Thursday, April 24, 2014

Do we still live under the Constitution?

Do we still live under the Constitution?

Published on Mar 20, 2014
Our Pledge of Allegiance, "and to the Republic, for which it stands," demonstrates that our government is indeed, a republic, not a democracy. The Republic for the United States of America is the only lawful government for the United States of America. The lawful government was re-inhabited in 2010 and is in the process of shifting governance from the unlawful, unchartered UNITED STATES municipal corporation to the de jure Republic for the United States of America.
You have recently heard in the media that the Republic for the United States of America (The Republic) has been re-inhabited. This is true. This is not a new government. This constitutional government is the continuation of the government that our founding fathers began in 1776. It is the original government that your fellow Americans have re-inhabited. This may be shocking news to you, but it is the best news you may have ever heard about your country. It may take you a bit of study to understand how over the last 100 years or more our constitutional government has been stolen from "We the People". Your fellow brothers and sisters of The Republic will provide you with the documentation necessary to begin your journey towards learning the truth and understanding our history. Again, the government that the founding fathers started in 1776 is back, restored, and available to you.
Even though you are just now discovering the re-inhabited Republic, other nations around the world have known about the re-inhabitation since 2010. We have been in meaningful communication with the leadership of other countries for a peaceful transition and new peaceful relationships. We have all seen over the last several decades the Constitution has been ignored and how the current UNITED STATES (ALL CAPITAL letter name) interferes with our private and personal lives. This UNITED STATES CORPORATION does not function under the Constitution of the United States of America and by this means has usurped the rights of "We the People". This CORPORATION, posing as our government, has ignored the Constitution and operated under commercial code for corporate profit and has no obligation or accountability to "We the People".
The re-inhabitation of the original Constitutional Republic is the best news you and your family have heard about government in years. Citizens of the Republic for the United States of America will be back under the protections of the Constitution. If you have not read the Constitution and first ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights lately, do so immediately.

Your brothers and sisters in the Republic for the United States of America understand the confusion this message may cause. You most likely are discovering for the first time that the reason things have been going so wrong in this nation is because you have not been in The Republic and under the protections of a constitutional government your entire life. But now, the door has been opened for you. We welcome you to explore further.


Anonymous said...

How about a web site or other way to contact them?

Anonymous said...

here is the website you wanted

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

no flippin way should anyone consider this group of TT loons. Too much history and all you have to do is go find out. UNLESS, the original TT supporters are gone, then this group is off limits in my opinion. They lie when they say TT is unjustly in jail Wrong, he is a crook along with a whole bunch of the governors congress, senate etc.
I don't doubt that this new pres is a good enough guy, but my bet is that they are infiltrated with defacto shills. I could name a bunch of governers that belong in the lunatic farm.

JOHN, you are supporting the TT group again after all the stuff that happened before? You have been secretive about who the new republic is, and it is the same group? Shame! And, people, just because kooks like jester are promoting this means nothing. Jester is according to his name. Now those who belong to his site will follow him to the road of destruction, and give tons of money after RV to this group. You have been warned people.

Anonymous said...

America has been living under 2 Constitutions 1871 and 1787-1791. The 1871 structure is nothing but a corporate charter and the top ruling entity of 1871 is the pope. The original Constitution of 1787-1791 is alive and a living document. Recalling the Tim Turner debacle Mr. Turner was building a top down govt. The republic that has been formed that John spoke of being activated on April 17th (not confirmed) is common law i.e. God's law. Obama campaigned that America was no longer a Christian nation. Shear fantasy on his part. But a usurper with a religious agenda. The highest form of treason? God bless America!

Anonymous said...

Some references to our Republic for the United States of America

Executive Summary:

Speech by Acting President James Buchanan Geiger

Pointed Questions directed to Obama's indifferent Government:

"This revelation should also concern the members of every sub corporation under the U.S. Corporation, including all agencies and military branches. Yes, they are corporations also. Just as Mr. Obama has no diplomatic immunity they too have been stripped of this protection as well. This leaves many dedicated and hardworking servants of the people in a very awkward position. They’ve taken an oath to the constitution, but have been working all along for these various for profit companies."