Sunday, March 2, 2014

BOOM?: China Buying BILLIONS of US Real Estate

Chinese millionaires are snapping up
real estate, all over the North American
West Coast.

In Detroit, entire neighborhoods and
subdivisions can being bought for a
pennies on the dollar.

The latter may not seem like desirable
real estate, today - but the prices are so
low - and the fact that *entire*
neighborhoods can be bought make these
look like good deals to these Chinese buyers.

The average debt of a US citizen is the
highest in the history of the country and an
unrealistic gap persists between the
*earnings* of prospective US buyers and the
*prices* of real estate, in many markets
throughout the US.

This, despite the the implosion of the real
estate market during the Global Financial

It is unknown how extensive this trend is or
how long it will last - but if it continues apace,
North Americans will be priced out of the very
common dream of home ownership due to
market domination of non-citizens of this

(Video: 5 and half mins):

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