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Shocking interview: Welfare recipient admits sitting at home, smoking
weed, waiting for govt. money
Friday, December 06, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes |
(NaturalNews) Most Americans realize there is waste, fraud and abuse in virtually all government programs. That includes the government's various and sundry welfare programs.
But when you actually hear someone who is living large on your dime say without a morsel of guilt or regret that they have no problem doing so, you can't help but feel used and abused - and angry.
There's no question that most Americans work hard for their paychecks (and in many cases, it takes more than a couple of paychecks for many families to get by). But tens of millions of others are just sitting around, being unproductive, living off of the fruits of someone else's labor.
As noted by Mac Slavo of
You'd think that emergency funds or government subsidization through programs like welfare would be used to help recipients purchase the things that they need to get by and help them get back on their feet so that they can find meaningful labor and contribute to society, but in a system without cross-checks and billions being dished out year-after-year, many have learned that they don't need to work.
And why should they? You're doing the work for them in the form of taxpayer subsidies that are deducted from your earnings on a weekly basis.
'Our check's gonna come in the mail every month'
He goes on to correctly note that the system put in place by progressive socialist liberals over the past several decades tends to punish the successful and productive by robbing from them to redistribute wealth to the least productive and least deserving in our society.
"Case in point: A welfare recipient in Austin recently contacted a morning radio show and explained that she gets a lot of money from the program. What she does with it may (or may not) surprise you," Slavo wrote.
You can listen to an audio of the caller, who dialed into a local radio program, here. What you hear should shock you.
Here's a sampling of what the caller, "Lucy," said:
While workers out there are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us?
I get to sit home... I get to go visit my friends all day... I even get to smoke weed...
Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don't contribute to society, we still gonna get paid.
Our check's gonna come in the mail every month... and it's gonna be on time... and we get subsidized housing... we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas... Why should I work?
Ya'll get the benefit of saying "oh, look at me, I'm a better person," but when ya'll sit at home behind ya'lls I'm a better person... we the ones gettin' paid!
So can you really blame us?
What's that expression? I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go...
Think about this person - and the millions like her - when you see how much the government robs from you in the form of payroll taxes on your next paycheck. While you toil away working two or three jobs to make ends meet, spending time away from your family, friends and loved ones, remember that Lucy is getting high, hanging with her friends, shopping - doing whatever she wants to do - while the working stiffs of America subsidize her life.
If ever there was a poster child for welfare reform, Lucy is it.
What if the government just paid everybody?
It gets worse. There are some in Washington and the liberal media establishment touting an idea called the Universal Basic Income. Essentially, the government mails every single American over the age of 21 a check each month, for an annual "salary" equal to the official poverty limit.
How's that sound? At an annual cost of about $2.14 trillion, every American would be "equal" in terms of income. Isn't that wonderful?
We would all make the same crappy money. Except for the governing masterminds, that is. They would always have more and live better than the rest of us.
No more "poverty," right? Actually, the UBI idea institutionalizes poverty, as well as complete government control over your life.
A nation of Lucy's. Perfect. How long do you think America would last?
This kind of campaign to raise the ire of taxpayers do not target the right group to recycle , the Government lack of funding could overnight cut funding has hundreds of thousands of families who really needs , with your support a genocide ? In Canada in the '80s kind of a campaign was launched to reform the unemployment insurance time scandalizing people denounce the beneficiaries of the said insurance to pay the cost of all labor, vacation Florida for the winter. They have done well without them , because the population has sought a reform of the wage insurance for all and seasonal , as many depend on tourism of the summer to find a job, and spending the winter on unemployment to wait has the following summer. Therefore no one has the right to leave the country under penalty of having their income removed and pursued by the Government.
These changes have also effects which are more outrageous than before obtaining a first installment waiting plunge the unfortunate unemployed into the abyss of debt, which serves the credit card companies because here people are more than dollars in his pocket. So before you react to this new programmed to make you swallow the big pill, think this has these everyone will scoop, old and sick people and loss of mobility, which will lead to collective suicide by deep poverty awaits. Rather than hiring an investigator to identify the culprits, they penalize everyone, and you have pressed. Such a program will generate anger, then you offer the solution, and will put into action their plan with your support. And then it's too late, you will lose BIG! I assure you.
Vos aînés ce sont battu pour obtenir ce que vous avez pue maintenir jusque là, et dans un élan d’émotivité vous pouvez tout balayer a jamais, et faire de votre situation un enfer pour tous, même les travailleurs. Car vous aurez encore plus de criminalité et devrez vous protéger davantage contre le vol et la criminalité, personne n’est assez fou pour se laisser mourir de faim pour cause qu’ils ne sont disposer pour obtenir un emploi.
Do not fall into the panels, in Canada we also had the right to attack stratagene even the weakest and most defenses, these unfair on the part of a government to manipulate public oppinion at the expense of all to get a further their satanic control plan.
I hear what is being said and agree to a point but it might be my ego agreeing, when you put the shoe on the other foot say if Lucy really does not understand the authority of the state and gets it rather. She realizes the cheats and the power hungry are not making a fair playing field so she says well why are they so special and basically does what she sees being done to all of us workers. I do not want to work for someone else being lazy, but when you think about it that is what we all do for the elite we are their slaves. Some realize that with all the jobs going overseas and technology it is harder and harder to find work . Why stress out about working three jobs to make end meet when our politicians and the corporations are out to get us anyway....If you can't beat them join them. Then again you let them win! All I know is this game is broken and I don't want to play it with them anymore! I slap the monopoly board on the floor and say I
Really? You don't say? . . . .
This is what everyone should be doing. Blowing billowing clouds of marijuana smoke at reptilian republicans during their rapid extinction. Well done welfare recipients, workin truly is for suckas.
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