Friday, March 21, 2014

The National Libery Alliance

If we build a Grand Jury, the people will come.


Dan said...

Who then is saying we have 50 De Jure Grand Juries?
Maybe we have 50 De Facto Grand Juries that are useless for the RuSA, but those people don't know that.
Maybe those people have taken info to the 50 De Facto Grand Juries, but nothing has been worth them looking into for a trial.
The Federal Marshalls are Appointed by the President, so we CAN NOT have an Arrest of ANY government official that has committed Treason.

Unknown said...

Look at the website and research this, it seems we do have recourse. This was the easiest to comprehend and it is not just a theory I have met the founder and we have constituted Rhode Island but we need more members in our state.....Check it out is all I ask!

Anonymous said...

You can not clean up Washington, D.C. until you clean up your own backyard. And you can not build a house from the roof down.