Monday, April 21, 2014

Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian Museum

Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian Museum

  An incredible 360 degree tour of the Smithsonian...
Here is something special, a virtual tour of the SmithsonianMuseum room by room. It is really something with a 360 degree viewing by using your cursor. You easily spend days/weeks looking at everything. Just marvelous for kids and adults. Follow the blue arrows on the floor to move into new rooms.

Shows inside and outside of the museum and there are little cameras here and there which show detailed info on certain things. If you click on the floors (upper right corner) you get a floor plan of that floor and you can click on a blue circle and go directly to that room.

Truly incredible web site.
Watch it in full screen when you open this up.  Use the roller on your mouse to move in and out. Look for the "arrows" on the floor and click on them. They take you to other places.

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