guide and 160 tasty dishes that even the fussiest, gluten-craving children (autistic or not) will absolutely LOVE.
3- Eliminate environmental toxins
This can involve filtering your tap water (or drinking bottled water), using organic washes and detergents, pulling up old carpets, using vinegar on your windows and glass surfaces instead of ammonia, avoiding spraying your lawn for weeds and your house for insects and replacing moldy woodwork or cleaning moldy basement walls.
Anything that can be a toxin in your child’s environment is stressful to their body and can challenge their already-overtaxed organs of detox.
4- Rethink immunization
I know the facts I’ve presented above may be unsettling to downright frightening, but know there are resources out there to help you if you decide vaccination is not for you (or your children).
Here is a great website that will give you encyclopedias of useful information: www.vaxtruth.org
Always have hope
By educating yourself and doing all you can to help address the causes and contributing factors to autism, you are giving your child the best chance at a normal life while helping to minimize the dreadful impact that autism can have on their ability to survive and thrive.
Keep reading below to see a story of a woman who has done just that—and is seeing fantastic changes in her autistic son as a result!
May God bless you and your kids.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
We started using Super Shield for our high functioning autistic son about 2 years ago after reading your article about the "failed" test on autistic kids. Within a week we noticed a big difference.
I had forgotten that we should up it to 2 capsules so that just happened about 3 weeks ago. Again we've been seeing much more improvement.
Yesterday he went to the psychiatrist and for the first time ever actually conversed with him rather than just yes and no and shrugs! (He is 16 btw).
We credit God first for the fact He led someone to send me this article and second to your product! We are thrilled.
I thank you for taking my concerns seriously. You have a loyal customer here!
Jocelyn L.
Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Why not? Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
Orders: 1-888-724-4366
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
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"...autism is a condition diagnosed by a series of behaviors. It is characterized by the absence of normal speech, failing to meet developmental milestones, lack of socialization and lack of behavioral control."
Holy CRAP! Our government is autistic...
WHAT ELSE IS IN THE VACCINES? (that they won't tell you about?) In the MMR vaccine they are putting hcg in it. What is hcg? It is HumanChorionicGonadtropin which is only present in the bodies of pregnant women. Why do they put this in the vaccine? Because it causes your body to manufacture antibodies which then attack this hcg, which means that you will not be able to carry a pregnancy because your body will attack this. This is why there are so many women who cannot get pregnant and cannot have children. This is what they've been using for population control against people's knowledge or consent. They are now adding nanoparticles to vaccines which have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and these particles are able to be activated at a later time with either a certain genetically engineered "cold bacteria" or some other way to be able to get rid of people and,or also to cause them to "do what they are told to do". Find out for yourself with this link: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=288507
As the new year starts, it can be very difficult to get quality time with your children when you are going to and fro for appointments, therapies, sports,... and the list goes on. If pressed for time, start with small steps. Schedule 10-15 minute on the family calendar or your appointment book to read a book, play a game, or just talk with your child. When possible, consider a fun family night, where all members of your family can bond.
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