Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence
agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of
the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's
massive deceptions
Sunday March 16, 2014
Terrorist George Soros Totally Fingered In Nazi Paperclip Ukrainian Coup
by Tom Heneghan, International
Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America -
UNITED States of America -
[color highlights added]
Friday, 14 March 2014 17:00
Friday, 14 March 2014 17:00
Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil
Photo of George Soros: AP Image

Photo of George Soros: AP Image
Billionaire investor/activist George Soros has a giant
footprint in Ukraine. Similar to his operations in dozens of other nations, he
has, over the past couple of decades, poured tens of millions of dollars into
Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), ostensibly to assist them in
transforming their country into a more “open” and “democratic” society.
Many of the participants in
Kiev’s “EuroMaidan” demonstrations were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or
were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and conferences sponsored
by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open
Society institutes and foundations. The IRF, founded and funded by Soros,
boasts that it has given “more than any other donor organization” to
“democratic transformation” of Ukraine.
The International Renaissance Foundation’s Annual Report
for 2012, the latest available, states that, “IRF provided UAH 63 million in
funding to civil society organizations - more than any other donor organization
working in this field in Ukraine.” The “UAH” reference used above refers
to the Ukraine Hryvnia, Ukraine’s currency, which is worth about 0.11 $US, or
eleven cents in U.S. currency. That translates into, roughly, $6.7 million that
IRF provided to Ukrainian groups in 2012; not a huge sum, by comparison to many
other political and social campaigns, but more than merely “significant.” In
the cash-starved Ukraine, Soros’s dollars go a long way toward seducing and
co-opting all legitimate political opposition into the Soros-approved
“progressive” camp.
According to the IRF’s own website, this one Soros conduit
has funneled over $100 million into Ukrainian NGOs over the
the period from 1990 to 2010 the International Renaissance Foundation provided
more than $100 million in support to numerous Ukrainian non-government
organizations (NGOs), community groups, academic and cultural institutions,
publishing houses, etc.
The IRF website and annual
reports make clear that the Soros funds are targeted at promoting Ukrainian
“partnership” with, and “integration” into, the EU. Soros has
provided many millions more through his other “philanthropic” spigots.
However, Soros’ influence in Ukraine extends far beyond
the traceable funding he provides to activist Ukrainian NGOs, academics and
think tanks. Equally, if not more, important is the influence he exerts on
global opinion through his massive propaganda network (including Project
Syndicate and other Soros megaphones) and his direct personal contacts with
presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, central bankers, media
executives, and Wall Street titans.
In a February 26 column he
penned for Project Syndicate that was carried by hundreds of newspapers and
websites, Soros argued that the EU and the IMF must initiate a new Marshall
Plan for Ukraine, meaning, of course, transfers of money from EU and U.S.
taxpayers to the politicians, organizations, and institutions approved by the
globalist/socialist/corporatist operatives running the EU and IMF. Perhaps the
key point in Soros’ essay, entitled, “Sustaining Ukraine’s Breakthrough,” is
this: “Ukraine will need outside assistance that only the EU can provide:
management expertise.”
George Soros is all about management by “experts,” i.e.,
central planning, the hallmark of every socialist, fascist, or communist
regime. In fact, he is one of the planet’s premier advocates of global central
planning and control. Hence, he is a longtime fervent supporter of the United
Nations, the IMF/World Bank, the WTO, global population control through the WHO
and UNFPA, and virtually every other internationalist endeavor to subvert
national sovereignty and advance the building of an omnipotent world
His fetish with internationalism includes, especially,
further enlarging and empowering the EU, which has been the prime subject of
concern in books and essays by Soros, as well as many of his speeches and media
interviews. Soros is a full-blown proponent of
total political and economic “integration” of the EU, meaning a complete annihilation
of any residual independence of the EU member states and the transfer of all
substantive legislative, executive, and judicial powers to EU politicians and
administrators in Brussels.
Over the past several years Soros has been particularly
emphatic in pushing for a central EU Treasury, or European Fiscal Authority
(EFA), which he says is “the missing ingredient that is needed to
make the euro a full-fledged currency with a genuine lender of last resort.”
The European Central Bank (ECB), says Soros, has insufficient powers to do what
is needed, even though he admits it has illegally usurped powers — which he
When European Central Bank President Mario Draghi (a
former Goldman Sachs vice chairman and managing director) announced on August
1, 2012 that the ECB would “do whatever it takes to preserve the euro as a
stable currency,” German Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann objected, pointing
out that the ECB’s powers are limited by statute. Nevertheless, Draghi forged
ahead, promising that the ECB would make unlimited purchases of government
bonds of indebted EU members — provided they put
their countries under the control of executors from “the Troika” — the EU
Commission, ECB and IMF. This is the same
Troika that devastated the citizens of Cyprus last year, raiding their bank accounts to pay off the bonds that
socialist politicians and Goldman Sachs had saddled them with. But
Soros, whose many “human rights” fronts extol the “rule of law,”
"accountability," and “transparency,” says that the lawless and unaccountable
Troika does not have enough power! It must be complimented by an EFA, says he,
which should exercise power over all fiscal matters.
The IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde and EU
Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso (a “former” Maoist Communist) have
already lined up a multi-billion package for Ukraine. However,
many Ukrainians, all across the political spectrum, are leery of coming under
the Troika’s control, and rightfully so. They do not want to trade the
corruption and oppression of Yanukovych’s pro-Kremlin regime for another
dictated by the EU and IMF. As we pointed out recently, even the poll commissioned by
the U.S. State Department found that only 37 percent of Ukrainians favored
joining the EU.
Economist Michael Roberts describes himself on his
blogsite as “a Marxist economist.” Nevertheless, Roberts is on the mark in his
February 27 column in stating: “The people of Ukraine are left with Hobson’s
choice: either go with KGB-led crony capitalism from Russia or go with equally
corrupt pro-European ‘democrats’.” He is also correct in asserting that
Ukraine’s foreign debt will soon double, if it takes IMF loans, and that the
Ukrainian people will burdened with crushing debt for a generation. He
could still stage a financial meltdown and a banking collapse. More likely, the
new government will be helped over the next few months with bridging loans
until the IMF deal is struck. Then the hardship for the people will really
begin in earnest. Ukraine’s foreign debt is about to double as it takes
on new debt from the IMF and the cost of existing dollar and euro debt jumps as
the hyrvnia is devalued. This burden will be on shoulders of Ukrainians for a
Only it could double several
times over, and it could burden Ukrainians for much longer than a generation;
it could fasten them with debt bondage in perpetuity. Bosnian writer Andrej Nikolaidis warns
Ukrainians that massive debt and grinding poverty under Troika-managed regime
are to be expected. “It hardly comes as a surprise
to us in former Yugoslavia,” writes Nikolaidis. “At the
beginning of its dissolution, the Yugoslav foreign debt was £9.5bn; today,
after all the ‘help’ we got from the troika, it's more than £107bn.” He
today is a poor and divided country, even more so than it was back in 1992.
Former soldiers, hungry and sick, are gathering and protesting. "While we
were bleeding, they were stealing," says one… Some Bosnians saw their
future under the Bosnian and EU flag, others under the Croatian and EU flag,
and others still under the flag of The Great Serbia. Lots of flags, but only
one poverty for all.
But why must Ukraine formally join either the EU or the
Kremlin-sponsored Customs Union? Are those the only options? Is it not possible
for Ukraine to adopt a neutral position of independence and peaceful trade with
both sides? Would not such a position be best for all concerned? From the
available polling, it seems that may be the view of a plurality, if not a
majority, of Ukrainians.
Ukraine’s huge network of
natural gas pipelines not only supply much-needed Russian-produced gas to EU
countries, but also is the source of vital revenues to Russia from that energy
delivery system. The peoples of Russia, Ukraine and the EU benefit from a
stable, peaceful, neutral Ukraine; forcing Ukrainians into choosing one or the
other camp benefits no one — except the power-mad rulers of Russia and the EU,
and their globalist confreres.
Why then, should Americans
take direction from George Soros, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton,
the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, John McCain and other
internationalist voices who insist it is Ukraine that must “choose” … but the
only choice considered acceptable and legitimate to the globalist choir is for
Ukraine to join the EU? Soros and his huge stable of “public
intellectuals” at Project Syndicate have been flooding the global media with
propaganda to that purpose. As we’ve reported previously, Project Syndicate is a project of George Soros’ Open
Society Foundation that has sprouted into a network of nearly 500 newspapers in
more than 150 countries with worldwide circulation of over 70 million copies.
According to the syndicate’s web site, it is the largest syndication of
independent commentators in the world.
However, his great wealth, foundations, media presence and
network of activist NGOs notwithstanding, George Soros’ power and influence —
in Ukraine and elsewhere — stem not so much from these oft-cited trappings of
power, but from the fact that he is a player, an Insider, in the top rank of
globalists who are pushing and shoving “global governance” upon the entire
planet. This was formally recognized in November 2010 when Soros received the “Globalist of the Year Award” from the Canadian
International Council (CIC).
Soros' real heft derives from
the fact that he is a member of the globalist power elite. First and foremost,
he is a member of (and leader in and major financial supporter of) the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the premier
globalist brain trust that has become the de facto governing force within the
executive branch of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve System, as well
as Democrat and Republican parties, for most of the past century. His Soros
Fund Management is a President’s Circle Corporate Member of the CFR and Soros
himself served as a director of the CFR for a decade (1995-2004). In addition,
he has been a key participant in many CFR events, including serving as presider
at the CFR’s 2000 conference, “Latin America: Sustaining Economic &
Political Reform,” a major sendoff promoting the Free Trade Area of the
America’s (FTAA).
Further, he has been an
activist participant with, and sometime funder of, important globalist
organizations such as the Brookings Institution, the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, the World Policy Conference, the World Economic Forum, the
International Crisis Group, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Bilderberg
Group, the U.S. State Department, the Gorbachev Foundation, the United Nations,
and The Good Club (an exclusive billionaire club — whose
members include Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner,
Michael Bloomberg, and Oprah Winfrey — with the singular purpose of pushing
global population control). Per the UN, Soros has served on a number of boards
and advisory groups promoting a global “Tobin Tax” on financial transactions,
global controls on CO2 to stop “Climate Change,” dramatically
expanding the powers and funding of the International Monetary Fund, and
massive global wealth redistribution through the UN’s Millennium Development
Many of Soros’ critics on both the Left and the Right
ignore these facts and treat Soros as if he is a singular earthshaking force
all on his own. Focusing solely on his grant distributions, political
donations, NGO networks, etc., they greatly exaggerate his importance, which
can act as a diversion to distract liberty-minded advocates from focusing on
the bigger picture. Taken in isolation, without his tie-ins to the
CFR-globalist network of power, Soros’ global impact would be, not
insignificant, but marginal. It is precisely because he is one of many
super-wealthy globalists (albeit , he is far more visible and vocal than most)
acting in concert that his impact is so remarkable.
Especially noteworthy in relation to Ukraine is his key
involvement in the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee (AUAC). The Ukrainian
Weekly of December 10, 1995, reported:
American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee met in New York on November 17-18 [1995]
and reiterated its strong conviction that a resilient Ukraine is in the
interest of European stability and thus also American security."
Among other things, the AUAC
called upon the U.S. Congress, USAID, the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU to
shower the Ukrainian government (then run by “former” Communist Leonid Kuchma).
It also encouraged the Ukrainian government to hasten “privatization” by
selling “blocks of equity to private investors.” Kuchma followed their advice
and, as in the former Soviet Union, his false “privatization” scheme
transferred enormous state assets into the hands of select Communist Party
members, creating instant billionaire oligarchs, who have dominated Ukraine
ever since. Sitting on the UAUC with Soros were one-world CFR heavyweights
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Frank Carlucci, and Richard Burt. The
same one-worlders are pushing the same agenda today, two decades later.
Oligarchs R Us
One of the billionaire oligarchs who benefitted from the
Ukraine’s crony privatization program is Victor Pinchuk, with whom Soros has
been very active. Soros’s foundations and The Victor Pinchuk Foundation
collaborate on funding many NGOs and projects, in Ukraine and elsewhere. And
Soros is a participant in Pinchuk’s Yalta European Strategy (YES) conferences,
annual extravaganzas held in the Crimea at Livadia Palace, a summer retreat of
Russian czars on the Black Sea. The YES confabs feature current and former presidents,
prime ministers, potentates, financiers, corporate execs and celebrities.
Besides Soros, U.S.
participants have included Bill Clinton, William Daley (Obama’s White House
Chief of Staff), Robert Zoellick (Bush’s Trade representative, then president of
the World Bank), Newt Gingrich, and Condoleezza Rice, to name a few — Democrats
and Republicans, CFR globalists all.
Pinchuk, a pal and funder of
both Bill and Hillary Clinton, not only has generously supported Bill’s Clinton
Global Initiative, but also has poured more than $13 million into the Bill,
Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Another close tie is Douglas E. Schoen
(CFR), a longtime Clinton operative and political consultant, whom, according
to the New York Times, Mr. Pinchuk hired as an adviser in 2000 — and to
whom the oligarch has been paying a tidy retainer of $40,000 per month ever
One of the important ventures
that Soros and Pinchuk are financing is the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center
(CMC), a collaboration of Ukrainian public relations corporations and
journalists that is headquartered in Kiev’s Hotel Ukraine.
Ostensibly, it was created to
counter the propaganda onslaught of Putin’s Russian media cartel. Much of the
“independent news” we receive from Ukraine is produced by the CMC and stamped
with the Pinchuk/Soros-approved brand of propaganda. That includes cheering on
or papering over the fact that the “new” government in Kiev is simply the
latest rotation of musical chairs, and it has ended with Pinchuk’s fellow
oligarchs (virtually all of which are “former” communists) and their
parliamentary blocs and political parties occupying the most important chairs
(as we reported here).
Pinchuk is a member of the Board of the Peterson Institute
for International Economics and sits on the International Advisory Council of
the Brookings Institution, both of which Soros has long been associated with.
Another very important Soros-Pinchuk tie is their mutual connection to the
famous (or infamous, as you prefer) Rothschild banking dynasty.
In 2011, George C. Karlweis,
adviser to Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his Banque Privee, revealed that it was Rothschild who provided Soros
with the startup money — and, undoubtedly much (illegal) insider trading
intelligence — for Soros' fabulously successful Quantum Fund.
The full extent of Pinchuk’s connections to the
Rothschild’s global private empire would require a similar revelation from an
insider. That could be Jean-Pierre Saltiel, who sits on the board of Pinchuk’s
Yalta European Strategy, as well as the oligarch’s global steel and metallurgy
conglomerate, Interpipe, Inc. He is also a longtime adviser to the Rothschilds
and the past president of Rothschild Conseil International, one of the fabled
family’s major bank holding companies.
Interestingly (but not so surprising), Rothschild agent
Saltiel also sits on the board of PIK Group, Russia’s largest residential real
estate developer, founded by Russian oligarchs Yuri Zhukov and Kirill
Pisaerev (and still run by Pisaraev).
Like Soros and the
Rothschilds, Ukrainian oligarch Pinchuk works with and partners with a number
of Russian oligarchs. And his YES summits regularly feature Putin-allied
Russian oligarchs, as well as Putin-appointed Russian politicians and
apparatchiks. Alfa Bank, Russia’s largest private bank, for example, is a YES
sponsor. And Alfa Bank chairman, Mikhail Fridman, a Putin ally and one of
Russia’s richest billionaires, sits on the CFR’s International Advisory Board
and provided the funds to create the CFR’s “Russia and Russian-American
Relations Lecture” program. Similarly, Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest
oligarch, a former Putin-Yanukovych supporter and ally, is now a member of the
new government. He is also, along with Fridman and Soros, a YES sponsor and a
business partner with Russian, EU and U.S. Insiders. What these and dozens of
other similar examples indicate is that there
is much more to all of the Sturm und Drang over the Ukraine-Russia-EU
“crisis” than meets the eye.
Soros gave a strong clue as to
what the scripted outcome of the scenario would likely be. His solution would
see Russia as a “partner,” and Angela Merkel (the "former" Communist
from East Germany who now runs the unified Germany) would be the broker.
“Germany should take the
lead,” Soros said, in his February 26 Project Syndicate column cited above.
“Chancellor Angela Merkel must reach out to President Vladimir Putin to ensure
that Russia is a partner, not an opponent, in the Ukrainian renaissance.”
Putin as Prod for "Convergence"
Merkel appears to be doing just the opposite,
threatening Putin with sanctions, including freezing of Russian bank accounts
and restrictions on travel in the EU, unless Putin “deescalates” the situation
and comes to the bargaining table. But, in reality, she is “reaching out” to
Putin, and he, after providing what is deemed an appropriate level of drama,
will likely come to the table and deescalate.
Contrary to the Russia’s current bellicose posturing, it
is in the Kremlin’s interests to offload Ukraine onto the taxpayers of the EU
and the United States, and it fits perfectly with their long-term strategy of “convergence” with the EU
and the United States.
Anatoliy Golitsyn, arguably the most important KGB
defector to escape to the West, exposed the top-secret Soviet convergence
strategy in his books New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception.
(See here, here, and here.) Mikhail Gorbachev was making oblique reference
to the ongoing reality of the convergence process when he described the EU as
“the new European Soviet.” As in the transmutation described in Orwell’s Animal
Farm, when it became almost impossible to tell the
pigs from the men, it is now becoming all but impossible to detect any
substantive differences between the ruling elites of Russia, China, the EU and
the United States. And, as the EU and the United States adopt more
socialist policies and police-state measures, there is less and less
distinction between our societies and the one ruled over by Putin and his
Kremlin cronies.
Soros, Pinchuk, Putin, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Fridman,
Zhukov, Pisaerev, Akhmetov, and their ilk see
themselves as the Caesars or Pharaohs in their long-schemed-for “new world
order,” a term that Soros used several times in a television interview (see here) to
describe his vision for the future.
Employing the indispensible
insight and analysis provided by Golitsyn and the detailed information in his
books, it is difficult to view the orchestrated chaos that has been unfolding
in Ukraine without recognizing unmistakable evidence that it is being directed
along a pre-planned path toward EU-U.S.-Ukraine-Russian convergence. Putin’s
role is to rattle the sabers menacingly enough to frighten reluctant Ukraine to
join the EU, while also convincing American and EU taxpayers to be forthcoming
with the foreign aid and IMF funding that will “rescue” Ukraine and avert a
war. And, after things settle down, we will look around to find Putin and his
oligarchs carrying on business as usual with the new Ukraine government and its
oligarchs, as well as with the Obama administration and “our” oligarchs,
including, of course, George Soros.
We have seen this play many times before. In their book, The
Wise Men, a hagiographic portrait of six CFR luminaries, authors Walter
Isaacson (CFR) and Evan Thomas record a conversation in which top CFR insider
and Marshall Plan architect John J. McCloy explained how he and fellow
internationalists sold the scheme to Americans by pretending it was needed to
fight Soviet Communism. Isaacson and Thomas quote McCloy:
sat up and listened when the Soviet threat was mentioned," he later
said. It taught him a valuable lesson: One way to assure that a viewpoint
gets noticed is to cast it in terms of resisting the spread of
And McCloy was far from the only one. Dean Acheson,
another of the CFR “Wise Men,” did likewise. "Acheson," Isaacson and
Thomas note, "concluded that the anti-Communist rhetoric was necessary to
win support for the British package."
Now, the point is not that there was no Soviet Communist
threat at the time; the threat was definitely real. The point is that McCloy,
Acheson, and their CFR cohorts had no intention of fighting communism and they
knew that the Marshall Plan was certainly no
anti-Communist program. In fact, it transferred billions of dollars from
American taxpayers into the coffers of Europe’s socialist parties and
politicians, and especially into the movements to create the European Coal and
Steel Community, the nascent seed of the European Union.
Far from being anti-Communists, McCloy, Acheson, Averill
Harriman, Charles Bohlen, Robert Lovett, and other CFR engineers of the
Marshall Plan were ardent anti-anti-Communists who orchestrated vicious
campaigns against genuine anti-Communists such as Chiang Kai-Shek, Gen. George
S. Patton, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Sen. Robert Taft, and
Robert Welch. And, all the while McCloy and company were promoting and
deploying the Marshall Plan — ostensibly to combat Communism — they were also
continuing the longstanding policies of previous CFR-dominated administrations
of providing enormous financial and technological aid to the Soviet Union, as
this publication and the detailed books of Prof. Antony Sutton (The Best
Enemy Money Can Buy, National Suicide, and his three-volume Western
Technology and Soviet Economic Development) thoroughly exposed. But, no matter, the CFR “Wise Men” knew that the vast
majority of Americans were anti-Communist and if they wanted to sell their
program to Americans they’d have to fraudulently package it as an
anti-Communist one.
It is not mere coincidence
that George Soros and other globalists are invoking the Marshall Plan and Cold
War rhetoric today, and citing Putin’s revived Soviet-style militarism, to sell
their latest EU-IMF convergence gambit. It has worked for them many times in
the past. So, for weeks we have been treated to the incredibly odd spectacle of
George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ivo Daalder, et al,
and the denizens of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN,
and PBS vying for the honor of claiming Joe McCarthy’s mantle.
Will we fall for it again? Americans would be wise to call
a halt to this orchestrated rush to push Ukraine into the arms of Manuel
Barroso, Mario Draghi and Christine Lagarde — and to stick us, and the
Ukrainian people, with the bill.
of George Soros: AP Images
1 comment:
when serious investigations of WHO IS THE CABAL, and where they live all over the world happens, first will be the shock of how much the public has been a DUMBDOWNED FOOL BELIVEING THE CABAL WORD OF HONOR, all around the world, it is the same key people doing this cusade OF SLAUGHTER for demoncracy for all, CLEANING THE LAND OF PEOPLE, SO AS TO OWN THE LAND, """FRIST""" (meaning these same cabal want to OWN YOU, not help you.
god knows where all the resources of all the world belongs to and they will force us all to obey or they will cut off all food supplies, oil, water, etc. to any country or area in the world the cabal wants those people to suffer. the stealing of the lands, homes and lives of all of us is at stake, just wait when the dumbdowned crowd think it is cool to throw away the guns that protect them, is when the goverment, just like in history of any country when the people gave up their swords, arrows, spears, and NOW OUR GUNS is the weapon of defence. the slaughter and genicide of many races in a country WILL HAPPEN, FOR THE PAST HISTORY OF MANKIND ALWAYS REPEAT ITSELF, WHEN THE CABAL OWNS YOU.
if true about the vast amount of ships in space that are still arrivaling towards earth, the cabal will be held accountable, if the prophesied promise of very very very advanced e.t. families will return to do justice for the human race for what it's masters have done for thousands of years. the old families who have kept the power over the human race have alot of talking to do, and no excuses will be believed.
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