Report: 13K In Maryland
Lost Insurance Thanks to Obamacare and Never Got It Back
11 hours ago by Mark Horne
filed under Email Featured, Healthcare, Obamacare
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As you probably already know, the President has been boasting
about how the Affordable Care Act is succeeding so wonderfully. Barack Obama is delusional. Consider his question:
"Why are folks working so hard for people not to have
health insurance?"
Why indeed!
The question is quite ironic because Obama is the one who has
worked very hard for people not to have health insurance. And now we have
confirmation in Maryland that he has taken away the insurance of 13,000 people
who remain uninsured.
From CNS News:
The head of the Maryland Health Insurance Exchange testified
Thursday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that only
60,000 people have signed up for Obamacare through the state’s exchange -
13,000 less than the number of individuals reported to lose their insurance due
to Obamacare.
“According to our reports, according to AP, press accounts, 73,000
individuals in Maryland were going to lose their insurance because of the
Affordable Care Act, and what you’re telling me is your revised goal is
approximately the same number – 75,000. So your revised goal of people you’re
gonna sign up is: We’re gonna sign up the people who were kicked off of the
Affordable Care Act,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said.
On Nov. 4, 2013, the Baltimore Sun reported: “About 73,000 policy holders around the state
will lose their insurance in coming months because nine insurance companies are
dropping some health plans that were not grandfathered under
the Affordable Care Act, the Maryland Insurance Administration confirmed
So why are conservatives being accused of taking people’s health
care away? That’s what Obama did!
Which is worse? To take away a subsidy that is derived from the
taxes other people are forced to pay? Or to interfere in a voluntary exchange
between people so that they can no longer continue to support themselves as
they have been doing? People were buying their own insurance and paying for it
with their own money before Obamacare abolished those plans. Those
"fortunate" enough to re-enroll were also getting a much better deal
than they get now.
And, again, 13,000 are now uninsured because Obamacare robbed
More Obamacare secrets to discover |
unilateral Obama decision cost a lot of businesses a lot of money.
It almost certainly wasn't legal. Maybe that's why his Treasury officials won't release THIS information to the public ... |
Only 26% support Obamacare in the latest poll. Repeal is thus
the only path a true Republic or Democracy would take.
GOP seeks coverage choices in health
law they hate

Apr 6, 12:10 PM (ET)
WASHINGTON (AP) - At the prodding of
business organizations, House Republicans quietly secured a recent change in
President Barack Obama's health law to expand coverage choices, a striking,
one-of-a-kind departure from dozens of high-decibel attempts to repeal or
dismember it.
Democrats describe the change involving
small-business coverage options as a straightforward improvement of the type
they are eager to make, and Obama signed it into law. Republicans are loath to
agree, given the strong sentiment among the rank and file that the only fix the
law deserves is a burial.
"Maybe you say it helps
(Obamacare), but it really helps the small businessman," said Rep. Phil
Roe, R-Tenn., one of several physician-lawmakers among Republicans and an
advocate of repeal.
No member of the House GOP leadership
has publicly hailed the fix, which was tucked, at Republicans' request, into
legislation preventing a cut in payments to doctors who treat Medicare
Happy New Year America
Here is what happened on January 1st 2014:
Top Income Tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income Payroll Tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains Tax went from 15 % to 28%
Dividend Tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate Tax went from 0% to 55%
Remember this 'fact;' if you have any money, the Democrats
want it! All these taxes were passed with only Democrat votes. Not
one Republican voted to do these taxes. Remember this come election
time. And make sure your friends and neighbors know this info too!
These taxes were all passed under the affordable care act,
otherwise known as Obama care.
Need we even ask?
Daring psychologist asks: Is Obama a psychopath? |
thought may have crossed your own mind once or twice.
But now, one very brave psychologist has just let the cat out of the bag and is publicly asking: "Is Barack Obama a PSYCHOPATH?" |
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