Americans unhappy with business as usual, demanding the change they voted for

Shortly after American voters in the midterms expanded the GOP majority in the U.S. House and gave the party a control over the U.S. Senate, tossing Democrat Sen. Harry Reid from his leadership post, there was little fanfare as House GOP members renewed their leadership team, including Speaker John Boehner.
But heading into the first weekend after a “Don’t be Yellow: Dump Boehner Now Campaign” was launched, more than 400,000 messages are being lined up to deliver to House GOP members when the y convene in the new year.
The voters are telling House members to reject Boehner and elect new leadership.
The 400,000 letters are being facilitated through the “Don’t be Yellow: Dump Boehner Now Campaign” effort launched by WND CEO Joseph Farah.
In a commentary in the Washington Times, tea party activist Judson Phillips, without mentioning the campaign to remove Boehner, suggested Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., as a replacement for Boehner.
“On Jan. 3, a new Congress begins and one of the first orders of business in the House of Representatives is to pick a new speaker. The conventional wisdom is Mr. Boehner will be re-elected speaker. That may well happen and if it does it will be a disaster for the Republican Party,” he wrote. “The conservative base of the party is pretty much in open revolt and without the base, the losses of 2006 and 2008 will seem mild compared to what is coming in 2016.”
Phillips wrote Boehner “cannot lead” and “will not fight.”
“The Republicans will have 247 members in the next Congress. If 30 of these members vote against Mr. Boehner, he will not have the majority he needs to be elected speaker. At that point, anything is possible, including Mr. Boehner stepping aside. Every conservative should spend the time between now and Jan. 3 calling their Republican representatives and telling them to vote for Marsha Blackburn instead of John Boehner.”
At left-leaning MSNBC, there was a sudden defense of Boehner.
“Boehner will prevail, and this new round of chatter, like the previous rounds of chatter, will amount to nothing,” wrote Steve Benen.
And at the Buzzfeed blog there was a discussion the 16 to 18 Republicans who already plan to challenge Boehner’s re-election as speaker.
“Right now, I’ve been meeting with a small group, and we – about 16, 18 – and we’re hoping to have a name of a sitting members of Congress that we can call out their name,” said Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C. “I’ve already said I cannot vote in good conscience for John Boehner.”
Whatever impact the letters are having, or will have, they certainly will get the attention of members of the House.
At about two inches per 500-page ream, there’s already a stack of letters more than 13 stories tall destined for House GOP members.
“While the news cycle has forgotten about Boehner’s betrayal of Republican voters in November, the grass-roots electorate has not,” said Farah.
“Even while Americans are busy Christmas shopping and getting ready for the holiday season, they are angry enough at the Republican establishment to put their money where their mouth is – investing in this unusual lobbying effort to wake up House members as to the state of their leadership crisis,” said Farah.
“Will Republican House members respond in January? At the very least, they won’t be able to ignore the deluge of mail that awaits them,” he said.
Another warning that the GOP needs to stand up came from outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who recently was profiled at the conclusion of her service in the House.
She said the GOP majority needs to fulfill its promise to voters.
“Ask yourself, would the GOP have voted to fund Obama’s illegal amnesty the week before the pivotal 2014 elections?” she said. “Not in this universe.
“Republican congressional leadership need to open their eyes and ears and listen to the voters who gave them historic access to power some six short weeks ago.”
Farah believes the most effective method of reaching out to Congress is individual letters to members.
“You can order your letters sent today, and they will be ready for delivery when the new Congress reconvenes in January. It would be great to see thousands or, better yet, tens of thousands flooding in that first week. That will make an impression that cannot be ignored by Republican members of the House,” he said.
“I’m excited. Now it’s up to you. I’ve already ordered my letters. I’ve even secured the domain names DumpBoehnerCampaign.com and DumpBoehnerNow.com for social media dissemination. Tell your friends,” he wrote.
The letter explains to members of the U.S. House that two issues have “prompted Americans to turn in droves to the Republican Party in November 2014 – Barack Obama’s blatantly unconstitutional executive action to provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and the deliberately deceptive restructuring of America’s health-care system through Obamacare, which threatens to unravel the greatest health delivery system in the world.”
Pointing out that Republicans before the election “solemnly vowed to STOP this lame-duck president,” the letter states: “Now you have the power, right and duty to stop him.
“But it won’t happen with John Boehner leading you. You know this to be true. The trillion-dollar budget deal is just the latest proof that Boehner is not capable of leading the House to victory during this critical period.”
It calls on members to replace him.
On Twitter, the hashtags #BoehnerMustGo and #DumpBoehner were surging, and other commentators, while not adopting the specific letter-writing campaign, agreed with the goal.
At the American Thinker blog, editorialist Layne Hansen wrote, “It is time to stop thinking of John Boehner and the rest of the Republican congressional leadership as being cowardly and recognize them for what they are: part of The Ruling Class that believes it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live.
“The current GOP leadership has got to go; this has ceased to be an arguable point. We cannot count on these people to do what is right. Conservatives did not give them majorities in both chambers for them to keep playing the same game,” he wrote.
At RedState.com, Editor Erick Erickson also delivered a “no-other-options” message.
“House conservatives must summon the courage to oppose Boehner’s nomination on the floor in January. It is a moral imperative. You cannot consistently complain about leadership’s many failures – and the treachery involved with a speaker fresh off a successful wave election conspiring with President Obama to fund amnesty and enjoy a celebratory phone call in the aftermath – and then vote for him to continue in this role. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, that is the definition of insanity, and it is enabled by a vote for Rep. John Boehner,” he wrote.
Farah noted that the launch of the program rivals the historic “Pink Slip Campaign” in 2010 that generated some 9.5 million letters to Congress.
“Americans are angry about Boehner’s betrayal of the voters who gave him a bigger majority in the House and Republicans control of the Senate. This could prove to be Boehner’s undoing,” he said.
Farah said, “From previous campaigns we know this approach prompts members to talk about the boxes of letters that are coming into their offices each day. And that’s exactly what we want to do with the DUMP BOEHNER CAMPAIGN – a grass-roots lobbying effort that can channel your outrage into effective and meaningful action.”
He said what can be guaranteed is that members “will see, hear and feel your participation in it.”
“We saw the same thing in 2010,” recalled Farah. “People were angry then. They may be angrier now. It is as if elections have no consequences when Republicans vote.”
A sampling of just how upset people are has been posted online, with abundant promises of “I’m in,” and “Do it.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/400000-messages-to-house-gop-lose-boehner/#w9jlUS15OHSEuWc4.99
1 comment:
Unfortunately these polticians are either dumb as bricks or corrupt as the fake presidents! A stipulation should be that anyone who voted in favor of the cromnibus should not be considered, as these politicians have proven themselves part of the one party system and are nothing more than pupetts for the bankers, the elitists, and the one percenters! The people demand TRUE LEADERSHIP!
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