Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Lynda is a good friend and soul mate helping us getting the word out. She is one of my intelligence gathering ladies. She is a 65 yr light worker who has always helping others. She has been evicted out of her home in GA.
Lynda has been Homeless and she is disabled stuck in a motel since Oct 7, 2014 . Unable to pay all her bills as she is on disability. She needs help desperately. People have been stepping up helping her but they can't help no more due to the economy. She will need money for food and motel bill. If you can help please do a PayPal lyndasnesara3@gmail.com.
Lynda's phone number is 404 977 3322. Give her a call.
Any amount will do small or large until the RV is here when funds start flowing. I have a large donation for her after the RV and global reset. Until then the Bad Hombres are blocking our blessings.
Let’s continue to show the world what big hearts you have.

Referred by John MacHaffie – a good friend

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