Cabal has run out of cards to
play. It's over.
Saturday 7PM Washington D.C. time : Midnight Paris Time : GCR - Global Currency Reset
Sunday Morning Jack Lew will make an announcement and explain the transition back to the - Gold Standard -.
However, the new currency TRN : Treasury Reserve Notes will only be fractionally Gold Backed.
Most will be in the form of oil and natural gas.
So, not so bad after all. :-)
Wave goodbye & good riddance to the Federal Reserve.
The U.S. Treasury will gobble up the Federal Reserve and foreclose.

The announcement of the new TRN and its exchange rate is scheduled for March 17, 2014.
The new USD bills will say Treasury Reserve Note instead of Federal Reserve Note.
--- This is a POSITIVE reset of the Global Financial System . ---
There is more: Prosperity Packages will be handed out soon!
That means steps will be taken to abolish poverty on Earth.
This is a Win / Win for Earth.
This will also result in a U.S. Stock Market massive rally. It's all about real assets.
The U.S. Fortune 500 has a mountain of real assets.
Saturday 7PM Washington D.C. time : Midnight Paris Time : GCR - Global Currency Reset
Sunday Morning Jack Lew will make an announcement and explain the transition back to the - Gold Standard -.
However, the new currency TRN : Treasury Reserve Notes will only be fractionally Gold Backed.
Most will be in the form of oil and natural gas.
So, not so bad after all. :-)
Wave goodbye & good riddance to the Federal Reserve.
The U.S. Treasury will gobble up the Federal Reserve and foreclose.

The announcement of the new TRN and its exchange rate is scheduled for March 17, 2014.
The new USD bills will say Treasury Reserve Note instead of Federal Reserve Note.
--- This is a POSITIVE reset of the Global Financial System . ---
There is more: Prosperity Packages will be handed out soon!
That means steps will be taken to abolish poverty on Earth.
This is a Win / Win for Earth.
This will also result in a U.S. Stock Market massive rally. It's all about real assets.
The U.S. Fortune 500 has a mountain of real assets.
So the Federal Reserve will take 6 months to be shut down, yet the IRS CAN Continue to UN-Constitutionally Collect for the Bankrupt Federal Reserve?
The Employers should be Publicly Informed that the IRS IS UN-Constitutional, and that the REPEAL of the Withholding Tax WAS Approved in 1944!!!
There is a currency backed by gold, oil and nat gas and at the same time there is talk of releasing free energy devices. Won't oil and gas prices will fall with the release of free energy?
I still take issue with the word NOTE. If that word is on the new Treasury bills, dollars, then, to me, nothing has chanced. A NOTE is a NOTE is a NOTE! And the word NOTE denotes debt.
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