Sunday, April 27, 2014

More On The Rumor: Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike against Bundy ranch

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

More On The Rumor: Report claims Eric Holder approved drone strike against Bundy ranch
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-2014 11:27:57

On Friday, John Jacob Schmidt of Radio Free Redoubtsaid that according to Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, Attorney General Eric Holder has approved drone strikes against the Bundy ranch to take place some time in the next 48 hours. According to Schmidt, the information came from a source Oath Keepers has within the Department of Defense.
That source, according to the report, allegedly said Attorney General Eric Holder authorized what is known as a “hot drone strike” against the ranch. Such a strike, he added would effectively kill everyone at the ranch.
Schmidt said that as far as he could determine, there has been no attempt to follow through with the alleged threat. He also expressed hope that a planned strike against Americans on U.S. soil could be averted.
According to a post at The Liberty Beacon, Rhodes said feds are treating the Bundy ranch situation like a bomb threat in a school. Leslie Bishop Paul, the national administrator of Oath Keepers, said on Facebook the information “may, or may not” be valid, but hoped that “sunlight’ would cause federal agencies to back down from such an act.
“Pray it isn’t true and pray it never happens,” Paul added.
Liberty Beacon went on to say that such a move by the government would be the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. The blog went on to suggest that the information might be intended to provoke violence, giving the government reason to impose martial law.
“So is this disinformation to get the boots on the ground to evacuate the scene so that BLM people can move in Waco style, or is it absolute bull to have us put out false info and destroy our credibility,” the blog asked. During an interview with Schmidt, Rhodes said it is possible the report could be part of a disinformation campaign. The person who reportedly gave the information, he said, believes what he heard.
Rhodes also said that Holder felt justified in his decision, based on comments made by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. As we reported last Friday, Reid called Bundy supporters “domestic terrorists.”
Attempts to obtain comments from the Department of Justice have so far been unsuccessful. The entire 20-minute report can be heard here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In 1850 in the time of King George domestic terrorists were referred to as pirates and persons were still referred to as ships and vessels. It appears as if the only reality that matters is whether one is for or against the King or Queen of England. Regardless whether the activity is robbery and murder depending on whose side you are on your classification or your title changes accordingly to officer, crew, admiral, subject or pirate. What changed?