Sunday, December 28, 2014

Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials

Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials

He finished the interview with some pretty damning words that should make George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld shudder:
“And let me just say, Germany — whatever happened before, between the NSA spying on Germany and the fact that their citizen has now been revealed to have been kept in a torture place, when it was known that he was innocent, I’m pretty sure that Germany is going to take this very seriously.

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Anonymous said...

You go Germany! Give 'em hell. It's a start. Take all the bastards down. Throw in a few Clinton's too!

Anonymous said...

this is why the hague came to be, for the torsure tactics the world signed that this would not be without accountabliy no matter who it is, they would NOT BE ABOVE THE LAW, PERIOD.

evanw6 said...

It is absolutely about time that criminals who commit crimes against humanity at any level, be brought to justice! The idea that, because you are a leader of a country , that you are free to do anything you want for whatever power who directs you is no longer acceptable or forgivable. All who participate have to be brought before the public center for justice and their punishment be determined to match the level of the crime.
It is the duty of all nations to cooperate in this cause, no matter the conflicts of the moment. No one country can withstand the will of all working together! The country in question should be demanding overview and will if given the chance.
The Oversight Group should be above reproach and their power to act un questioned and undeniable!

Dan said...

According to my understanding is that we human beings here on Earth have been Tortured by God Almighty by being able to feel pain, yet for when we die and live an Eternal Life those that did NOT Accept Christ and will suffer in Hell will have a more satisfying life than what happened to the German citizen, Khalid El-Masri, if you click on the link, or those others at Guantanamo Bay!
You will only suffer for Eternity for NOT being able to drink ANYTHING and being in Solitary Confinement of burning Hell to last more than a Trillion Years!