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Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
..My name is David Hawkins, I am 70 year old guy roughly turning 71, I am graduated from chemical engineering from Cambridge University, back in 19'60, and after leaving Cambridge with a degree in mechanical engineering and diploma in dust fumigation I joined French oil field exploration company called Schlumberger ( based out of Paris, and I had an quite exiting carrier including being deployed from Paris hoping to pull up the oil funds, international trouble shutting, and my last job with Schlumberger was to coordinate rather artificial intelligence. And GSM research at Schlumberger research center in Reachfield Connecticet where I worked on advanced problem solving techniques where computers emulated human beings. I went back to the UK and started a software company for the international oil industry, and I was the founder and a part of the software people. We ended up solving the data problems in international oil industry, so all the data mowing between the mayor oil companies runs on the software developed by my team.
I experienced then just how savage international finances could be because I ended up having my company and it's intellectual property taken away from the original shareholders, laundered thru liquidator, and ending up with my previous employer coming from Schlumberger at the time when the director of Schlumberger was John Deutch, the disgraced former director of CIA. It was fired by Bill Clinton, but I digress.
After leaving Schlumberger and my company in UK I come to British Colmbia in 1992, and within 3 weeks of arriving I sensed that I was in the most corrupted juristinction in the world...
...Very interestingly, the company called McDonald Devilder, that I know very well, was given a contract by the U.S. Air Force to develop software for taking plains off their regular air airways and clipping them to the what is known as final approach proceedings for category C3 landing. That was designed as one anti-hijacking technology, but I knew back then that this would give the Canadian government and investigators of McDonald Devilder the ability to hijack the aircraft electronically and provide the category C3 landing, ostensibly to protect against the physical hijacking of the cockpit, but in reality if you got the bad guy, that is operating the Dragon Drop interface, they can capture a plane remotely as happened with MH370.
So, around December the 6 of 2006, I have been desperately trying to alert anyone who would listen to me of the dangers of what I have known in that in the spy industry is called the manned attack on the command structures of sovereign states, including Americas...
...The theory that I have would fit the Occam Razor, fitting all the facts and maximum simplicity. The plane lands at Diego Garcia, category C3 landing (instruments only, Boeing uncontrolled by pilot, pilot has no involvement, physical involvement to that plane, taxis into the hangar, deployable hangar, extendable, so it can handle B2s, and B777-200. Inside that hangar would be a group of agents, deployed out of UK, a ZIGBEE agent. That is term from the industry, a stealth asset which might be a human being with the bracelet around the ankle for sub-cutaneous chip...
...Once that plane is inside the hangar all bets are off of what can happen to that plane...because they could fly the Freescale semiconductor team to Being...and gas the rest of the passengers, which would be 209... and fill up the aircraft with corpses and wait for opportunity to scatter the search parties along the 20.000 km long between Kazhastan and western Australia and wait about 30 days, having trigered the clock of the battery inside the black boxes, and then started warning the public that it was a tremendous race to locate the black boxes before the battery went dead.
And then you got this magnificent piece of theater that, maybe, on the 30's day some lucky ship in southern Indian Ocean, is going to get one ping from satellite that got ping from Rolls Royce engine, and then the batteries are to go dead. They would be able to say: Well we know that the plane went down in the south Indian Ocean, but, unfortunately, the water depth there is 15.000 feet, the currents are high, the weather is very bad, so we are calling off any search for human beings or debris...
…I'd like to introduce your listeners to the concept of Free Flight Technology that was sponsored by ICA based in Montreal. Idea of free flight technology is to detach the plane from ground based air traffic control when the plane reaches it's cruising altitude which is, normally not so busy as it is around an airport where lots of contextual decisions are to be made by pilots based on their visual observations...
...At altitude that was reached by MH370 was not lot of activity, and so what the people in Montreal did ….. is they said: “would not be interesting if we could use a particular aircraft to do positioning of anyone of their members at cruising altitude so the plane just, instead of being controlled by aircraft control from the ground, are controlled by a swarm of aerial zigbiees, each using precise synchronising timing signal and satellites and the most accurate clock in the world, which is the National Physical Laboratory clock ( tha is in the custody of CIRCO.
Now, when that plane had it's transponders and e-car systems switched off , it is my belief that it was not Inmarsat ( that was receiving a ping from the RR engines. It was that Inmarsat was sending Ping to find that aircraft...asking “where are you?”.
Inmarsat is, I believe, integral part of conspiracy of the abduction of the MH370. That is British company with some very dodgy directors. Inmarsat have then pretended that it was receiving passively ping from the engines. No other satellite in that area, space is now swarming with satellites, civilian or military. No other satellite received that ping despite if it was designed to receive the signals of everything what was communicated. And they said the only satellite that received the last PING was the Inmar satellite in geostationary orbit directly above Diego Garcia. Therefore they could not triangulate so they were forced to use Doppler analysis which is phoney baloney...
...I believe that what they were operating was effectively a homing beacon directly above Diego Garcia and guiding the plane towards the Diego Garcia in what the ICAO would call “free fly mode”, that is detached from ground traffic control and flown entirely by cooperative network of aerial zigbees...
...For example, the biggest share holder in BOEING is the TIAA Craft, the Teachers Insurance Annuity Association College Retirement Equity Fund, which manages the pension of educators such as Barack Obama...And Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton...
….So TIAA Craft was the big institution shareholder in BOEING was the company was forced to move it's HQ from Washginton state to Chicago, where it's offices were commissioned on 911...
There is lot more.
Summing up MH370 story:
Plane was abduced by city of london zigbee personal that is stationed on Diego Garcia using installed remote control during Malay-US military exercise. So its dissapereance could be explined by a friendly fire. The MH370 pilot was practizing navigation to and landing at remote islands at Indian ocean. It's flight simulator was quite sophisticated.
MH370 was landed on Diego Garcia. Then the island was closed for take-offs for next 72 hours. During that time 20 Malaysian and Chinese experts on Freescale were flown to the China factory that is equipped to produce new processors. And its owned by Chinese Military.
At that time Michele Obama, with the history of patent lawyer arrived at Beijing with her mother who molested everyone. She there did a god job, for her family. As the rest is still directed by a dying bush.
Rest of the MH370 passengers were moved to the Great Cocos Island, together with the plane which was re-painted, and got a new registration. Not that one what that passenger published on line boarding the MH17.
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The DUKE - Patriot!
Born in 1948 Died in 2015
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