Friday, December 26, 2014


The article posted from “One Pissed Off American” is very interesting and it rings of truth loud”ly” about the lack of moral character of the elected representation in our government offices.
What is even more interesting is the comments in the discussion thread. The agreement with the article in its stated allegations being evident and most striking is the question “what can we do?”
How is it that the people fail to look to their guiding documents to know what is to be done. If recall serves one the phrase “clean your own doorstep before you attempt to clean your neighbors” is the starting point.
S0 what can be done? The starting place is one’s own state by way of looking at the first constitution when your state was admitted to the union. Then find the number of representative’s and senators and elect these people into a republic form of government to represent the state. The first act these representatives are responsible for is to revoke the state incorporation charter and tell the world that the state is now a republic.
Once this is done now the criminals that was elected and hold office in the state and in DC have to be dealt with. How can this be done since these criminal politicians have told us for years they are immune and you have to perform all sorts of acts to recall these crooks to throw them out of the office they occupy. WHY? I’ve ask for the law and all I’ve been shown is statutes and these statutes seem to change all the time to suit the politicians purpose. It seems to be that the people have a choice to make, are they in charge or are they going to just keep their head in the sand.
The preambles all start We the People it doesn’t start We the Politicians and the 7th, 9th and 10th amendments reserve the ultimate power to the People. And it is also evident that We the People are the giver of the law by the fact that all these elected officials are Public Servants. Have you ever seen the statement We the People Public Servants? I never have seen that title attributed to me or any other Private Citizen for any purpose or reason.
The continual assault on the people of America is insidious and the prevailing sentiment that the people cannot handle their own affairs is telling. Those who have engineered the mind entrainment and programing are Satanist of monumental proportions. May they suffer greatly from their own devises.
To continually pump out lies about the “global reset” the “RV” and other financial corrections touted for years that create expectations then bow to another “oh, oh something else now has to be corrected” is as bad as the cabals’ continual assaults on the people. If there is a continual pattern of this type your credibility goes out the door along with “trust!” Once you are no longer trusted then you can pack it in and go home, and you gurus of disinformation know who you are and may suffer your own devises greatly. This smacks of “Dishonor” in a “right in your face” manner and you have lost “face!” You know exactly what’s being said here, and in case you don’t it’s like this “say what you mean and mean what you say” because the days of pussy footing around are over.
While having gone off track a careful reading of more than one time before you go on the normal tirade you would, consider sweeping your own door step before dictating someone else sweep theirs.
Served Honorably and Still Serving Honorably


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. Lets cook it down into short easy steps.
1. Look up your state constitution when admitted to the Union.
2. Find the number of representatives and senators and elect these people into a Republic form of governance.
3. Then they will revoke the state incorporation charter.
4. Tell the world the state is now a Republic. Once done, the criminals that were elected and hold office in the state and D.C. have to be dealt with.
I'm sure the senators and representatives will be happy to be elected into a Republic and will willingly revoke the state incorporation charter. Sounds easy. So, why aren't more people, people who are knowledgeable in these matters, such as yourself, talking about doing just this? Instead of just telling people to wake up? Instead of criticizing and complaining that people should do something. Hear are 4 steps to take that will remedy our problems. Right?


Just as soon as that thar Deenar RVeeeeeeeees!

Anonymous said...

Right! And we're waiting for you to take the lead.