Thursday, December 4, 2014

Online news sites to be blacked out during next major catastrophic event?

This has already happened in California - apparently a potential "practice" or "warm up" to see if blacking out (or "blockading") certain selected news web sites  can be done successfully. It was.

If you go to "alternative" news web sites to get any of your news, you might want to get their IP address or take other steps as suggested.

A couple of potentially catastrophic false flag events for the USA are also mentioned in this article. These are well worth petitioning the THRONE ROOM about.

Online news sites to be blacked out during next major catastrophic event?


Anonymous said...

John, could you please post here how to find the ISP address on websites such as yours? I have no idea and it would help people prepare ahead of time, having a list of IP addresses should this occur. How would I find YOUR ISP address? Please explain and then give YOUR ISP address so that we can confirm if we have found it correctly.

Anonymous said...

someone arrest the commies