Friday, December 19, 2014

Call Notes – Global Prayer/Intel Call of Dec. 18, 2014

Call Notes – Global Prayer/Intel Call of Dec. 18, 2014
Believer opened the call quoting Matt 11: 28-30 NLT and welcomed all callers and thanking all for joining us tonight.  She recognized Dr. Young as a special call host who remarked we are expecting a breakthrough.
This is the second part of the Stress Management Series.  We have talked about identifying it, and this part is how to manage it.  Believer started this series by referring to John 14:1 in the Bible.
It does not mean we will not have stress, but coping with stress without Jesus Christ makes it an impossible task. Managing stress is all about taking charge of thought, emotions, schedules, and the way we deal with problems.  Believer spoke about the 4-A’s of dealing with stress:
  1.  Avoiding unnecessary stress (she expounded on many ways to achieve this)
  2.  Altering the situation (also giving excellent examples)
  3. Adapt to the stressors  (so many real-life situations can be applied here)
  4. Adjust your standards, (not bringing them low, but also not demanding perfection)
  5. Accept the things you cannot change. (may be difficult, you cannot control the uncontrollable)
  6. Adopt a healthy life style (exercise, food, alcohol, drugs)
Believer gave detailed examples of all the above and real-life applications that we can apply immediately. She also cited scriptural passages through these examples which would further enable people to put these Stress Management principles into practice immediately.
Prayer by Dr. Young followed this teaching, in particular for those who are experiencing stress in any area of their lives and asking for WISDOM to apply what has been taught.
Mac spoke by giving scriptural declarations and prayer concerning this Blessing and that Intel given would be accurate on this call.
Exo, Rene, and Batman greeted everyone and Exo gave appreciation to those contributing to this call.
EXO opened with telling about his conversation with an Intel team member who worked for one of the R Companies (Rothschild/ Rockefeller but would not say which one).  Exo asked him “what made you leave the firm you work with?” and he answered “those people do not read or study or read and study the same book I read” This was an eye-opener for him and realized how many other books (Harry Potter, those speaking about spells, etc.) had replaced the Bible. He said it woke him up about the war of good vs, evil and light vs. dark and this stuff is for real.
Exo then gave “hats off” to the many gurus and intel-givers in Dinar Land and gave sincere appreciation to all of them.  He pointed out the divide/conquer plan within the ranks and to ultimately keep everyone off-balance (particularly everyone in dinar-land) We again reiterated the goal of S3A, and his mission in particular is give intel on news, banks, Russia, IMF, the BIS, Iraqi articles, etc. etc.  and not focusing on one certain facet of this investment.  He wants to give you education and cover the entire spectrum to help you all understand all aspects, instead of concentrating on one approach.  He says, keep a spiritual awareness about yourself and these things will start to make sense. It looks like we are at the end of the bad-guys era and asked Batman to give a global outlook.
Batman: With the information that we’ve had for the last 72 hours, we are at the end of this journey but we have to realize there are major powers in place with this GCR. It looks like one day the good guys are winning, and the next day the bad guys are winning. When we get this blessing remember this is not going to be over.  Right now, it looks like we are at the one-yard line.  When we look at what is going on around the world, the violence, the European arena, the protests, etc. and right here in the USA we realize (what all is in play) .  It is not over, but just beginning.  Batman spoke about the evil empire of Russia, etc. and expounded on that, while advising everyone to secure your funds before going on that cruise. He said to pay special attention to your FUTURE by taking advantage of real-solid information that has been available.  We know the GCR is going to happen, it is a given.  What we have to do is get ourselves prepared for what is going to happen after the GCR.
EXO started speaking about the Christmas Giving Campaign, (that while we expect the RV to happen)  we have to stay focused and our plan is to make sure everyone on the website has Christmas – food, gifts, etc.
RENE:  thank you everyone for joining the call and the purpose of the Campaign is we want to make sure everyone has food for pets, clothes, medicine, food, and a Christmas.   We can’t pay for everything but we try to give everyone something.  It is because of all the generous donations of the members and we thank everyone for contributing.  If you are in that position, (of need) it really feels good that everyone helped you.  The letters of appreciation – I encourage you to read them. Send your donations to: S3Amarketing Sign into your PayPal account and put in the amount. Send to Friends and Family so there is NO FEE. These funds will be given out right away.    THIS IS NOT to request help, but for donations ONLY. 
Cherre Pie : (intel team member) Thanking for the teaching tonight and the Lord has been telling her for the past few days “I AM” – your eyes, Wisdom, etc. and that many of us have been sitting on the front row watching others on the stage and we have not taken the time to get on the stage.  Spoke about JOY and breaking the anxiety that is keeping you paralyzed in your mind. She is changing her communications skills with the people she works with and now asks questions that demand an answer by asking for the REASON for what they did/did not do.  WHY is a worthless word.  When you walk into the bank, you are going to be on stage and that “I AM” is with you. You are going to talk to the banker and say “WHAT IS THE REASON.....rate, NDA, my account is structured this way” If that banker cannot give you an answer, ask for someone else that can answer. Remember you have HIS courage, mind, vision and walk in with HIM.  Your questions will be answered if you ASK THE RIGHT WAY.  Cherre Pie then prayed, and ended with we “count it all JOY” and His joy will fill our lives.
INTEL:  based on what we have, the money has started moving.  It has taken me awhile to understand the thinking of these people – the conspiracy theory or whatever you call it, but these folks do not read the same books we read.  These people really do follow totally different instructions.  WE have to stay strong during this adventure.
You want to look at this could happen tomorrow through Tues. or not happen until next year.  Everything is in place for group funding and money has started flowing that is tied to different platforms, etc. We know that bank teller drawers have been changed over, bank memos, etc. and other communications have been given to us from every agency on the planet. As you know, we put information out in real time.
  • Banking: as you start your exchange process, make sure your act is a non-testing non-production account and have a strategy in place for the TRN/FRN possibility. Global currency swaps are now taking place and this is important to our investment
  • CBI is going to be closing for quite some time and you may want to adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Contract rates – a lot of them were tied to oil credits, and there is a collapse of the petro dollar. When you tie all of that together with the forex probes, and the design to crush Russia and the folks funding both sides of the war – global market manipulation, control and dominance and these things...all play a part of the rates offered.
  • Era of transparency now and you will see these examples on our site daily.
  • Stay focused, and you will become enlightened.
941: The Zimbabwe articles that came out today, what are your thoughts?
EXO: if you look at how the Zim is structured and how Zimbabwe uses multiple currencies you will also see that Zimbabwe has tons of natural resources, and it will literally blow your mind. What is happening (and has happened in that country) is that through these different wars, these wars have worked to control these resources and put their currency in a global imbalance. These articles have pointed to the events and now we see changes made to the infrastructure and their new coins, etc.  What does this mean to us?  If you look at the zim on coin mill, this is not the currency we hold!  The ZWL is the one you see being traded on the platform.  This has led to much confusion (as people have tried to exchange based on this) but this currency is so unregulated, and always remember – there are no rules to this (ZIM) game.
Batman talked about the ZIM and how someone attempted to exchange it. What we do know, they have a plan and they are working the plan.  We purchased the ZIM, just like the dinar and we don’t know all the intimate details of the plan, however you can tell from the group of articles that came out today they are working furiously with the IMF to bring the country back so that they can revalue or reinstate their currency.  They are trying to get it done NOW and we are expecting great things from the Zim currency.  We can’t do anything (to hurry the plan), so   HANG ON TO YOUR ZIM.
Q: (still 941) when you say “HOLD ONTO your GOLD” which currencies are you speaking of?
Exo: right now you have Canada, Uruguay, Brics, Argentina, South Korea – no longer wanting to trade in USD...there must be a problem with it. IQD is an asset-backed currency. What is the real objective of the bait/switch of the asset-backed currency? (He gave examples)  You have the IQd which is asset/backed gold/back (or whatever you want to call it) and then you have the USD that is just printed on the printing press. How much logical sense to give up an asset- backed to exchange for the USD which is not backed and worthless?
Q: so MCA?
Exo:  Answered by again mentioning the many countries who want to trade for anything BUT the USD.
BATMAN:  the Multi-Currency and Multiple Currency Accounts... (Whether or NOT to do this)  Batman pointed out this also depends on how long we want to hold the currency, etc.  You can be sure the USA will put a time limit on our exchanging this currency. They are “supposed to give 24 months”, but again, we shall see. We understand the gold-backed currency should be announced but it looks like we will see it when we get the RV, or shortly thereafter. Just like the ZIM and IQD, are traded between banks already (and probably the asset-backed version of the USD) it seems we are destined to have an asset-backed currency real soon.
212: You said the BANKS might get the rates, and the Currency Dealers may not.  Please explain.
Exo:  There are no rules and they are changing by the minute. Put a plan in place (personally) and a strategy with an action and a re-action based on what may happen. You must change your thinking.  It is a possibility the rates may go live with the banks and not the CBI (which may be closed) and it may be simultaneously. We know the CBI is closing for the rest of the year very soon. You must plan and prepare for everything.
Q: I do hold zim and have dong on reserve. Should I arrange with Sterling? (Couldn’t hear the rest of her question, I think she wants to exchange her zim to pay off reserves)
EXO:  You just have to plan.  We do not have any answers definitive rates and plan for anything that may happen. 
Batman: We are treading in unknown territory but do not be afraid.  Once the rates go live, we will have time to communicate the rules of the game and have a short period of time to educate ourselves before exchanging.  We will be able to navigate safely and once the rates go live we will be able to adapt to the rules and instructions. DO NOT BE afraid of anything.
806: Is it a recommendation to exchange a small amount and hold on to see what it going on?
EXO: rumor is if you exchange a note, you may not be able to exchange with the group. (If you are part of one)   Maybe get a family member or someone else to exchange yourself a note so you do not disqualify yourself from the group rate. (Or whatever is offered with them) There are no rules. Have a plan for YOU. We know they can track through FINCEN. If you wait for the 800#s (if there are any) you will be fine, but if you are in a specific group – that may have a higher rate, this may/may not work. Speaking of “double-dipping” (or whatever that may be) the word double-dip is not a banking term so we don’t know what will be “legal” or not in this case.
Q:  contract rate?  (Why should I trade in a currency that is worth something that is worth nothing?) ....and “holding on until”
EXO: This is really designed for someone who is not educated, etc. to fall into the traps and tricks, etc.  Here is the thing about “holding onto the rest of it” as there are no rules and much to consider with that strategy.   What if they change something with Iraq and they print a brand new currency and you hold onto that IQD which is no longer worth anything...There are no definitive answers to anything when there are NO RULES.  All we can say is: “Here are the scenarios and we do not know what may happen “We don’t even know if there will be 800#. From our personal Intel providers we hear there are numbers, then next day there no numbers, etc.  They aren’t lying to you, but it is fluid.  We have compelling evidence (of an imminent RV) but we don’t give dates and so we give our focus to planning and strategy for when it does happen.  From the Intel we have now (this evening) we are looking at between tonight and Tues, but we have other Intel that tells us “NOT UNTIL 2015”
What happened with Kuwait will not happen with the Dinar.  We have seen all the rates...until you are in the bank, it is all mumbo jumbo.
907:  if you are in a group (unintelligible) Sunshine note:  If you are this caller maybe you can add the question into the comment section for me and I will add it here
NO definitive answer, if you use a Multiple Currency Account or a MCA...You just have to have a plan.
570: You go to Exchange, and you decide at your 2nd apt and you want to put money in other currencies.
EXO: that is the reason why the currency of China is an attractive possibility. (Multiple currency scenario) and if you park your money in that way. With the many people we have talked to in every division, entity, etc. and what we have found out with the WM group, is what we have found out the multiple currency accounts do exist and as of right now some banks will do these. With a currency in its original state and format (say with a million Yuan)...if the USD devalues, it has no influence or say-so on that currency especially if there is a bail-in. The bail-in only affects the currency of that country.
ZIM: - revalue twice?  In the past, we have shown the Zim shuffle on the site. However, with the activity today, will we still see the Zim shuffle (as in another revalue) It is possible?  Yes.  HOWEVER,   In my opinion RIGHT NOW, my answer would be NO . Q: will the 6 zero lop apply to all denoms?  EXO – a lop would be done in groups of 3.  Again, there is no definitive answer to that.
918: If we go to 2015, what are we looking at – days, weeks, months?
Exo:  that is when it gets scary. If it gets to 2015, I do not know what these folks might do. Example the Iraqi budget, they said “we will do a supplementary budget” now, how do you do a supplementary budget if you don’t have a primary budget in place first?
Keep prayers going up! I am starting to really think these folks doing this may not be like we are because they have no rules or boundaries and they only care about power, self-preservation, and if it causes the economy to blow –up, etc. as far as the PTB goes, they could care less as they win either way.  We hope it goes before 2015,   but there is NO Guarantee and no guarantee this will go before Christmas.
Q: concerning tax lax
They are working on new currency tax laws. And that we do know. This will increase their bottom line, yes. Conspiracy people have been more accurate than any other guru, because they have said we will not see until this the entire system is cleaned up of corruption.
340: Yen – is it possible?  (Advantage to exchange dinar into)
EXO – again, does it make any logical sense to exchange into USD...change your dinar into another currency makes sense.
972: “What if the WM were to contact you and say they understand you have foreign currency, and you are a part of a group or would you go ahead and exchange with them?
We are all in different groups, we all have reserves, and we all have WM. You have to evaluate the options and we have heard rumors about exchanging 1 note and the advantages or ramifications of that. The ideal thing is to have a strategy, plan and prepare for everything. Make sure it does not offset your group advantages – regarding rate. Is the group even real?   You need to plan for all variables.
Q: (The question was concerning obtaining a loan against your currency)
EXO:  Explained what this might entail... (Please listen to the call playback if this is important to you)
407:  Commented about the PTB are not like us, and they see chaos and incompetence here. Asked about China..Its role, etc.
EXO:  What China is doing is joint-ventures all over the world while dumping usd.  You need to look at that and pay attention to what is happening with China, Russia, etc.
Intel came to a close.
Caller 818 commented
MAC ended the call with Prayer

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