Sunday, April 13, 2014

Historic! Feds Forced to Surrender to American Citizens


Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that a temporary withdraw and regroup is NOT a surrender... Got back read numerous how a war is WON, although thru many battles are fought!!

Anonymous said...

History does repeat itself

Short minded people forget how the Clinton regime shot an unarmed child in the back and when his unarmed mother looked out the window while holding an infant Mrs Clinton stated "Take her out" to Janet Reno as Janet was the attorney general so it as settled instead of murder first degree it was unlawful death action settled out of court (Ruby Ridge)

In Waco Texas The Clinton regime make it look like America was under attack and used a tank to kill women and children Yet Mrs Clinton called NYC police murders STAND YOUR GROUND as we have a NAZI REGIME in office . America had better wake up soon

The democraps are out of control with power and forget they work for us NOT us being their subjects