The FOLKS MUST CHOOSE their Destiny and thus, the
America they want to live in…while they still have a Chance at CHOICE.
That ‘CHOICE’ is fading with Each Passing Day as
evidenced by the conduct of this NATIONAL GOVERNMENT.
Further Denial will commit everyone to a surreal life
they could have Never imagined but…. whose servitude resulting from their
denial will become entirely REAL.
Founding Fathers could NOT have been more Eloquent in their Description &
Prediction of Such should the People EVER FORGET their identity!
Procrastination is the ‘Music of the Provocateur’…
allowing for The Dalliance of their ‘Overture’ to spirit away our Freedoms
while Their Kabuki Dance of Deception goes Unheeded!
Washington DC is a modern-day Babylon whose Government has
become an Ideological Blithe upon the Hallowed Halls of this Once Awed
We Must Separate!
‘Played like a Fiddle and Government is the Riddle’

President, The Confederate Society of America
(Ms. Hough is a Member of The Confederate Society’s Board of
From: Joan Hough []
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 11:44 PM
To: Joan Hough
Subject: FW: PICTURE- I want this on my truck too....
Importance: High
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 11:44 PM
To: Joan Hough
Subject: FW: PICTURE- I want this on my truck too....
Importance: High
3/14/14 6:01 PM, "Craig Maus" <>
Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),
The level of CORRUPTION within the
American Government is but a by-product resulting from the
2-Party Political Oligarchy that runs it.
They have created a system of ‘government’ over many
decades that is vastly different from the one given us by the Founding Fathers.
In ‘turn’ the province created from their altered
dominion has allowed them the ability to usurp most of those conscripts
associated with the ‘original’.
It is a contrived edifice wherein miss-guided Idolatry
has replaced the ‘simple’ genius once associated with the former Republic.
It is a Cesspool whose Political Labyrinth has become a
giant Political Corporation.
It has been in the making, as this Confederate has
stated, ever since the War for Southern Independence ended with the Invasion
& subsequent over-throw of our Country and our
Confederate Government.
The last 55 years, most particularly, is a testament
to where this has been going all along.
The Transformation of the American Theater has been
on-going but was put into ‘overdrive’ by these usurping RepublicRats, especially,
during this time period.
Every venue once associated with the American
Republic and the nexus of her core has been ELIMINATED thru Political
In the late 1950’s the Social Dynamics associated
with our former Republic came under direct assault.
Because of the foregoing events, the ‘2-Party
Over-Seers’ had finally positioned themselves for their most cardinal
assault - the American Family Unit.
The Family Unit had always been the Heart & Soul of
America and its decimation was essential if the interests of the Washington
Political Corporation were to be realized!
Once the key component of the American System, this
staple would fall victim to an ever-increasing and largess National Government
who long before had divorced itself from any concept once associated with the
term ‘LIMITED’.
Once the Family Unit became ‘fragmented’, it would
not be long thereafter that other ‘staple components’ once associated with core
American Values would begin to fall like dominos.
As mentioned, this ‘pump’ had to be first primed before
it’s milking could be realized.
This ‘priming’ began in earnest after 1865 once the ‘transfer’
was made from the States to the National Government, thanks to a War engineered
by the Red Republicans of that time and continuing under one name or another
& party ever since.
Thru steadily increased national government spending,
(SEE BELOW), and advanced thru a TAX SYSTEM so corrupt , their ‘Babylon’
was erected!
The Country we knew or the one we thought we knew, was
disappearing before our very eyes.
Sadly, with each generation removed, more knew less
about their former Country and Republic thanks to a 2-Party Duopoly in
Washington who had revised much of its History while having the ‘revised’
version ‘taught’ within their government schools.
Further, the resulting ‘paradigms’
created by the ‘Government of Babylon’ (Social Programs, Departments and
Otherwise) began to take a serious hold in the late 1950’s.
It wouldn’t be until the 1960’s that the Transformation
would go into full effect but by this time the escalating Taxes had already
forced Mom to go to work and the once single parent work ethic, with Mom
raising the kids, would be NO more ever again.
Dad’s pay could NO longer support the Family Unit
as it once was.
Taxes, an Inflated Dollar, Government Programs & Spending
were about to become a full blown malignancy and America would NEVER again be
the same.
Combine this with the many occurrences of the
1960’s, not the least of which was the guise of Humanitarianism that spawned
most of the Federal departments that are now in existence today, and the Social
re-adjustment of the Country was underway with many accepting the LIE they were
being sold taking a willing seat on a Stool of Guilt from which they have never
Nevertheless, Babylon’s government had to emulsify
America to ensure the Completeness of the Transformation process begun
decades earlier.
And to this end, using and applying many of the same
tactics that allowed them to create the Altered Social State that impacted the
Culture of America, they PASSED THE REVISED IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1965.
This was what GROUT is to TILE- the
It changed the persuasion of Immigration from European to
3rd World and further advanced the Social Hegemony of the 2-Party
The eventual impact it would have, decades
after, would be realized in the many Social Ethnicity Problems everyone is now
seeing- from Crime to Language, etc., with ALL requiring altered &
special attention demanded by the ‘government’ resulting in special
education or specialized representation in schools or elsewhere with ALL
disguised under diversity programs up to an including Religion allowing the
‘government’ to further emulsify those pillars from which its original Identity
was based.
This does NOT include the Voting Demographics resulting
from Governmental Programs favoring certain groups whose voting records hence
clearly indicate a propensity in voting for the ‘people’ providing them with
the free-bee’s.
Of course, to recognize this pragmatically and call any
attention to it, has put many a folk on Babylon’s alter of Political
Correctness wherein Social Profiling under a simple term as Racist, forever
commits one to Devils Island and a Life Sentence of Servitude & ‘Apology’.
Thus, the 2-Party Oligarchy created a Bridgework
whose clear purpose was POLARIZATION- deliberately intended for
the reasons mentioned & right under everyone’s noses via Illusion resulting
in the TWO DIFFERENT AMERICA’S we have today.
The Family Unit’s alteration/destruction began in
the late 1950’s;
The ‘Immigration Factor’ was becoming an obvious
factor in the 1950’s and,
The Revised Immigration Act of 1965 was
passed in the ‘late of night’ just as Washington was getting us into
another War.
Let’s put it this way- Anyone capable
of usurping the Constitution in 1861 and combining to Revise American History
thereafter while purposely disengaging from the Real Reasons why the War for
Southern Independence was fought, I would declare is & was more than
capable of implementing a long-term Political Alteration intent on
bringing about that which we are witnessing today through a series of ‘default
mechanisms’ having been cleverly put into place ever since.
The Confederacy never invaded the Corporation of the
United States but rather, it was that Corporation who invaded the Confederacy.
And where has the Republic gone since & who would YOU
say has benefitted the most?
Would you say the country has gone ‘Upwards’……or would
you say, it has steadily gone Downwards?
Let us Compare some NUMBERS to help YOU decide:
Ø The
Federal Government’s Debt in 1860 was $ 65 Million dollars.
Ø And
where did the Wealth reside at the time- with
the Individual Sovereign States or the Federal Government?
Ø Since
it resided with the Sovereignty of each State, WHO do YOU think benefited the
most- the People or the Federal Government?
Sort of makes a whole
lot of Common Sense as the States were the Ones who created the Federal
Government knowing what was best for THEMSELVES… they put Themselves &
their People FIRST!
Ø Equally,
and because of ‘that condition’ (created via the intentions of the Founders)
would YOU say the Federal Government was LIMITED as a
Ø By 1862,
Lincoln had INCREASED the Federal Debt to $525 Million Dollars.
Ø Did
YOU ever think how Lincoln was able to PAY FOR HIS WAR and keep the Government
Today, we call it ‘Deficit
Spending’ and Lincoln created the criteria for what was to come- he Printed
worthless Green-Backs against
His Word that his Government
would back his paper money.
Today we have a Federal Reserve
System doing exactly what Lincoln did… the Only Difference being the Federal
Reserve System is a group of Independent Bankers that the Government created 48
years after their Illegal Invasion of Our Country.
Ø And who
is the WEALTHY ONE NOW- the Central Government or the States? Are Y’all seeing
how things were Reversed?
ANY of those Confederate Dots Yet?’
Ø Lincoln
DID what this National Government has been emulating & doing ever since.
Lincoln created the ‘standard’!
Ø He
Financed HIS WAR with worthless paper money. Therein, the ‘criteria’ for what
was to follow in EVERY CONCEIVABLE ‘DEPARTMENT’, was established.
Ø Thus
the Federal Government would be NO more- having been replaced by a
Central/National Government and the States would
‘send/cede’ their Wealth
& that of their Peoples to this Central/National Government &
thus Babylon was launched at OUR EXPENSE.
Ø Are you
seeing what was Reversed & what was Created as a result?
Does my analogy of the
‘Tail Wagging the Dog’ now make sense?
Can YOU understand that
it has been an enormous LIE & Smokescreen ever since?
‘The Fox is clearly in
charge of the chicken coupe’.
Do YOU still think YOU
are in control?
Does ‘Connecting the
Dots’ become more meaningful?
And, in
‘Conclusion, Obama is proposing for 2015, a 1-year ‘budget’
of $ 5 TRI$$ION DOLLARS- 5
Is the
Spiders Web becoming a Bit Clearer?
thinking We Confederates had it Wrong?
y’all see what they have done to You & America ever since 1865?
Look at
the Picture below, this is LINCOLN’S ‘Off-Spring’!
really think “Those People”, as General Lee called them, have YOUR INTERESTS at
We MUST Separate!
‘When the Republic of the Confederation Lost, so Too did Two
Country’s but Only WE CONFEDERATES knew it at the time…..and still do!’
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Will You Join Us Now?
(Thanks Mark for forwarding the Picture-
It speaks VOLUMES! Mr. Motto is a Member of The Confederate Society’s Board of
From: Mark
Motto []
Subject: I want this on my truck too
Importance: High
Subject: I want this on my truck too
Importance: High
those Texans know how to say it or what?
Have a Blessed Day!
1 comment:
Nice photoshop.
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