Thursday, April 24, 2014

How a different look at Jesus

Subject: How a different look at Jesus

How much do we really know about
the historical figure Jesus of Nazareth?

A lot more than you think, but because
of "Religion Inc." it's hard to see the
forest for the trees.


- Brasscheck

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1 comment:

archangel said...

This fellow would be well served to investigate the order of the Essenes if he wants to understand Jesus' time better. Jesus was an Essene and engaged in many mystery schools of the Essenes. The mystery schools were many in those times. They were something like colleges of initiatory mysteries, whereby one raised their consciousness and knowledge level far above the common world. The other orders were Pagan idol worship of many gods and goddesses such as the ones of Rome, Greece and Egypt. Jesus emerged from those mystery orders in order to bring the teachings of the mysteries to the common world and attempt to enlighten the masses and start new trends that would hopefully improve man's condition of the times.