Monday, December 1, 2014

BREAKING: Major Bad News About Social Security… This Isn’t Good.

BREAKING: Major Bad News About Social Security This Isn’t Good.....

Published: Nov 30, 2014

When President Barack Obama announced his unilateral, unlawful, and unconstitutional executive changes to immigration laws, effectively granting amnesty for some illegal immigrants, he attempted to assuage the fears of citizens by promising that soon-to-be-legalized illegals would not be eligible for any type of government benefits.
Of course, every American that pays even the slightest bit of attention knew immediately that that was a lie, and The New American proves it.
According to Obama’s plan, illegals would come out of the shadows and, among other things, pay their “fair share” of all of the normal taxes that citizens do, like payroll, income, sales, and property taxes.
But it is pointed out that many illegals, when filing their taxes, will be eligible to claim child tax credits and the Earned Income Tax Credit, which likely means they will be receiving a subsidy instead of paying into the system.
Nevertheless, according to federal law, anyone that pays into the system via payroll taxes is eligible to collect from the system. “If they pay in, they can draw,” White House spokesman Shawn Turner said.
The White House continues to perpetuate a myth that illegals will somehow be denied other welfare benefits like food stamps and subsidized Obamacare, but we already know that this a blatant lie, as illegals are already claiming some welfare benefits.
Furthermore, the head of Health and Human Services, Sylvia Burwell, admitted that illegal immigrants will be eligible for Obamacare, in direct contradiction to Obama’s promises, and Obamacare workers have already been caught earlier in the year signing people up for the healthcare insurance in Mexican Consulates.
Despite lofty claims and naive assumptions, the vast majority of newly “legalized” immigrants will prove to be a net loss to the system, especially Social Security, which is already in the process of turning upside down and revealing its fatal flaw, that it is a Ponzi scheme which relies on more people paying in to cover the benefits paid out.
The truth is, illegal immigrants are already making claims on and drawing from various welfare and entitlement programs. If they actually do start to pay into the system, there is no doubt that they will draw even more.

Poster Comment:
I assume that everyone who posts here--or anywhere else if they have more than two brain cells to rub together--already knows that every time Obama opens his pie hole lies come out of it. This article is just another example of that.

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