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Keshe Files Emergency - Easy download link, ISO file, burn to DVD disk..
Posted By: billym [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Mar-2014 17:46:59
I was rather alarmed by the post today about threats to Mr. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation. That post is a bit down the page:
It was good see so many agents working to procure the files on the Keshe USB drive for preservation purposes and dissemination. See the thread linked above for some of the difficulties encountered.
However there WAS ONE LINK in the top post that simplified everything -- a link to an ISO file (disk image file) of the data. No zipped or RAR files or other hassles:
"IMPORTANT: PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND GO VIRAL!! Here is an alternate (and easier-to-deal-with) .iso file of the USB key information containing website info from Keshe that was just released..."
I guess I was lucky because I managed to download it in time; a short while later, checking the link again, this message appeared:
"Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator." I burned the ISO to a disk and took a look at the files. The root directory looks like this:

I'm not sure if this is exactly the same as what others got by other means. In any case, in the folder called "Key Parts" there were files relating to a file-sharing and encryption program called "Wuala". I had not heard of this one before but it looks very much like one of the best encryption schemes I knew about - called "Truecrypt." The best thing was it gives you 5gb storage for free which was more than enough to share the ISO file of the Keshe data. So I signed up and uploaded the ISO file. Here is the Wuala website.
Secure Cloud Storage Download Wuala 5GB included
Even better, a person doesn't have to join to download a shared file. (Although it appears to be a good way for RMN readers and agents to share large files).
SO, THE BOTTOM LINE is that you can download the Keshe ISO file here via this "Secret Link":
Keshe ISO file secret link
Download ISO file, burn to disk, spread far and wide!
New 0 0 0
If anyone wants these files and cannot get them any other way, let me know and I will get them available from my server here at home.
my address: v e e w e e 7 7 a t w i n d s t r e a m d o t n e t.
Could you send them me please, do I need torrent to read them?
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