Subject: Feds Can't Own Land
Judge Napolitano
Cannot Own Land
Last night on the Sean Hannity show, Judge Napolitano said
what I've been saying. The federal government has no constitutional authority
to own land. Check it out; watch a recording of the show.
Any such claim to federal land ownership (except federal
enclaves) lack constitutional authority, and is therefore null and void. The
federal government does not own the public lands. The People do. The issue is
not land transfer. The issue is not even legislative authority, because the
Constitution and Eisenhower Report are both consistent in saying the
legislative authority over the lands within the states belongs to the states
(except the federal enclaves). The states just have to exercise it.
Understanding Jurisdiction is so critical at this juncture,
that my most recent presentation on this topic was just released to YouTube.
Watch it in its entirety.
Cliven Bundy Is Right! Jurisdiction Is The Key
Kirk MacKenzie
I've been shouting it to anyone that will listen (or read) - government has "NO RIGHT OF SOIL". And, it's not only a jurisdiction issue, it's VENUE.
Dear John, trust all is well
I do enjoy Judge N.....and wonder if..
U.C.C. 2013032035
...comes up in his circles...all best, Ed
...when an 'entity' has no standing....
...where does 'it'...stand...?
One thing is clear, from recent as well as past performance from the main stream media, they are not our friends, Therefore, they must be the enemy. They are giving aid and comfort to the enemy and should be treated just like the enemy when the good guys finally take over. I'm sorry to say, I've always considered American law enforcement and U.S. government people our friends, but they have shown that they no longer want to be our friends and do not consider us their friends. There are undoubtedly good people still working for the government, but they have obviously been brainwashed or bought and paid for. It now comes down to, "you are either with us or you are against us." We will win in the end and you all will pay for your misdeeds. And that goes for the news media who have done everything possible to discredit the American people and those who abide by the Constitution. To try to paint the Bundy Family as terrorists, racists, and so on, is unforgiveable. MSNBC is the worst I have seen in a while. Pure scum.
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