Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Truth About Colloidal Silver

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Truth About Colloidal Silver
Posted By: LuellaMay [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 17-Apr-2014 10:19:22

(The Best Years in Life) Prior to the advent of patentable and more profitable antibiotics, medicines containing silver were the most widely prescribed infection fighters by doctors and there were no fewer than 34 different approved prescription and over the counter medications which contained silver. Now, after the elimination of most large particle and silver nitrate products and after improved technology has made nano-sized particles that require far less parts per million, colloidal silver proponents claim that it is safer and more effective than ever. At the same time, however, it has become the subject of increasing attacks by mainstream medicine, which labels colloidal silver as a scam, as quackery and as a dangerous substance with no proven value.
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Anonymous said...

If it has no proven value, then why do they use it in the hospitals? Why do they have it on their hospital instruments? Why do they use it in newborn babies' eyes? Why do they use it on band-aids? Why do they use it on burn victims? Colloidal silver can be made fairly cheaply and it can keep you from getting sick. No one should over-use colloidal silver because it is not necessary. The main reason the man they've shown on the news turned blue with Agyria is because he was consuming massive amounts of colloidal silver and rubbing it on his skin. Don't do that. Regardless of him having to live with blue skin, the medical profession could not find anything wrong with his health. I spotted a colloidal silver machine on that you can use to make your own.

Anonymous said...

If main stream medical is the same as main stream media, it is a fraud. Additionally, both entities are financed by the Rockefeller and Rothschild cesspool, these two demons that have killed more human being that any other entities. The Rockefellers finance and control and AMA and the USDA - need I say more.

Anonymous said...

we've successfully used nano-colloidal silver made with our home generator for many years; great ilo antibiotics, for immunity, burns, & much more. Got ours long ago before online, via mail, but now have site with much info: