Sunday, December 28, 2014

Johnnie's heart surgery update

Johnnie is scheduled for heart surgery tomorrow morning on 5/29. I am presently still suffering from a chest cold which needs to be cured completely before surgery.

My surgery date may be postponed because of same.

Will keep you all updated.

John MacHaffie


Tracey Cooke said...

Sending Prayers and love,,,John, Thank you for all that you do..Merry Christmas and have a very happy New Years..Much love, Tracey

marie said...

Suck down a table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar WITH THE MOTHER. every four hours in a full glass of water.

Anonymous said...

John, Maybe this delay is The Lord's way of giving us all more time to pray and send love and healing for you to not need the surgery! : ) Be sure that they check you before cutting you open to make sure you still need it!!! As of me, I'm going for you keeping your record... You're 67 years old and never have had surgery!!!
Thanks and blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ!

siriusvoid said...

GOD Bless You Johnnie..