Friday, December 13, 2013

Frustration, wisdom wanting to know

Frustration is meaning progress slow how can things happen very soon. I assure nothing can surprise me and to be delighted only comes when truth reveals itself for the good of all. I been standing against corruption since 2005-2013 alone. Frustration to surprise to delight very comforting.But standing against them,I call giants as cost me a lot. A very corrupt system , that will not let me stand against them in fairness, yet they won't stand against me. But I have stood my ground in honour and would stand against these giants any day .Be it one and one alone,although many world wide cry out for change. May the winds of change reverse so they may cry no more,but find peace in this world.People I know refer those as them. Example: I will tell them, have to see them daily. Who do they refer to as them ,WHO ARE THEY .WHO ARE THEY I SEEK. Place something on the news , something of proof.How do one meet these you call light workers. Why went people send ,there is always to prove you are human what is 9+5, or to prove you are not a robot install the letters you see. WHY. Are so called clones real,what level through government are they.WHO CONTROLS GOVERNMENT, WHO.

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