Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward- See Below Herein),
As the Board of Directors of The Confederate Society of
America points out- Comrade Dirty Harry Re(i)d controls the casinos, developers
and the solar power industry out there.
He will use his position within the District of Criminals
to do whatever is NECESSARY to rid himself of this American citizen (Cliven
Bundy) and his Ranch to get what he wants.
Be it the IRS, OSHA, the EPA, etc., or any of the other
Gestapo Wings of this National but NO longer Federal Government and if that
doesn’t work, the application of the convoluted ‘laws’ he has helped
pass allowing for the discriminatory use of FORCE up to and KILLING an
American, ‘Legally’, if necessary.
And if ANYONE thinks these are the machinations emanating
from ‘yahoo’s’ clinging to the past, y’all better pick up a World History Book
and read how other ‘yahoo’s’ were treated by the same types in government when
they refused to get their heads outa their backsides and look Reality in the
the Official Transformation of America Begins!”- Barack Hussein Obama, election
eve 2008.
avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my Friends carefully.
more politically active Black students, the Foreign students, the Chicanos, the
Marxist professors and the Structural feminists & Pun-Rock performance
Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race
& Inheritance- Barack Hussein Obama’s book.
Y’all should have read it PRIOR to 2008 & certainly before 2012
when you ‘voted’- Did You?)
This is just part of that promised TRANSFORMATION
and if you think this is anywhere ‘near’ the same Country it was before 2008
(and things were bad then), then you are part of that other America that has
already Surrendered.
We MUST Separate!
‘Played like a Fiddle and Washington is the Riddle’

President, The Confederate Society of America
PS- The Confederacy tried to tell Y’all what would come…and IT
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:25 PM
To: Undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: "Dirty Harry" won't get made--He'll get even!
To: Undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: "Dirty Harry" won't get made--He'll get even!
Think the Bundy Ranch
situation is all over? Think again. The Bundy's won a battle, not a war. The
war is yet to come.
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