Monday, March 17, 2014

Congress challenged by Obama administration [WOW! NOW THAT TAKES BALLS!]

To: "V.K.Durham"
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 7:47:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: get out of the way

Congress challenged by Obama administration

Oklahoman Published: March 17, 2014

Don’t roll over
The Obama administration's response to U.S. House passage of a bill that would expedite congressional lawsuits against the chief executive, for failure to enforce federal laws, was this: “The bill exceeds constitutional limits, and Congress cannot assign additional powers to itself.” The administration has just challenged Congress: Either use your impeachment authority found in the Constitution or get out of my way! What will Congress do?
Sharon Gricol, McLoud


Anonymous said...

only a dog and pony show of the despicable charade of these senators and congressmans in conlusion to fool the public once again, so as to hope the public attentions is asleep again to the fact that the world is owned by the cabal or the international banksters.
for the goverments do nothing to give or take jobs in any real percentage for any ecomony of any nation.
only the bankster created, FINNANCE AND PAYROLL, SO AS TO destroy and own all home, factories, land, sea, air, etc. and they are the only ones who created any nations depression (no jobs to pay bills) to bankrupt the people for as to STEAL OR reposses the assets that the bankster STILL OWN BY LIENS, DEEDS, AND CONTRACTS OF OWNERSHIP WHEN THE BANKSTERS FIRST LOAN THE MONEY TO GET ANY PROJECT PAID FOR IT'S CONSTRUCTION.
all national securtiy and concerns of any forgien intertest is for the internationals banksters processions they CAN invade that country,and THEN is called a national security interest of that nation, who is owned by the cabal INTERNATIONAL BANKSTERS AND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS OWNED BY THE FEW ELITE FAMILIES.

Anonymous said...

We agree the United States is a corporation.
We agree Congress has been moving independently of the judicial and legislative branch for quite some time.
We agree the Constitution created a different form of slavery of the People and the Constitution is for the corporation and not the People.

What's the problem here?
They are infighting for control.
The executive is taking control from the perceived legislative that passed Obamacare whether he would have signed it or not.
They have taxed us out our behinds, and have appropriated funds for all kinds of things that can't be paid for.

If the Constitution doesn't matter, then good. Slavery and that 14th amendment thing cannot continue, and if it does, good, 2nd amendment rights are still in place, but they were in place without the constitution.

People -- why do you let paper decide what you can and cannot do?

Where is the right to govern yourself?
Where is the right to be government of the People, not government of the paper?

I'm confused by people knowing Washington DC is separate from the 50 states and knowing it's a corporation, but still fighting on impeaching someone elected by an electoral college and not the people.

I'm confused by what people say they know and how they act when something happens.

If the man wanted people signed up for ocare, then the website would be pristine!
When does that group ever do anything half-azed if they want to do it?

They don't want people signing up for it!
But people insist on complaining about it and signing up for it, and by doing so, someone is getting into their accounts and taking their money!

Wake up for real!

Con-gress is the transgressor.
Let the man do something different.
Let him show us a Change.

I for one and glad to see something different.
Up until now, we've all been in a pot of hot water slowly boiling.

All debts are being called in. Things are falling for a change. We said we wanted it, so let it happen!
Dissenters welcome. It only means we are seeing things with different eyes, and in a universe of possibilities, I'll live in the paradigm I see and you'll live in the paradigm you see thinking I'm living in your paradigm and I won't be. There is more than one reality and I'm shifting with the one I see.

Anonymous said...

Really? Why would it "take balls"? Congress nor ANYONE has not done one thing to get this treasonous imposter out of the white house and he knows it..He is just following the pattern he has set from the beginning..Congress needs to grow some balls and do the right thing and send him to jail. Do you think any of us would get away with using false social security numbers? We would be locked one does is unbelievable