Updating the Bundy
Ranch Victory In Nevada
BLM Backs Down To Go Figure Next Approach
After Ranchers, Farmers, Good Neighbors and Militias Stood Tall
Jason Bean Photo
courtesy of Basil Fishbone
This know: the Godless idiots at the BLM and other Fedgov
departments and agencies which pack guns against Americans on U.S. soil
would never know or understand what lives in the hearts and souls of the
good Americans seated in saddles on their horses as shown in the above
These American cowboys own a reverence for life and a love for their
country. With and through their reverence for life comes their own
self-respect and subsequent honesty, and thereby they forge in the living
of each day a real value given back to the land which bore them.
The cowboys work
the land, live on the land, love the land, and, as we saw clearly on
April 12, 2014, they will stand for the land.
And so will their
good neighbors and militia. In fact, a variety of Americans from many
walks of our culture and society were gearing up to help defend the Ranch
besieged by the BLM. This one appeals to all sorts of Americans
across the board.
Thank God!
But then there are the government guys and gals,
an army of Feducated, programmed, trained, taught, pressured, motivated,
conditioned, and mentally-engaged "Americans" who come from
real American societies and neighborhoods and rural lands but who were
misguided into a perception of the role of government in human lives
which of course only reinforces the mandate of government-supremacy for
the greater good of everyone.
The runaway federal government has so thoroughly
concentrated the powers of government by interfacing all levels that it
has written the rules of engagement for "enforcement agencies"
to militarily assault the good people of America. These
people-turned-agent have been mentally programmed to see we the people as
the enemy now. The imagery in their sense of duty includes the use and
expression of brutality and even the willingness to shoot their
fellow Americans when ordered by government 'authorities'.
That is serious
business. So in order to put such policy in place it has to be
reinforced by "orders". Orders from a government which is
in bed with corporate entities who have designs on the American peoples'
properties, guns, and liberties. Orders from a government which is
cooperating with a one-world government called the United Nations and its
programs referred to as Agenda 21. Most Agents will enforce statutes and
follow orders which are not lawful, and they will hardly think about it
until long after the damage has been done.
They are taught to
follow orders. They are not taught that their Oath was sworn to the Constitution
instead of to the government which came out of that Constitution. They
are not taught that the States created the Federal government and that
the States own the rights of land-management while the Federal government
has no such authority. They are just taught that if anyone dare question
"authority", if anyone dare dissent, if anyone dare stand up
for the Constitution in the face of governmental onslaught, if anyone
dare have a patriotic thought left in one's head, and if anyone dare stand
in front of them and tell them that the people say "no", then
they may have to be willing to shoot Americans. That is what
federal-level enforcement agents are taught and it is what most of them
still believe. It is what they 'do'.
But that is
soul-less, is it not? What these BLM agents did out there was heartless,
cold, cruel, and a huge waste of public funds. It became a mechanism of
governmental expression and assertion turned back into the face of the
people who support the government and are loyal to the America this
nation was created to be. It revealed to America what government
considers to be its proper recourse whenever any annoying little
*individual citizen* runs amok and refuses to pay proper tribute to the
almighty General government. The agents who would enforce this may not
have even known that their employer would order them to do things which
violate their Oath. But one day this event will come back to haunt them,
for as we all know, government propaganda is always seen through in time.
Put another way by the late Steve Mason,
"Old soldiers
with bad gums find out too late whom they really served."
How we can know
that is by understanding what just came down at the Bundy Ranch at
Bunkerville, Nevada, on the week of April 12, 2014. After all the
Fedgov huff and bluff, a posse of ranchers on horses showed enough
popular support and old-fashioned American manhood to stand their ground
and by God they ran the damned-by-God BLM out of there.
They mounted up
and rode into the face of the BLM's guns, and by their determination and
courage, the cows came home. Add this video to your already abundant love
for the American spirit.
Historic! Feds
Forced to Surrender to American Citizens
Be of good cheer.
The Bundy Ranch resistance movement has planted good seed in good earth
and will bear much good fruit in coming times. Oath Keepers will
have much more to say. We would like to thank everyone who
supported this wonderful moment in American history in any way and every
way. Your efforts and deeds have shown that America is still
"in there". You've given America hope.
Elias Alias,
PS: Oath Keepers
would like to thank Josh Owens and David Knight for live-streaming the
above video and much more at AlexJonesLive for InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.
PSS: This article
was originally published at Oath Keepers, here:
Please leave your
comments under the article at our national site. Thank you!
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