From: "One World of
To: "v k durham"
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 11:47:24 AM
Subject: One World
To: "v k durham"
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 11:47:24 AM
Subject: One World
One World
Posted: 24 Apr 2014 01:29 PM PDT
As the Cabal is now floundering, it may need the Charisma of a
few agitated Texans to say this is the borderline and you don't cross it.
Texas is for Texans and No Federal Suits or claim Jumping our Land or Horse
Thief Justice will be applied. Just hanging 5 of these BASTARDS and sending
them back in boxes to DC would do much good. One World of Nations By P 24
April 2014 Cliven Bundy
Time to revisit history
and see the mass murdering spree funded by the Rockefeller's, Rothschild's
and Bush type scum which are a blight on America's Soul and pass unavenged.
This makes truly sad reading and thanks to EWO for submitting it.
![]() By EWO 16 April 2014 Sunday, April 20, 2014 marks the one hundred year anniversary of the heinous Ludlow Massacre, a piece of our country’s history very seldom, if ever, mentioned, even in Colorado history books. Suffice to say that generations of mining families are aware of this event that has been swept under the rug to appease the “R” family held responsible, but never charged with the murder of innocent men, women and mostly children. Thus, aptly entitled “The First Waco”. As we read on this site over and over again of man’s inhumanity to man, not the least of which is abuse and betrayal of the Native American Indians by our government, yet another incident sits in the shadows with barely a word of acknowledgement. Could it be because of the elite cabal family that was directly tied to the incident and their fear of tarnishing the family name? One can only imagine. What you will find is their involvement of tasking the Colorado National Guard with squelching their employee issues by use of force all the while keeping the media quiet and truth out of the limelight. Sounds a bit too familiar does it not? The purpose of this exposure is to let us not take the ongoing Cliven Bundy incident in Nevada lightly and pray that it can be resolved without any innocent blood being shed. The issues surrounding the Ludlow Massacre were simply the desires of the miners for a safer work environment and acceptable living conditions for their families. In many ways they were controlled slaves to their paymasters who would not listen to their employees concerns, more concerned in the bottom line. Sounds a bit too familiar does it not? Well by now you have figured out it was either a Rothschild or a Rockefeller that was involved. You guessed correctly, the owner of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company was John D. Rockefeller, Jr. For the sake of time there are links below that go into greater detail on this horrific event, the circumstances that led to the bloodshed, the attempt to keep it quiet and maybe the only good that came out of it, child labor laws and eight hour work days. People, they got away with this. They got away with killing Kennedy. They got away with Waco. They got away with 9/11, invasion of Iraq, 3/11, Sandy Hook, Colorado Theatre shootings, the list goes on and on. The Ludlow Massacre, much like Cliven Bundy is a testing ground for what we the people will tolerate, how far will we let them push the envelope of taking our freedoms away from us and what lengths they will go to by engaging our very own military and three letter agencies to turn their backs on their own country men, women and children. Sounds a bit too familiar does it not? God help us all and give us wisdom for the mountains we have to climb in the days to come shoulder to shoulder as One. Only wanting to live in peace, prosper, raise our families and enjoy our grandchildren without the burden of the 1%, without interference of being mind controlled, money controlled, debt controlled, GMO food and water controlled and chemtrailed to death. We are the ones that will use our time wisely as well in making the world a better place for those that have gotten a far worse end of the stick than we have. This article is from MacHaffies blog, ignore their reptilian references and get to the core of the article which was suppression of the media and the truth of at least 2 women and 11 children being asphyxiated and burned to death under a tent. From Wikipedia: The Ludlow Massacre was an attack by the Colorado National Guard and Colorado Fuel & Iron Company camp guards on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado, on April 20, 1914. Some two dozen people, including women and children, were killed. The chief owner of the mine, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was widely criticized for incident. The massacre, the culmination of a bloody widespread strike against Colorado coal mines, resulted in the violent deaths of between 19 and 26 people; reported death tolls vary but include two women and eleven children, asphyxiated and burned to death under a single tent.[1] The deaths occurred after a daylong fight between militia and camp guards against striking workers. Ludlow was the deadliest single incident in the southern Colorado Coal Strike, lasting from September 1913 through December 1914. The strike was organized by the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) against coal mining companies in Colorado. The three largest companies involved were the Rockefeller family-owned Colorado Fuel & Iron Company (CF&I), the Rocky Mountain Fuel Company (RMF), and the Victor-American Fuel Company (VAF). In retaliation for Ludlow, the miners armed themselves and attacked dozens of mines over the next ten days, destroying property and engaging in several skirmishes with the Colorado National Guard along a 40-mile front from Trinidad to Walsenburg.[2] The entire strike would cost between 69 and 199 lives. Thomas G. Andrews described it as the "deadliest strike in the history of the United States".[3]
comments :
Thank you Canauzzie and John for posting this
tribute to hard working American men, women and children, salt of the earth,
that were needlessly slaughtered by Americans for the sake of the 1%. May
this serve as an additional wake up call for us to "pray
continually" for protection of those standing up daily here on our own shores
for freedom and for those employed by our government to see the light that
they can and will be used for cannon fodder if it suites the purpose.
Regardless we have a lot to be thankful for and united we will stand, may you
all enjoy a blessed Resurrection Sunday, if you celebrate the Christ who died
for all that we might be free. Befitting that this 100 year anniversary comes
on Sunday.
No thanks necessary. This is your platform to
be heard. I thank you for putting in the effort to educate us all.
Thank you EWO
Thanks EWO
Painful…time for justice…..fascists have to go…...
Great article EWO.
@EWO and Canuzzie - Ditto and beautifully
We are here to serve and help all of you expose truth and seek Justice.
I am moving John's latest comment up here to
our new #1 article by EWO.
john has left a new comment on your post "Pope asks forgiveness for ‘evil’ of child abuse by...": Updates As we deal with a multi facet series of all the Special Interest Treasury and Political Interest Groups daily, we see each nuance and each move as played out. This is primarily a Global Power Battle, one taking back what is owed, from parties who have squandered so much, leaving lost generations to pay now with no hope and inadequate education. Industries decimated and jobs lost. Family values consigned to history, and a world devoid of real Leadership. Yes, it can ALL turn in a heartbeat, but either way. The value of your thoughts and consciences on this site, is that we have many evolving thinkers. Once cleared, and we WILL get cleared, YOU as a Collective ARE the very Groups we will need, the enlightened and constructive thinkers, to help us deliver solutions to Communities, and to enhance life for so many in real need. Governments won't make it happen. ONLY YOU CAN! Our jobs are to be the Pit Bulls to force it through as is in play daily. We ARE conscious of those in real need of hope. Do NOT despair, it IS evolving. So here's to help Tony again, with a clear policy overview and for his better supporters we do value. 1. We pre advised of new Real World delays purposefully to allow people in need to prioritize this months money to where most needed, and not ambulance chase in blind hope. Constructive guidance for them all. Advice with respect and care. We do fully understand all. 2. Today, on one aspect, we saw real movement this morning involving a certain Chinese Elders overdue deal now moving with new hope. From that, once it does clear, the Good US Patriots working closely with us, will be working as part of a Global collective of like minds, to help turn this Tramp Ship of State around. 3.The whining lowest grunts and mediocrities we suffer as the fools they are , who have nothing but bile to espouse, who seem to exist only to whine with hands out, need to be simply terminated as Canon Fodder for the guru sites only. The odd spitting bitch of no value seem to be getting air time for vitriol. Tony seems now to have developed the appropriate mechanism to move them on. Negative grunts poison sites. Most, on both sites do seem to understand the daily Bear Pit realities we face. Those of low IQ Opine! Grunts!. Neither site needs or wants them. This is a battle we are all in together. Only We are funding it! 4.OWON already has a very enlightened series of support parties who encourage the hell out of us for the future. Good parties are now emerging at WHA, with responsible attitudes towards community aid.That is encouraging. Putting back is our core ethos. 5. There WILL be time once its clearing to move IN TIME to get what you need, and be part of your Tiers. We WILL publicize a clear plan for both sites and really help when the time is right. You WILL NOT get left behind, got it? The bitching dissenters need to move on. Go. Join Guru land. These are sites for Real people, Real issues. Abby types need to vacate. Go! Over the next few days we will issue a major global report to give you a comprehensive understanding of the multi facet issues we deal with hourly, to help you all understand the complex dynamics involved seeking resolution, and many issues to debate. Some truths will affect many. But hopefully open minds. Keep faith in whats emerging here.
We discussed tier one yesterday, but you mentioned there are tiers. Can you tell us how many tiers there are and the people or groups each tier encompasses? I'm also curious why the tier 1 groups are being paid out in fiat dollars and other tiers are supposed to be paid out in TRN's?
Very sensitive info and NOT for Public disclosure. Ever. Do you share your secrets? Im IN the first 2 Ok? On Multi platforms. Fiat because we can trade it and do good with it fast but its only Big Beast territory. Why wait? We funded big time to be there. Huge. TRN's will follow later.
Thanks for for giving us information that will help us prioritize our current financial decisions. Also thanks for shedding light on the tiers that are involved in this process. Will dong/dinar holders in Europe be cashed out with gold back currencies also?
john,, is it true that CMKX was to be paid in