Monday, December 22, 2014

Paul Andrew MItchell update

Paul Andrew Mitchell released from Federal incarceration after US wisely decides not to open Sell v United States Pandora's box in his case after approx. 11 months of illegal detainment/torture


Anonymous said...

Great news.
I've been reading every post and listening to every word people have said about the situation he was in.
He is a resilient man, and some day, those that placed him into peonage and involuntary servitude will have to deal with what they have done.

They are the enemy, while they treat us as if we are.
If they would not send their force out on the streets to accost us and make charge and then force agreement to go before their masters to answer to their charge, we would never have to deal with those people.

They get paid every time they can pull us into their world, They act like we agree to be in their world but if we don't have their ID. They will pull us into their world as a charge for not being identified using their ID.
Then they tap the information on the ID and pilfer accounts we should have access to, but they don't want us to have access to them, we don't use as much out of the accounts as they do when they get into the accounts.

I had to do a security questionaire once to wire transfer money and one of the questions was who did i purchase a piece of property from, listing 5 names. Well it just so happen I don't know anything about that property and if it was mine, why wasn't I living there.
Someone used the account and got some property.
It's known the so called foreclosures are because there are properties behind the purchase we made, and when they foreclose, they get those properties free and clear and rob us of ours. The judges know about it, so they rubber stamp it, but the gov't probably doesn't even know how many ways to Sunday these people have managed to pilfer the accounts and build their underground bunkers, and arm the police, and have access to all kinds of things and places we could only dream of.
These wars they create, when someone dies, they get that policy money, and fund something else.
Where do you think the clothes and food and supplies they have been funding those bunkers from?
They force us into their world, by bench warrants for stupid stuff like, not wearing a seatbelt. (no speeding to go with that, nothing reckless, and nothing dangerous, just a warrant for not wearing a seat belt and stating it was against the peace and dignity of the state.) Seriously, that kind of B.S.
Glad Paul is out and may he get a chance to see karma play out on them in some form, or some life.
Why bad things happen to good people? karma.
Clear it up in this life or the next, but don't assume the Creator hates someone cause they are having a hard life.
We know not what they have done in their soul.
Don't judge, and let the Creator take care of what is created.

Anonymous said...

"Vengence is mine" saith the Lord., Welcome home, Paul, and Merry Christmas!