Friday, December 26, 2014

Bond Ladys Corner


On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Bond Ladys Corner <> wrote:

Bond Ladys Corner

Posted: 25 Dec 2014 04:37 AM PST
Ghaban «morning»: Hardware intelligence managed to infiltrate the «Daash» 12/25/2014 0:00 Security forces kill 40 terrorists in Yathrib BAGHDAD - morning correspondents Vowed Interior Minister, Mohammed Ghaban, through a statement made by the "morning" Elimination "Daash" and clearing the land, which was dominated by those gangs in previous times, stressing that the arrest of the leader of these criminal groups "is near," especially after the break ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 04:36 AM PST
Doaash Mosul loot Rafidain Bank 112 Published on Thu, December 25 1 / December 2014 13:24 BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - Daash terrorist gangs began, since Wednesday, looted hysterical of the Rafidain Bank branch in the city of Mosul, 112, and before the eyes of the citizens. An official security source's (IMN), said that "our personnel intelligence in Mosul, specifically in the center of the locality door Serail Ghazi Street, spotted Doaash ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 04:34 AM PST
PARLIAMENT LIFTED ITS HALF AN HOUR TO DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF THE BUDGET BILL ON THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Editor Alaa Hassan - Thursday, 25 December 2014 11:35 Alsumaria News / Baghdad A parliamentary source said, on Thursday, the House of Representatives to raise its half-hour special, attributing the cause to distribute copies of the budget bill to the House of Representatives. The source said in an interview for "Alsumaria News" that "the presidency of the parliament ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:38 AM PST
Parliament waiting receiving the budget copy within the upcoming 24-hours. The rapporteur of the House of Representatives, Niyazi Mimar Oghlo said the decision to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / today, “Parliament awaiting the release of the general budget copy of 2015 within the next twenty-four hours after being approved by the Cabinet in its meeting today./ End
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:34 AM PST
Advisor to the Prime Minister: the central bank will not lend to the government in the event of low budget Thursday, 25 December 2014 12:21 blank.png Alsumaria News / Baghdad confirmed the prime minister for economic affairs adviser to the appearance ofMohammed Saleh , on Thursday, the central bank will not lend to the government in the event of low budget Iraq public, while noting that the bank heading to activate the budgets of development banks and funds housing. ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:19 AM PST
Aajl..barlman is the first reading of the budget and its lift to the seventh of next month Thu, December 25 1 / December 2014 12:59 [Baghdad-where] Did the House of Representatives in its exceptional first reading of the draft budget for fiscal year 2015 and raise its law to the seventh month of January Almqubl..itba
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:18 AM PST
Deputy for the National: read the budget session are positive atmosphere of Thu, December 25 1 / December 2014 12:42 [Baghdad-where] Description Deputy for the National Alliance atmosphere read the House of Representatives session, the draft financial budget law for 2015 atmosphere "positive." The MP said Hussein al-Maliki told all of Iraq [where] that "the positive atmosphere of the meeting are to agree with the parliamentary blocks around in the importance ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:17 AM PST
The start of the special session of parliament to discuss the financial budget Thu, December 25 1 / December 2014 12:12 [Baghdad - where] House of Representatives began today Alkhames to hold its extraordinary headed by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of more than 200 deputies of the total number of 328 members of the council to discuss the financial budget for 2015. He said the National Alliance MP Sabah al-Saadi told all of Iraq [where], "it was the distribution of copies ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:16 AM PST
House of Representatives approves paragraph region's share of the general budget 12/25/2014 12:43:00 Sadiq House of Representatives, in its extraordinary session of Thursday, at paragraph share of the Kurdistan Region, amounting to Sadiq House of Representatives, in its extraordinary session of Thursday, at paragraph share of the Kurdistan Region, amounting to 17% of the total budget in 2015. The council had begun its extraordinary to read the draft financial budget ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:15 AM PST
Deputy for the National announces the submission of a request for the presidency of parliament to activate the law of the provinces Thu, December 25 1 / December 2014 12:28 MP announced the Iraqi National Alliance Juma Bahadli, that a group of members of the House of Representatives have made a request to the Presidency of the parliament to activate the provincial Law No. [21] for the year 2009 average. He Bahadli told all of Iraq [where] that "the new Iraqi government is serious ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:13 AM PST
Iraq can potentially become 2nd largest producer of OPEC, says Kurdistan oil minister Few oilmen attract as much interest when they visit the UK as Ashti Hawrami. As minister of natural resources for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) he is in charge of opening up one of the world’s last great onshore frontiers for major exploration. Kurdistan - the semi-autonomous enclave of northern Iraq - excites international oil companies such as Chevron and Tony Hayward’s Genel Energy, because ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:11 AM PST
No need for OPEC emergency meeting now, says Iraq’s oil minister On last Sunday, oil minister of Iraq said that currently there is no need for an emergency meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), but "we have to wait and see" whether the group made the right decision to keep its output unchanged. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a conference in Abu Dhabi, the minister, Adel Abdel Mahdi, added that he saw prices stabilizing at around ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:10 AM PST
Iraq unrest costs Jordanian trade $600m Jordan's industrial sector has endured more than $600 million in losses due to the deteriorating security situation in Iraq and confrontations with the Islamic State (ISIS) in 2014, Chairman of Small and Middle Enterprises (SME) Association Fathi Jaghbir said. Jordanian exports to Iraq amounted to nearly 760 million Jordanian dinars ($1,070 million) during the first 11 months of 2014, down by nearly 22 per cent compared to the same period last ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:08 AM PST
DNO in Kurdistan: “We’ve Only Just Begun” DNO Chairman Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani (pictured) has given an upbeat assessment of the company’s operations in Iraqi Kurdistan. Addressing CWC’s Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas Conference in London last week, he said that the Tawke well was on target to hit a cumulative output of 100-million barrels of oil at some point in the next quarter. He added that the company had some of the lowest costs in the industry, claiming: “I don’t have access to other ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:07 AM PST
US Tackles ISIL Oil Trade The Director for the Middle East & Asia at the US State Department’s Bureau of Energy Resources has said that while the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, IS) is not able to fully exploit the oilfields under its control, it could be able to produce as much as 50,000 barrels of oil a day using the technology that it has available, and coalition efforts have severely restricted its ability to monetise this resource. Speaking at CWC’s Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas Conference ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:02 AM PST
Clans Sadr City sends a message of love and harmony to the Christians of Iraq Tomorrow Press / Follow-up: sent elders and notables clans Sadr City Council, on Wednesday, a message of love and harmony to the Christian community in Iraq. The head of the council, Sheikh Zamel cup Atwani congratulate Christian brothers in Iraq and the whole world festivals of Christmas and New Year's holidays. We have drawn messages full of love and brotherhood to our folks Christians. For his part, ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 02:01 AM PST
Mr. Hakim participate Mass Christians in Christmas Eve church of St. Joseph Mounsour {Baghdad: Euphrates News} head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, attended Wednesday evening Mass Christians in Christmas Eve church of Saint Joseph in the west of Baghdad, Al-Mansour. A reporter and Euphrates News Agency {} that Mr. Ammar al-Hakim visited the evening of St. Joseph Church in the west of Baghdad, al-Mansur and Christians attended Mass in Christmas night. The President ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 01:56 AM PST
U.S. to boost numU.S. to boost number of private contractors in Iraqber of private contractors in Iraq PanARMENIAN.Net - The U.S. government is preparing to boost the number of private contractors in Iraq as part of President Barack Obama's growing effort to beat back Islamic State militants threatening the Baghdad government, a senior U.S. official said, according to Reuters. How many contractors will deploy to Iraq - beyond the roughly 1,800 now working there for the U.S. State Department ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 01:54 AM PST
Government's determination to make laws do private sector 12/25/2014 0:00 BAGHDAD - Alaa al-Tai revealed Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Ministers of Economic and Financial Affairs Obaid shop, about the government's intention to issue a series of decisions and legislation that would facilitate the work of the private sector, and encourage investment in the country, stressing that those decisions will come through procedural and legal steps, and commensurate ...
Posted: 25 Dec 2014 01:51 AM PST
Maliki accused Saudi Arabia to "destroy" the Iraqi economy accused Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, Wednesday, Saudi Arabia to destroy the Iraqi economy, through oil policy to follow in order to harm Iran and Russia, stressing that Iraq is going through an economic crisis stifling. Maliki said in a televised interview, seen by Roudao network media: that "Saudi Arabia certain oil policy against Iran and Russia ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 12:25 PM PST
Kurdish lawmaker: No differences between the political blocs on the budget approval BAGHDAD / .. denied the Kurdistan Alliance MP Salim Hamza, Wednesday, and there are any differences between the various political blocs on approving the budget and vote on them in case it reaches the House of Representatives. Hamza's "Eye Iraq News", "The approval of the draft budget will not face any criticism by members of the House of Representatives," noting that "all political ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 12:12 PM PST
Liberal: the government is serious to eject Iraq from the financial crisis Wednesday 24 December 2014 Alsumaria News / Baghdad MP for the Liberal bloc Hossein Sharifi , Wednesday, the cabinet vote of the general budget of the country and sent to parliament before the next general solutions as a "positive step", stressing that this step guide on the determination of the government and parliament to seek serious to eject Iraq from the financial crisis. Sharifi said in ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 12:10 PM PST
The completion of the Rafidain Bank branch building in terms of Dawn 24/12/2014 Business ended in the new building of the branch of the Rafidain Bank in hand Alfjralve been developed by the Directorate General of the Rafidain Bank. He said the director Zuhair full Abbas: The project of establishing a branch of the Rafidain Bank Dawn completed by (100%) over an area nearly the (1000 m 2) total cost amounted to about 299 million Iraqi dinars. Abbas said the local government and the distinctive ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 12:07 PM PST
Commission 2015 budget determines the amount of petro-dollar and two dollars for every barrel of product Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -24 December: Commission to reformulate some of the paragraphs of the budget decided to give two dollars just for every barrel of oil-producing provinces in the petro-dollar project. The Deputy Prime Minister said Bahaa al-Araji, in a statement received / Iraq Press /, a copy of which, "The committee reformulate some of the paragraphs of the budget ended, ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 12:03 PM PST
Mass citizen: the special meeting to approve the budget will be completed record straight 24/12/2014 16:35 Tomorrow Press / BAGHDAD: A member of a coalition of citizen Hassan Khalati, Wednesday, that the majority of the House of Representatives are determined to attend the special budget special meeting, including Congress coalition citizen, expecting a quorum to hold a hearing on Thursday dedicated the first reading of the draft budget. He Khalati for "tomorrow Press "," ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 12:03 PM PST
Commission 2015 budget determines the amount of petro-dollar and two dollars for every barrel of product Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -24 December: Commission to reformulate some of the paragraphs of the budget decided to give two dollars just for every barrel of oil-producing provinces in the petro-dollar project. The Deputy Prime Minister said Bahaa al-Araji, in a statement received / Iraq Press /, a copy of which, "The committee reformulate some of the paragraphs of the budget ended, ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 11:57 AM PST
Ihsanoglu: 7 meetings to approve the federal budget BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - said the House of Representatives decision Niazi Ihsanoglu, that the adoption of the federal budget needs to about 7 meetings of the Council, noting that the meeting tomorrow will see the first reading of the draft budget without any discussions . He Ihsanoglu's (IMN) , that "tomorrow extraordinary session held that quorum will see only the first reading of the draft budget ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 10:01 AM PST
Massoum rejected a request from Al-Maliki set the boss and two of his relatives as consultants December 24, 2014 Baghdad/Iraq news network-source early in the Presidency of President Fouad Massoum rejected a request submitted by the Vice-Chairperson of the second Nuri al-Maliki requesting a set of five of him. said: the infallible rejected a request by Al-Maliki requesting a set of 5 persons as advisers to him, stating that the reasons for the refusal came because of the austerity ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 10:00 AM PST
Christians celebrate Christmas with tents and churches Mosul silent for the first time in history Wednesday, 24 December 2014 Twilight News / despite the fact that many of the displaced Christians of Nineveh province, living in tents in Kurdistan, particularly Erbil, but that did not stop them from celebrating Christmas, which falls on Thursday. For the first time in nearly 2,000 years, will not knocks churches Mosul, bells mark the holidays and solutions for New Year's Day. Began ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 09:57 AM PST
Abadi al-Jubouri and discuss the details of the budget in 2015 before approval in Thursday's session Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -24 December: Search House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, with the government, Haider Abadi, the budget bill for 2015, passed by the Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday, and the initiative for dialogue with the opposition parties to the Iraqi government. A statement issued by the Information Office of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, said that "al-Jubouri ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 09:56 AM PST
Energy Committee: adoption of the budget at $ 60 a barrel compromise to avoid deficit December 24, 2014, 17:03 BAGHDAD - ((eighth day)) Said committee member of the parliamentary energy Razak Mheibes that the budget's reliance on $ 60 a barrel compromise to avoid deficit and a downward trend in world oil prices. He Mheibes told ((eighth day)): the drop in world oil prices below $ 60 would lead to a significant deficit in the 2015 budget. He said the adoption of this figure ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 08:25 AM PST
Kurdish women join PKK in droves to fight the Islamic State Kurdish female YPJ fighters battle Islamic State in Syrian Kurdistan. QANDIL MOUNTAINS, Turkey-Iraqi Kurdistan border,— The Islamic State’s rapid spread across Syria and Iraq and the brutality with which it was achieved has prompted a surge of new recruits for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish group currently fighting on the frontlines in Iraq. Around 1,000 new members are signing up each month, according to the group’s ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 08:23 AM PST
Communications concluded 6 memorandum of understanding with Arab and foreign countries The Ministry of Communications confirmed hammered for six new memoranda of understanding with several countries in the telecommunications sector, while participated in the Arab Communications Ministers Council meeting to develop the reality of postal services in all provinces of the country. Senior agent for Technical Affairs, said the ministry's Amir al-Bayati said, "the ministry signed new memorandums ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 07:11 AM PST
Finance Committee: Parliament has recommended the government to cancel the huge allocations for the Vice President and Minister In an attempt to cover the deficit in the public budget, the parliamentary Finance Committee announced its recommendation to the government to reduce expenses dedicated to two deputy vice president in the general budget by 90%. Council member Magda Tamimi confirmed that the cost of office of Vice President of the Republic did not Tzmhma in furnishing general ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 07:09 AM PST
Deputy demanding inclusion of the budget item purchase from the public sector and speed up the adoption by adopting Demanded an MP for the Iraqi National Alliance Hamdiya Husseini, include the general budget item not to purchase from the private sector, but after apologize to the public sector for processing for the advancement formations self-financing, calling the political blocs to attend a parliamentary session to be held on Thursday to discuss budget and speed up the approval. Husseini ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 07:08 AM PST
Baghdad .. changes in senior security positions in the ministries of Defense and Interior, positive step and important towards institutional reform Tribute parliamentary security reforms Baghdad, description deputies, changes in senior security positions in the ministries of Defense and Interior, positive step and important towards institutional reform, demanding the talk of the "morning" more similar steps during the next phase. He replaced Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 07:07 AM PST
Source: employees' salaries will not affect whatever the economic situation of the country Early, on Wednesday, a source revealed that the government in an informal meeting decided not to prejudice the salaries of state employees whatever the economic situation that Iraq is going through next year on the back of the projected deficit. The source said that "the government was able to press the next year the expenses of bringing the projected deficit for the budget in 2015 to 20.5 ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:39 AM PST
Council Basra exclude the implementation of new projects with government funding over the next year in 2015 Alsumaria News / Basra Ruled out the members of the Council of the province of Basra , Wednesday, to witness the province over the next year in 2015 the implementation of new projects with government funding, and stressed that the budget for next year Basra barely enough to fund ongoing projects (under construction). The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:37 AM PST
Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi congratulates Christians on the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him and New Year's Day To mark the birthdays of Jesus Christ by the solutions of peace and New Year's Day, we present Bazaky congratulations and best wishes to the brothers Christians of our people Karim In all the world to be a new year in security, stability and prosperity, and enjoy the Christians and all Iraqis, all the safety and freedom of their families and their ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:35 AM PST
mirates and Boeing are cooperating for the relief of displaced people in Iraq Emirates has collaborated with Boeing Co. and the Organization "warned Joy Foundation Another Joy Foundation" American non-profit to transport a shipment of blankets and sleeping bags for the displaced in Iraq , and that the first flight of a Boeing 777-300ER received by the Emirates recently. The Iraqi Airways , in coordination with the Iraqi Ministry of Transport, the transfer of the shipment from ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:33 AM PST
Maliki called for the appointment of Mary Rayes and four others of his advisers and refuses Msom He informed source in the presidency said President Fuad Masum rejected a request submitted by the Vice second Nuri al-Maliki requesting the appointment of five advisers to him. The source said the infallible rejected a request made ​​by al-Maliki requesting the appointment of five people as advisers to him, noting that the reasons for the rejection came because of the austerity experienced ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:32 AM PST
Zebari: $ 103 billion value of next year's budget {Baghdad: Euphrates News} expectation Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari to reach next year's general budget deficit to 23 trillion dinars, noting that the budget for fiscal year 2015 value of 123 trillion dinars, or {103} billion. Zebari said in a press statement followed the agency {Euphrates News} today, "The Council of Ministers approved the draft budget for 2015 worth 123 trillion dinars {103} billion dollars." He predicted ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:30 AM PST
Kurdish lawmaker: Abadi done a lot of files within 100 days unlike al-Maliki, who created it in eight years After more than 100 days of the government of Prime Minister Omar Haider al-Abadi, deputies from different political blocs felt that it made many achievements in the files related to corruption and security, unlike his predecessor, Nuri al-Maliki, who has seen the country during his eight years amounting to a lot of crises. She was an MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Shirin Mohammad ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:28 AM PST
Deputy for the National: must be restructured laboratories stalled in the country {Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the National Alliance Messenger Radi stressed the need to restructure the stalled laboratories in the country. He said Radi told the Euphrates News} {today, that "there are a large number of laboratories in Iraq stalled because of lack of interest by the government in addition to the lack of raw materials, indicating that the activation of these laboratories would ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:26 AM PST
Iraqi forces siege of Mosul and the withdrawal of a sudden for «Daash» Control Huda Jassim, agencies (Baghdad) Iraqi forces tightened yesterday blockade around Mosul in Nineveh province in the framework of preparations for a major operation to liberate it from the control of the organization «Daash», where there are fierce battles amid reports that the evacuation of the organization some positions inside the connector of a sudden, while fighting continued in Sinjar, north of Mosul, where ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:24 AM PST
Abadi go tomorrow to Turkey to discuss bilateral relations and my fight against terrorism and oil Follow-up - and babysit - The Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Wednesday, that the latter will travel tomorrow to Turkey to discuss relations between the two countries and increase the level of coordination in the war on "terrorism" as well as the oil file. .
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:22 AM PST
Alliance of dignity: Abadi inherited a heavy legacy of Maliki's era Baghdad-(() The leadership of the Alliance, said a successful balance of dignity that stage yet-Abadi of the Iraqi Government much better than Maliki's era and the many achievements such as Al-Abbadi detect astronauts in State institutions and in turn extend daash in many areas of Iraq. Mizan said in press statements that "Al-Abbadi very heavy legacy inherited assumed office after Al-Maliki, who has left a devastating ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 05:40 AM PST
Two deputies for the National calling for activating the provincial Law No. 21 average Wednesday, 24 December / 1 December 2014 [Baghdad-Line] Two deputies for the National Alliance demanded Wednesday, activating the provincial Law No. 21 average. The MP said Abbas al-Bayati told all of Iraq [where] Today we are expanding the powers of the provincial councils to manage the economic, service and financial files, noting that "he must be making some amendments to the Law No. ...
Posted: 24 Dec 2014 05:39 AM PST
Deputy for the National accuse blocks disable Investment Law Wednesday, 24 December / 1 December 2014 [Wasit-where] Deputy for the National Alliance stressed the need to find alternatives to state resources and not rely solely on the proceeds of oil. The MP said Rashid al-Yassiri told all of Iraq [where] that "the deficit in the provision of liquidity is sexy and suddenly the fact that Iraq depends on oil revenues by 93% and only has a simple revenue from other sectors, which ...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The completion of the Rafidain Bank branch building in terms of Dawn


Business ended in the new building of the branch of the Rafidain Bank in hand Alfjralve been developed by the Directorate General of the Rafidain Bank. He said the director Zuhair full Abbas: The project of establishing a branch of the Rafidain Bank Dawn completed by (100%) over an area nearly the (1000 m 2) total cost amounted to about 299 million Iraqi dinars.

Does anyone think the above bank in Iraq could ONLY COST 299 million Iraqi DINAR AT PRE-RV RATE to build?