Is Megyn Kelly uninformed or is
she following the steps of her mentor, RINO Bill O’Reilly, in attempting to
brainwash 2 million FOX viewers in believing that majority of Americans favor
amnesty for millions of illegals, so that they can lose their jobs, wages and
benefits to illegal aliens?
Posted on | December 18, 2013
Kelly is a new evening host for FOX. I was shocked to hear a statement
on amnesty made by Megyn Kelly yesterday.
She was
talking about illegal immigration. While she pretended to be against it, at the
end of the segment she threw in something that was flagrantly not true. She
claimed that according to polls majority of Americans want legalization of
illegals. She did not disclose the numbers, she did not provide the source of
this poll. However, majority of polls show that majority of Americans oppose
legalization of illegals, as it will take away from American citizens better
paying jobs, it will lower the wages and cut the benefits. The reason people
like Soros and Zuckerberg and Billionaires R Us mafia are pushing for it, is
because it is a source of cheap and obedient labor with no benefits. See
below a link to polls. Even Hispanics do not rate it as a top issue
and oppose giving benefits to illegals and feel that the issue should not be
undertaken until the border is secured and the current rate of illegal
immigration is cut by 90%. According to Pulse Opinion research only 17%
of Americans believe that we need immigration to fill labor shortages, 75 %
believe we do not need foreign workers as we have a lot of unemployed
Americans, 8% undecided. The numbers are so clear, such glaring opposition to
Amnesty that it is hard to imagine Kelly missed them or did not understand
them.So, what is it? Is Megyn Kelly uninformed or is she a part of the censored media which is pushing the goals of the New World Order? Kelly is an educated woman, she is a 43 year old attorney, graduated from Albany law school. Her first husband was a doctor, her second husband is a stock broker and a writer, she worked as a reporter for many years, so this woman is not stupid and she cannot be that uninformed. This leads me to believe that she is indeed a part of the establi9shment, taking after her mentor, establishment puppet Bill O’Reilly, playing the role of a conservative in a well orchestrated comedy of errors, while pushing the new world order dominance and deprivation of Americans of their jobs and benefits. It is not a surprise that Kelly chose not to report on devastating effects of NAFTA and WTO-GATT and loss of 28 million of American jobs as a result, that she chose not to report on Obama’s use of fabricated and stolen IDs.
While FOX is better than the rest of the establishment channels and if you chose to get your news on TV, it is a better option than others, at the end of the day, if you want all the news, all the facts and all the truth, then you have to switch off the TV and seek the truth on the Internet, do your own thinking, ask questions, demand answers. Get out of the matrix!
Oppose Amnesty
Majority Oppose More Foreign Workers Under Immigration
Polls Oppose Amnesty – Thursday, August 15, 2013
commissioned by NumbersUSA and conducted by Pulse Opinion Research shows 44
percent of likely voters want the government to reduce the number of permanent
work visas issued.
of likely voters oppose the Senate bill’s proposal to increase the number of green cards
for new immigrants to 20 million over the next decade. Only 28% of respondents
supported such measures.
of those surveyed said there are more than enough unemployed Americans with
lower levels of education to fill the jobs that would go to millions of new
immigrants under the Senate bill. Only 17% said foreign workers are needed to
fill labor shortages.
solid majority of voters are worried about the impact of immigration reform,
which could put millions of illegal aliens on a path to citizenship and create
large guest-workers programs, will have on the labor market.
Pulse Opinion Research
Rasmussen, October 22, 2013 — Poll of likely voters
- Only 25% think it is even somewhat likely that the federal
government will secure the border and prevent illegal immigration with new
immigration legislation; 65% consider it unlikely.
- Only 18% think illegal aliens should be given immediate
amnesty; 62% believe legalization should occur only after the border is
secured, and 19% are unsure.
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