Monday, December 22, 2014


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WASHINGTON – Imagine 85,000 letters demanding House Speaker John Boehner be dumped personally addressed to each House Republican including the name of the sender delivered every day when Congress reconvenes in the first week of January.
If they were delivered hourly it would represent 3,542 every 60 minutes.
That’s 59 per minute.
Now, the “Don’t Be Yellow: Dump Boehner Campaign” won’t be delivering those letters every minute or every hour – just daily. But the 425,000 yellow letters generated by the campaign to date were ordered by Americans in response to the call from WND founder Joseph Farah in just five days.
Think about that – 3,542 letters every minute, or, put another way, 59 generated every second since the campaign launched last Tuesday evening.
And it’s just getting started.
Farah said he expects, based on early reaction, to generate millions of letters in time for delivery when the new Congress opens its session early next month.
“It’s not the Christmas present John Boehner was hoping to receive,” said Farah. “It’s clear from the viral nature of this campaign that millions of Americans, mostly Republicans, by the way, would like to put coal in Boehner’s stocking this year. And they’d like him to accept the gift as just another member of the House of Representatives rather than as its leader.”
The innovative campaign that allows anyone to send a form letter on yellow paper to every Republican member of the House was organized quickly urging them to pick a new leader was organized quickly last week in response to growing anger and frustration from GOP voters who feel ripped off by what they see as a betrayal by Boehner and his leadership team over what Farah characterizes as “his capitulation to Obamacare and the unconstitutional amnesty executive action, which were both fully funded by House Republicans who were voted into office to do just the opposite.”
At about two inches per 500-page ream, there’s already a stack of letters more than 13 stories tall destined for guaranteed delivery to House GOP members.
“While the news cycle has forgotten about Boehner’s betrayal of Republican voters in November, the grass-roots electorate has not,” said Farah. “Even while Americans are busy Christmas shopping and getting ready for the holiday season, they are angry enough at the Republican establishment to put their money where their mouth is – investing in this unusual lobbying effort to wake up House members as to the state of their leadership crisis.”
“Will Republican House members respond in January? At the very least, they won’t be able to ignore the deluge of mail that awaits them,” he said.
Farah believes the most effective method of reaching out to Congress is individual letters to members.
His plan lets constituents send letters to all GOP members of the U.S. House through one quick online transaction.
“You can order your letters sent today, and they will be ready for delivery when the new Congress reconvenes in January. It would be great to see thousands or, better yet, tens of thousands flooding in that first week. That will make an impression that cannot be ignored by Republican members of the House,” he said.
“I’m excited. Now it’s up to you. I’ve already ordered my letters. I’ve even secured the domain names and for social media dissemination. Tell your friends,” he wrote.
The letter explains to members of the U.S. House that two issues have “prompted Americans to turn in droves to the Republican Party in November 2014 – Barack Obama’s blatantly unconstitutional executive action to provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and the deliberately deceptive restructuring of America’s health-care system through Obamacare, which threatens to unravel the greatest health delivery system in the world.”
Pointing out that Republicans before the election “solemnly vowed to STOP this lame-duck president,” the letter states: “Now you have the power, right and duty to stop him.
“But it won’t happen with John Boehner leading you. You know this to be true. The trillion-dollar budget deal is just the latest proof that Boehner is not capable of leading the House to victory during this critical period.”
It calls on members to replace him.
On Twitter, the hashtags #BoehnerMustGo and #DumpBoehner were surging, and other commentators, while not adopting the specific letter-writing campaign, agreed with the goal.
Farah noted that the launch of the program rivals the historic “Pink Slip Campaign” in 2010 that generated some 9.5 million letters to Congress.
“Americans are angry about Boehner’s betrayal of the voters who gave him a bigger majority in the House and Republicans control of the Senate. This could prove to be Boehner’s undoing,” he said.
The campaign allows people to send letters, with their own names and addresses via FedEx, all for the one price of $29.95, to each of the House GOP members.
Farah said, “From previous campaigns we know this approach prompts members to talk about the boxes of letters that are coming into their offices each day. And that’s exactly what we want to do with the DUMP BOEHNER CAMPAIGN – a grass-roots lobbying effort that can channel your outrage into effective and meaningful action.”
He said what can be guaranteed is that members “will see, hear and feel your participation in it.”
“We saw the same thing in 2010,” recalled Farah. “People were angry then. They may be angrier now. It is as if elections have no consequences when Republicans vote.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how can the citizens stand up to the violence on the street including two dead cops if our representatives in the house will not stand up to a lawless president Speaker Boehner please step down and allow someone who can lead and stand against this unlawful president