John. Thank you
for posting
It appears those 91 leaders were caught with their hands in the Cookie Jar,
were exposed and currently have no idea as to how to work themselves out of
this one. VKD
The 91 leaders are in
Africa to figure out how to get out of this Financial Nightmare which they
themselves created when they joined the CONTRActual Agreements on those
Unauthorized Prime Bank Collateral Instruments back in 1997-98 when they all
agreed with the Council on Foreign Relations/Clinton etals to
structure a new global Banking, Financing and Economic Structure. See
In this attempt to take the global banking,
financial systems "hostage" using unauthorized Prime Bank Instruments
being exposed also exposed was pope Benedict's brother along with God's Banker
here in the U.S. Banking System of Chicago being Cardinal Paul
Marcinkus. For the investigations implemented by pope Benedict upon
final evidence.. to protect the Catholic Church and Christian Religions from
being wrought asunder it was necessary for pope Benedict to resign. Had
he not resigned Christianity would not have survived the onslaught.
APFN Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14,
1998 "If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people
he should resign."-- Bill Clinton, in 1974 while running for ...
THE WORLDS BIGGEST TRIPLE CROSS came into full play when THE U.S. FED. R./US TREASURY cut a deal with GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION, [GAIA] E.J. Ekker and Doris J. (Eloise) Ekker to "Fabricate" the BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181 "Counterfeit Prime Bank "Gold" Collateral Instruments" which was not to be interfered with by THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS. The evidence is at
/DocGroupG/Gpage4.html . It is suggested you read the MEMORANDUM.

<----- ===
Observer: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that ...
Apr 5, 2007 ...
Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr.,
..... Jr.' s statements to the FBI (or the actual intent of the document).
One can clearly see THE CLINTONS are not in this
overthrowing of our Nation and others alone!
They just could not comply with the Bassel Accords by
showing "Source of those PRIME BANK INSTRUMENTS they were using for
Collateral. They did not have the authorization of the owner [Durham
Holding Trust. Tias 12087] Those COUNTERFEIT non authorized instruments
were not NOR COULD THEY PROVE UP. But! when those instruments
reached their "10 year end of term" and Cantor
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo were going to have to PAY UP..
the "GAIA" crowd? Remember the 'almost president' Al
Gore? Did you know about this?!
U.S. taxpayers are being forced to subsidize a new form of state religion which
holds that natural resources have to be protected for the sake of Gaia, a
so-called Earth spirit. This religious movement, which has cult-like
qualities, is being promoted by leading figures and organizations such as Vice
President Albert Gore, broadcaster Ted Turner, and the United Nations.
Gore, who as a member of the U.S. Senate participated in the 1992
U.N.-sponsored Earth Summit, is the most prominent member of what appears to be
an environmental cult built around the concept of reverence for the
Earth. Gore has written openly about the Earth having sacred qualities
and he has praised primitive pagan religions and goddess worship.
(Note* Individual access numbers are assigned to an individual’s Name when an account number has multi access.)
(Note* Individual access numbers are assigned to an individual’s Name when an account number has multi access.)
United States Signs FATCA Intergovernmental Agreement With the Cayman Islands
The US Department of the Treasury recently announced that the United States has signed a “Model 1” intergovernmental agreement (an “IGA”) with respect to the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) with the Cayman Islands. Like the other IGAs the United States has signed, the Cayman Islands IGA is intended to streamline FATCA information reporting and reduce compliance burdens for financial institutions in the Cayman Islands.
Background -
FATCA (contained in Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Internal Revenue Code) was enacted in 2010 in order to reduce perceived offshore tax evasion by US persons holding assets through offshore accounts that were not subject to US information reporting to the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”). FATCA generally requires a foreign payee that is a foreign financial institution (an “FFI”) either (1) to enter into an agreement with the IRS relating to such reporting (an “FFI Agreement”, and such an FFI, a “Participating FFI”) or (2) to comply with local laws that implement an IGA. If an FFI does not satisfy these requirements (and is not otherwise exempt), withholdable payments made to such FFI will be subject to withholding under FATCA at a rate of 30%. FATCA information reporting and withholding requirements generally do not apply to FFIs that are treated as “deemed-compliant” because they present a relatively low risk of being used for tax evasion or are otherwise exempt from FATCA withholding.
Please see full memo below for more information.
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As people around the world are watching their world being destroyed by never ending Bankers Proxy Wars to cover up the involvement of most of those 91 individuals/nations represented they riot as their Nations indulge in attempt after attempt to gain control over the stolen gold of their Treasuries. Where did the Dinar originate..? It originated with these individuals and the setting up of Grand Cayman/Off Shore Banking Debit Cards to recover the money from the packaging of their Deeds on their lands, homes etc., bundled and banked in these nations represented in Africa.
V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory
Durham Holding Trust,
Tias 12087
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