Monday, December 22, 2014

Positive 2016 US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification? By Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Positive 2016 US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification? By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Monday, 22-Dec-2014 03:13:45

December 21, 2014 By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Positive timeline may result in positive 2016 US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
This article is part of a series in which’s Alfred Lambremont Webre responds to readers’ questions. You can send Alfred a question to respond to at
VANCOUVER, BC – To Lisa Suk from Alfred Lambremont Webre. Lisa – Hi! Thank you for asking about the person whom CIA time travel pre-identification says will be the U.S. President elected in Nov. 2016. As you know I have written on these subjects. These are two of the articles I have written on the US Presidency and time travel pre-identification.
Obama pre-identified as President by secret DARPA-CIA time travel program by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Time Travel and Political Control By Alfred Lambremont Webre
As yet, I have not come across any direct eyewitness evidence of secret CIA time travel pre-identification of the 2016 US President.
Both declared Matrix candidates Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are each related to time-travel pre-identified Presidents (George HW Bush; George W. Bush; Bill Clinton).
It is highly likely that Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton have been briefed by their respective families about secret CIA time travel and its role in the grooming of their family members to run for and assume the office of US President (with a great deal of assistance from a covert CIA time-travel Presidency support network).
A US President elected in Nov. 2016 would take office on Jan. 20, 2017.
Scenario 1: Predicted 2016 US President via CIA time travel is a DHS/FEMA dictatorship.
From what I have seen, the CIA time travel program was anchored firmly on the pre-12/21/2012 catastrophic timeline, and in 1971 predicted that Washington DC would be under 100 feet of brackish water in 2013.
Of course that event did not occur, because on Dec. 21, 2012, holographic timeline on which our time-space hologram collective Earth is traveling changed from catastrophic to positive. You can read extensively about the time science behind this in
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram By Alfred Lambremont Webre
“It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
Given the present structural commitment of the Executive and Government of the United States of America Corporation to the utter depopulation of the American people and the shredding of the original U.S. constitution, it would seem most probable that the CIA time travel predictions had foreseen, as in the case of the 2013 global coastal event inundating Washington, DC, a January 20, 2017 in which the American people are depopulated under Ebola, decimated by poverty and starvation, executed en mass in FEMA camps, and occupied by UN troops.
In other words, that the Executive and Government of the United States of America Corporation has planned its own demise as a covert agent of the Mars Colony Corporation and the powers behind that entity whose goal are to eliminate Earth surface dwellers in favor of the Mars elite DNA colonists, at the behest of the Matrix Earth-Mars powers.
Marine Corps: Plan to replace humanity with Mars elite DNA colony by Alfred Lambremont Webre
The reason why I believe this demise of the American people is what CIA time travel foresaw for Jan. 20, 2017 is that this is the result embedded in codes inside the Obamacare legislation, for example.
Ebola depopulation plot in Obamacare codes & UN takeover will fail by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness = 2016 Election for American People’s Freedom
My own analysis is that The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an out-dated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Positive Future equation
The Positive Future equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
The Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable result.
In a roundtable with UK Town Councillor Simon Parkes and U.S. Marine Captain Randy Cramer, Simon Parkes suggested that the U.S. President elected in 2016 and inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017 will be one who is outside of the time-travel pre-identification matrix that Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton’s early candidacies imply.
This important roundtable will be broadcast in the near future. Please watch for it at or sign up for our free newsletter that alerts you to publication of all our new articles.
A positive outcome for the 2016 US Presidential election may congruent with information from researcher Mary Rodwell who suggests as well, on the basis of inter-dimensional Extraterrestrial civilizations communications to children and young adults she interacts with, that a vast transformation of human consciousness may be underway by 2017.
At the very least, the Positive Future equation –
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
makes it certain that the American People survive in dignity through 2016 – The dystopian future which internal, external, and multi-dimensional rogue forces are attempting to force upon the American people will fail.
We can also project that CIA secret time-travel predicted President Matrix will be deconstructed or transformed around the process of the U.S. Presidential election of 2016 in ways that restore the collective free will of the American people, eject control based on Duality Consciousness (“I win, You Lose”), and bring to the fore Unity Consciousness ((“We are One”).
As UK Town Councillor Simon Parkes predicted, may well mean that time science confirms it is plausible that an authentic, positive US President may be elected in Nov. 2016 and inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017.
In Light, Alfred

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