Obama Game: Is Putin Being Lured Into a Trap? . . . Important analysis. . . do
you agree?
haven’t read anything by Mike for a very long time. When I saw this title, I
was immediately interested, and I think you will be, too. ~JBy Mike Whitney
Global Research
April 15, 2014
(via CounterPunch)
Thanks to A.
is not responsible for the crisis in Ukraine. The US State Department
engineered the fascist-backed coup that toppled Ukraine’s
democratically-elected president Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him with the
American puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a former banker. Hacked phone calls reveal
the critical role that Washington played in orchestrating the putsch and
selecting the coup’s leaders. Moscow was not involved in any of these
activities. Vladimir Putin, whatever one may think of him, has not done
anything to fuel the violence and chaos that has spread across the country.
main interest in Ukraine is commercial. 66 percent of the natural gas that
Russia exports to the EU transits Ukraine. The money that Russia makes from gas
sales helps to strengthen the Russian economy and raise standards of living. It
also helps to make Russian oligarchs richer, the same as it does in the West.
The people in Europe like the arrangement because they are able to heat their
homes and businesses market-based prices. In other words, it is a good deal for
both parties, buyer and seller. This is how the free market is supposed to
work. The reason it doesn’t work that way presently is because the United
States threw a spanner in the gears when it deposed Yanukovych. Now no one
knows when things will return to normal.
overriding goal of US policy in Ukraine is to stop the further economic
integration of Asia and Europe. That’s what the fracas is really all about. The
United States wants to control the flow of energy from East to West, it wants
to establish a de facto tollbooth between the continents, it wants to ensure
that those deals are transacted in US dollars and recycled into US Treasuries,
and it wants to situate itself between the two most prosperous markets of the
next century. Anyone who has even the sketchiest knowledge of US foreign
policy– particularly as it relates to Washington’s “pivot to Asia”– knows this
is so. The US is determined to play a dominant role in Eurasia in the years
ahead. Wreaking havoc in Ukraine is a central part of that plan.
German Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Jochen Scholz summed up US policy in an
open letter which appeared on the Neue Rheinilche Zeitung news-site last week. Scholz said the Washington’s
objective was “to deny Ukraine a role as a bridge between Eurasian Union and
European Union….They want to bring Ukraine under the NATO control” and sabotage
the prospects for “a common economic zone from Lisbon to Vladivostok.”
Bingo. That’s US policy in a nutshell. It has nothing to do with
democracy, sovereignty, or human rights. It’s about money and power. Who are
the big players going to be in the world’s biggest growth center, that’s all
that matters. Unfortunately for Obama and Co., the US has fallen behind Russia
in acquiring the essential resources and pipeline infrastructure to succeed in
such a competition. They’ve been beaten by Putin and Gazprom at every turn.
While Putin has strengthened diplomatic and economic relations, expanded vital
pipeline corridors and transit lines, and hurtled the many obstacles laid out
for him by American-stooges in the EC; the US has dragged itself from one
quagmire to the next laying entire countries to waste while achieving none of
its economic objectives.
now the US has jettisoned its business strategy altogether and moved on to Plan
B, regime change. Washington couldn’t beat Putin in a fair fight, so now
they’ve taken off the gloves. Isn’t that what’s really going on? Isn’t that why
the US NGOs, and the Intel agencies, and the State Dept were deployed to launch
their sloppily-engineered Nazi-coup that’s left the country in chaos?
again, Putin played no part in any of this. All he did was honor the will
of the people in Crimea who voted overwhelmingly (97%) to reunite with the
Russian Federation. From a purely pragmatic point of view, what other choice
did they have? After all, who in their right mind would want to align
themselves with the most economically mismanaged confederation of all time (The
EU) while facing the real possibility that their nation could be reduced to
Iraq-type rubble and destitution in a matter of years? Who wouldn’t opt-out of
such an arrangement?
we noted earlier, Putin’s main objective is to make money. In contrast, the US
wants to dominate the Eurasian landmass, break Russia up into smaller,
non-threatening units, and control China’s growth. That’s the basic gameplan.
Also, the US does not want any competitors, which we can see from this
statement by Paul Wolfowitz which evolved into the US National Defense
“Our first
objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the
territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the
order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant
consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we
endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources
would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
is the prevailing doctrine that Washington lives by. No rivals. No competition.
We’re the boss. What we say, goes. The US is Numero Uno, le grande fromage. Who
doesn’t know this already? Here’s more from Wolfowitz:
“The U.S. must
show the leadership necessary to establish and protect a new order that holds
the promise of convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a
greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate
interests. In non-defense areas, we must account sufficiently for the interests
of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our
leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order.
We must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even
aspiring to a larger regional or global role.”
other words, “don’t even think about getting more powerful or we’ll swat you
like a fly.” That’s the message, isn’t it? The reason we draw attention to
these quotes is not to pick on Wolfowitz, but to show how things haven’t
changed under Obama, in fact, they’ve gotten worse. The so called Bush Doctrine
is more in effect today than ever which is why we need to be reminded of its
central tenets. The US military is the de facto enforcer of neoliberal
capitalism or what Wolfowitz calls “the established political and economic
order”. Right. The statement provides a blanket justification for the wars in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine. The US can do whatever it
deems necessary to protect the interests of its constituents, the
multi-national corporations and big finance. The US owns the world and everyone
else is just a visitor. So shut the hell up, and do what you’re told. That’s
the message. Here’s Wolfowitz one more time:
“We continue
to recognize that collectively the conventional forces of the states formerly
comprising the Soviet Union retain the most military potential in all of
Eurasia; and we do not dismiss the risks to stability in Europe from a
nationalist backlash in Russia or efforts to reincorporate into Russia the
newly independent republics of Ukraine, Belarus, and possibly others.”
figured the moment would come when the US would have to square off with Moscow
in order to pursue it’s imperial strategy in Asia. Putin doesn’t seem to grasp
that yet. He still clings to the misguided notion that rational people will
find rational solutions to end the crisis. But he’s mistaken. Washington does
not want a peaceful solution. Washington wants a confrontation. Washington
wants to draw Moscow into a long-term conflict in Ukraine that will recreate
Afghanistan in the 1990s. That’s the goal, to lure Putin into a military
quagmire that will discredit him in the eyes of the world, isolate Russia from
its allies, put strains on new alliances, undermine the Russian economy, pit
Russian troops against US-backed armed mercenaries and Special Ops, destroy
Russian relations with business partners in the EU, and create a justification
for NATO intervention followed by the deployment of nuclear weapons on
Ukrainian territory. That’s the gameplan. Why doesn’t Putin see that? [I'm thinking Mike might be
wrong, and that Putin does see this - although to us it does not seem obvious.
With only a little bit of study and research, almost anyone can see that this
is the obvious plan, and I cannot imagine that Putin, who got the oligarchs out
of Russia, remains a fool. ~J]
has agreed to a meeting this week with foreign Ministers from The United
States, the European Union, and Ukraine. This is another mistake. Originally,
Putin refused to acknowledge the coup-government as legitimate. Now he’s
changed his mind. Now he’s agreed to meet with their representatives. This is a
victory for Washington and a defeat for Russia. The Obama team will see this as
a sign of weakness, which it is.
to Al Jazeera: “The meeting will involve US Secretary of State John Kerry, EU
foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
and Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia, the EU said on Tuesday. A
spokesman for Ashton said the talks were aimed at “de-escalating” the crisis in
meeting has nothing to do with “de-escalating” the crisis.” It’s a public
relations stunt. These talks have all the credibility of the Israel-Palestine
peace talks, which is to say, none at all.
no sense talking to people who don’t want peace. It just makes them look like
they are being sincere, when they’re not. Obama and Co. don’t want peace. They
want regime change. They want to weaken and dismember Russia. They want to
reduce Moscow’s influence over energy-dependent states in Europe by disrupting
the flow of gas through Ukraine. And they want to create a justification for
carrying out their imperial agenda, which means they need to make Putin look
like a dangerous aggressor. The coup government’s crackdown on ethnic Russians
in Donetsk and Kharkiv could lead to a Russian intervention which would provide
the justification that Washington is looking for. However painful it is for
Putin to watch Russian speaking Ukrainians get beaten and perhaps killed by
Nazi thugs and foreign mercenaries dressed up as Ukrainian Security Forces, he
should avoid sending in the troops. It’s a trap.
present, Ukraine’s currency plummeting, its debts and deficits are growing, and
its economy is broken and near default. The IMF has promised to provide a $27
billion loan package that will be used to repay wealthy banks and bondholders
in Berlin and Salzburg, but will do nothing to lift the economy out of the
doldrums. None of the money from the IMF loans will be used to repay the $2.2
billion in unpaid gas bills to Gazprom or to compensate Russia for the more
than $34.4 billion in subsidies Moscow has provided for its ailing neighbor in
the last few years. Bondholders come first.
to the World Socialist Web Site: “The “tough” measures required by the IMF in
return for a $27 billion loan is already being spelt out by a 120 percent hike
in gas and heating prices, the cutting of social benefits, including free
medical assistance, and the closure of several hospitals.”
the IMF’s conditions will involve more privatizing of public assets and
services, more pension and wage cuts, more easing (“flexibility”) of labor
protections, and more cannibalizing of the economy. Ukraine’s economy will
undoubtedly slip into the same severe depression experienced everywhere that
these failed policies have been implemented. At the same time, voracious
investment banks and private equity speculators will make out like bandits
skimming billions of dollars in plunder off the distressed and vulnerable
US media has made a big deal out of the fact that Putin “has threatened to turn
off the gas to Ukraine”. While the allegation is certainly true, we’ve seen no
similar headlines about energy producers in the US cutting off the fuel for
American families who are too broke to pay their gas bill and who’ve been “left
to freeze to death in the dark.” Nor have we seen similar coverage of the 7
million Americans who were booted from their homes as part of a mortgage
laundering scam that was concocted by crooked Wall Street bankers. Putin is
actually looking for a way to avoid turning off the gas and has asked for help
on the matter from leaders of the US and EU. Here’s what he said just last
“Russia is
prepared to participate in the effort to stabilize and restore Ukraine’s
economy. However, not in a unilateral way, but on equal conditions with our
European partners. It is also essential to take into account the actual
investments, contributions and expenditures that Russia has shouldered by
itself alone for such a long time in supporting Ukraine. As we see it, only
such an approach would be fair and balanced, and only such an approach can lead
to success.”
Putin doesn’t want to continue shouldering the burden by himself, which is why
he made the statement to begin with. The new coup government has repeatedly
missed deadlines for payment on its gas supplies. Some believe they have
deliberately stopped paying so Putin will cut off the gas thus opening himself
up to harsh criticism the western media. Whether it’s true or not is impossible
to know, but so far, Washington has had little success selling the idea that
Putin is “the new Hitler”. The US is still viewed as the country that poses the
greatest threat to world peace, while the Russian president is widely admired
as a sober and restrained leader. However, that could change quickly if Putin
sends troops to defend protestors in Donetsk and Lugansk. Even so, Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned US Secretary of State John Kerry on
Sunday that if the coup government uses force on the protestors who have seized
government buildings then Russia will not participate in the upcoming
four-party talks on the crisis. Lavrov added that “the acute political crisis
in Ukraine in general and in its south-eastern regions in particular was caused
by the present Kiev authorities’ failure to take into account the legitimate
needs and interests of the Russian and Russian-speaking population.”
Sunday, Ukrainian imposter-President Oleksandr Turchynov announced a plan to
launch a “large-scale anti-terrorist operation” in Donetsk and Lugansk to avoid
a “repeat the Crimean scenario in Ukraine’s east.” The operation will involve
“military forces, anti-terrorist forces and law enforcement of Ukraine” and is
scheduled to begin at 9 AM yesterday morning.
clear, that Turchynov is trying to lure Russia into a fight, just as it’s clear
that the president would not have approved the crackdown without a green light
from Washington.
will not allow Russian-speaking people to be killed in Ukraine, that’s the red
line the junta government must not cross if they want to avoid a confrontation
with Russia. Unfortunately, Washington wants Russia to invade so it can put its
“proxy war” plan into motion.
WHITNEY lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK
Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached
1 comment:
And the 'leaders' of the nations continue to play out their chess games whilest sitting in their royal palaces and taking their million - no billion dollar vacations in the case of the O's. But, while the 'royalty' continues to dictate and live in luxury, guess who suffers when the two cannot reach an amicable solution to their fighting? You guessed it! YOU AND I when their troops invade, killing millions, and the bombs fall, destroying all in their paths. All because 2 who are SUPPOSED to be mature leaders cannot agree to settle their own personal differences.
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