Wednesday, December 24, 2014

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (not too long)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (not too long)
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 24-Dec-2014 16:43:23

Hi, Folks -
Found at
12-24-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
Tony: Good morning, TNT! It’s the right place at the right time! Today is Wednesday, December 24, 2014. A couple of things really quickly…
The Sony hack upset me when they cancelled that movie “The Interview”, so I’m ecstatic to know they are showing that movie tomorrow. We should never bow down to foreign powers, especially for BS reasons like that.
We will give the information really quick, and then we will talk to our first caller, who is in Afghanistan, and pass on greeting to our troops. But first, Pam, do the Mods wanted to say something? I thought they wanted to say Merry Christmas to you all! I know you want to hear some of the Mod’s voices and we wanted to take time to do that today.
DC is not here today, but we did just talk to him. Our directions are so screwed that we can’t make sense of what we are supposed to do, so until they can be more specific, I’m just doing what I’m doing.
Everything you have heard is true: Iraq says they are making an announcement tomorrow ‘at the eleventh hour’. They will do a vote on the 2015 budget and it will got into effect immediately. We don’t need the budget for the RV because it was in the 2014 budget. It is already done, that is just the announcement time. There are a few frivolous laws and conditions they will vote on prior to that, but the rest has just been a way to stretch this moment out for whatever reason… the oil, economies, things going on in the back room where the battle was taking place. It’s looking very positive for you all to have a great Christmas in the sense that this is over and happening, not necessarily money in your hand. You can celebrate Christmas on Friday, Saturday, or any day in the future now that the money is coming through.
Iraq itself has put out the statement on their television that this is happening “at the eleventh hour on the 25th”. Obviously it makes no sense for exchanges and appointments on the half-day today, and the banks won’t start up again until the 26th. I don’t know how and when we will get the 800 numbers. Wait until then or until you get some kind of direction. Don’t call or go to the banks before then because we don’t’ want to give them an excuse to shut this down. I am not going to the bank until I get the 800 numbers and I know what to do – I’m not running to the bank demanding my money. Hopefully I will have information I can put out on the 26th before the banks open, so that people will know what to do and there won’t be chaos. If not, think about how this affects everyone; if we flood the banks on Friday they won’t be able to handle it, and they will shut it down. I can see that, I hope THEY can see that, and send us information.
Iraq is supposed to be going at 11am their time – they are saying they will take the vote and make the announcement then. They could go earlier or later; their time is not like ours and they could do it at any time, but that is the plan so far.
Pam, any of the Mods on and ready to speak? [Pam: Yes, I have some of Mods on…]
PaperBoy: Merry Christmas and have a great New Year, and I thank you all for the support you gave me in my recent fall from the ladder. Merry Christmas to all!
DavidM: Thank you to Mr. Tony, Pam, Raymond, all the Mods who support the site, and all the members who contribute and make TNT what it is. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and New Year, and health, wealth and happiness in 2015.
Jaybird: Merry Christmas to all; I wish you all a Happy New Year, and go RV!
Daz: It’s been a fun ride… wishing everyone and their family a healthy and joyous holiday!
Tony: Pam didn’t come back; I now have someone on the line from Afghanistan, on the line with the whole of TNT> what’s going on over there? Anything good?
Caller; Everything is progressed, everyone is doing their job correctly and it’s moving along.
Tony: We appreciate what everyone is doing over there. I met your uncle in LA, and just wanted to call and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Caller: We all have to stay calm. I do have a couple of questions for you…
Tony: Are you hearing a lot about the dinar in Iraq?
Caller: We hear a lot, all the time. Everyone is miffed that it is taking so long. They are trying to be patient, standing back and waiting for it to take place.
Tony: Do a lot of guys where you are have dinar?
Caller: I know several people who have 50 million plus!
Tony: What are your questions?
Caller: I live in St Louis; will the US Bank hold this? The rate I saw on the board, is that true? And what about the Iranian rial?
Tony: I don’t know about US Bank in particular, but there are tier 1 and tier 2 banks, and there will be places to exchange in St Louis. What rate did you hear?
Caller: $1.68.
Ray: A member contacted me who was at a bank, and they offered to exchange at $1.68. She picked up her money, rushed back, and the screen was blank. They said they would call her when they could exchange her. Another member called his banker, who called him in on the spot; we’re waiting to hear back from him.
Tony: So the rates are showing up intermittently. We’ve heard those stories before, and we have a member who actually exchanged just at the right moment. I know of one person who exchanged all four currencies on Monday.
Caller: Personally, I believe the Iranian rial will revalue as well, once they lift the sanctions. They have rials on ebay.
Tony: That’s true of most countries. The key is knowing that and when it will happen. Are you back home?
Caller: I’ve been here in Afghanistan since 2011, and I’ll be back sometime next year…
Tony: I wanted to call you and DC may call you as well because he wanted to call and thank you as well. Please pass this on to everyone over there – we really appreciate what you are doing and say Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you.
Caller: [Appreciation]
Tony: Pam, are you back yet?
313 caller: I deal with, and they quote Ben Fulford, who says that ISIL is being funded by Israel. The super-high intelligence knows how they are being funded and who is backing them. Can you expound on that?
Tony: The US knows who is funding them, and who is funding this war. It’s not a surprise for our government.
Caller: Why don’t they make it public so they could shut them down and our guys wouldn’t have to go over there and fight?
Tony: Our government already knows; what does it benefit anyone to tell us? A war is business; you have to give and take. Just like a physical war and an economic war, you can sell them whatever, and we will blow it up, and that way the money keeps flowing. It’s not what you guys want to hear, but it’s a cycle and you cannot shut down everyone who is doing business with them. We can say “You need to cut back so that you have enough to survive, and we will top you up in these other ways.”
Caller: Even when we support our enemies? It’s just unbelievable to me that ISIL is not who we think it is.
Tony: ISIL was small potatoes until this Iraqi deal opened up. They were the JV until this crisis happened in Iraq. Now it’s a bigger deal, and they need to cut back. They are doing some things we need them to do, so we don’t have to do them.
941 caller: I have a tax question. Maybe it’s good we’ve been delayed so long in getting to the banks. They have only just started giving out cash in the last year. If we go into 2015 and the RV hasn’t officially happened, then they would have to create a retroactive law to tax those who were paid out in 2013. IF they cannot tax the early people, we might not end up paying tax on this ourselves, because they have to apply it equally or it’s going to get challenged.
Many want to give back, and I thought about my dad’s tractor. He bought it for $500 and sold it for $1,500. If he had reported that, he might have been taxed on the difference. If he had given it away, though, he would not be taxed on that. If I give 50% of my dinar a non-profit, and they cash it in, they will give me a receipt for at the new rate. So I will have 50% in my pocket and the tax man doesn’t get any because I offset 50% to the non-profit. Do we get an IRS letter and publish that? So that other don’t have to ask the IRS…?
Tony: GET PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. We are not giving out tax advice through this site, so unless the IRS gives us direction, three million people will have to ask the IRS directly and individually. I like your scenario; I just don’t know if it work legally.
786 caller: Iraq is staying that they are going to push the budget through this week, but others say next week or next year. You are saying tomorrow at 11am, right?
Tony: That is what Iraqi television is saying – that they will announce it at 11 tomorrow. They are meeting earlier to pass a few more small laws and regulations, and then…!
828 caller: So that we are all clear, let’s assume they do the budget and RV at around 11am Iraqi time; that means that when we get up in the US, it should be a fait accompli.
Tony: Let’s hope so. Whenever Iraq chooses to do it, it should be on CBI; we should be tweeting it out, too, although I’m not sure from what they are saying right now. We should be sending out 800 numbers and direction by Friday morning.
Caller: So you will let us know by Friday morning?
Tony: I am hoping I can. They don’t want panic in the streets, or people camping outside the banks at 9am Friday morning. That would be an issue. A whole lot of people WILL know, and they’ll put it out. I am hoping they will call me before the end of the day, because I’m not answering the phone tomorrow. I want to be as helpful as possible, and if there is no leadership, people will follow any idiot out there, and they should not want that to happen! I don’t care who is first, I just want to get the 800 numbers to you and the information in the package.
719 caller: Ho-ho-ho! I’m cooking for Christmas, listening to you, and feeding deer out the front door…
Tony: I think Pam is chopping up deer!
Caller: I hope we hear something by Christmas night. Is Maliki still in the palace?
Tony: He is VP, but slowly they are bringing out everything about him. They took his plane, and I’m sure they can take his palace.
Caller: Could anything delay this?
Tony: My understanding is that everything has been done to announce this tomorrow. The vote was taken a long time again, and again, and again after every skirmish and argument. Yesterday it was announced that “we are done” and there would be the announcement apart from very minor things. But everything the US has asked for has been completed.
Caller: I love that you say “don’t call the banks” but some have and are being exchanged, while those who have NOT called are still waiting.
Tony: The banks have lists of people they already have relationships with. So long as it’s a handful and not thousands, then we can all just wait until Friday morning as the banks won’t be open tomorrow anyway. They said the announcement will come at the eleventh hour, so we hope it will be 11am (Iraqi time) not 11 in the evening. In any case, the call centers are closed for Christmas, so there is no point standing outside the banks. You won’t know which are the exchange centers anyway…
Caller: So we should be done by the 1st in any case.
Tony: The plan has always been for us to exchange by the 1st, but we were scheduled to start on the 18th before there were all these last minute delays…
718 caller: You stated earlier someone had exchanged all four currencies. Do you know how many zeroes were lopped off?
Tony: Six zeroes is what I heard.
301 caller: I just wanted to tell you about what we’ll be doing with our funds and also someone asked how to help Iraq. Crisis Rescue International is in Kurdistan right now providing shelter, food and water. They also helped with Katrina, in the Midwest with their storm, Haiti, and many other disaster areas. I’ve been working with them for a few years. I help with pediatric trauma; it’s a way to enjoy my retirement and do some good. You can look it up online – Crisis Rescue International – and they do good work.
Tony: That is a good way to give back – thanks.
406 caller: So you said that Iraqi television says they are announcing the RV at 11am tomorrow, is that right? When can we exchange? What about the dong?
Tony: They are announcing the signing of the 2015 budget, and they have to have a realistic rate to do that. I see us getting started with exchanging on Friday. I don’t yet know the 800 numbers or instructions, but they do want as many as possible by the end of the year. My understanding is that all four currencies are in the basket together.
305 caller: I’ve been investigating the banks, and not all have the Delarue machine, and some banks say they have to send currency away for three weeks. I’m not comfortable with that.
Tony: Some banks send currency to their regional center, but as long as you have the receipt and watch it go into the bag, I’d been fine with that. As for the three weeks – if they say that, find a different bank.
Caller: Thank you, Mrs. Renfrow, for sharing YOU with all for all these years. She must be an unselfish person, and I thank her for being a great woman behind you, supporting you. One day I hope to meet you because I love you all, especially your mother. I want to thank you in person. I know you are a giver, like me, and this time I am holding some back for myself. Thank you Pam, RayRen, and DC, all the Mods and the TNT family: Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Let’s show them that once the Lord has blessed us, we can hold onto it.
Tony: Pam says it is time to go. Pam, did we get all the Mods in?
Pam: Most of them. We certainly appreciate all the Mods, and all the guest Mods as well. I don’t know what we’d do without you guys – you are amazing! Merry Christmas, bless you all, we are blessed to be here and anything else is just amazing.
Ray: Just continue to enjoy this wealth-seeking, wealth-revealing, wealth-all-in-your-face Wednesday!
Tony: Thanks to all our service people, globally. There is an agreement in place, on track to let this go through. Once we see the budget, the rate is in that and we should be able to go from that point. After that, I don’t know what we’re doing. I know they want us to put out the 800 number and give you instructions for 4-7 days, I’m just not sure when that starts. If there is no leadership, any idiot will tell people what to do and they will run to the bank, which will mean chaos. We wanted this before Christmas to buy lavish gifts, but if we hear tonight, we can still feel blessed, knowing we can give our families great things, investing well and creating a legacy. This is still a Christmas gift even if we can’t spend it immediately. That’s how I look at it. I’m excited! I can’t wait to see what will happen and what I wake up to. God willing this will be over and we will have a great call on Friday. I thank all our service people overseas, our veterans, and all the government people who are supporting us. Merry Christmas to all of you! Enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and hopefully on Friday we’ll be talking as richer people! Enjoy the rest of your day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SLANDER AND INSLUT movie on any nation is NOT funny at all.
we would not like at all if this wasdone to us as a joke. that is an of war
the outrage would be deadly.
and if it is the case i will not pay these monster jokers a dime to see this trash.