Monday, December 29, 2014

Johnnie's surgery rescheduled for 1/5

My surgery has been rescheduled for Monday 1/5 in the morning. I was turned back from the hospital today because of my chest cold. Will keep you all updated.
This is a Repost
Johnnie is scheduled for heart surgery tomorrow morning on 12/29. I am presently still suffering from a chest cold which needs to be cured completely before surgery.

My surgery date may be postponed because of same.

Will keep you all updated.

John MacHaffie


Anonymous said...

Dear John, I prayed that your chest be cleared from any congestion and the surgery will be a successful one, and you will be experience a miraculous speedy recovery in Jesus name!

Anonymous said...

I know a few people who had this done and they all said the same thing .. they all felt so much better. Its like night and day.

Anonymous said...

Dear John, I did send you an e-mail in regard of natural products, this will cure you, it is not drugs like the ones give hospitals, there is another method and this is a technique with hands, please reply to me I am a healer, we all are, just not many people know this technique, please reply, we all want you to be heal, if you have a chest cold it is because there is not circulation of blood in that area, there are very good products for this issue, you are still on time before you go, may harmony and peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

John, wishing you a speedy recovery from both the cold and the procedure afterwards. May complete health and full strength be yours once again. You are very much loved and appreciated by millions of us!