Friday, April 25, 2014

Zim Dollar Info

SFD: Do you know how many zeros are deleted from both the 100 trillion zim dollar and the 50 trillion zim dollar?

TEXASMOG: They say 6 and .225 in the past 2 months
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 8:15 AM


Anonymous said...

Six zeros would be great, if it should turn out to be true, which is highly unlikely. If you take six zeros off of a 100 trillion you still have 100 million per 100 trillion.

Anonymous said...

That Zimbabwe currency was put to rest about nine years ago because of runaway inflation and they began to trade in USD, Swiss Francs and S. African currency. Zimbabwe now has a new currency in place with the highest denomination being 1000 dollars. You won't receive anything for those trillion dollar confederate notes. They are only keepsakes now.