Monday, December 29, 2014



Highlights of Tony's CC, updated as the call progresses - Sunny 
Tony's Tweet Today: "Great call with great info from D.C. coming.   Tanslation:  DC will talk twice as fast - 
Rayren:  This is "Magnificent Money coming to me Monday.

Tony:  I'm looking for an announcement today, tomorrow or Wednesday . . . in next 72 hours I think we will see it.

DC:  a lot of minor movement.  Everything is lined up after last minute nit picking . . . for it to happen in the next several days.  Still want to get this done on or before the 1st.

Tony:   Iraq has been ready since the first of the month . . . This is different because . . . come January this is going to be law in the Gazette.   Once they announce the 2015 budget there is no excuse for them not doing it.
DC: Team in Iraq from UST, Federal Reserve, US state department. US wanted things and agreed they would no longer move the goal post. . . believe all of those minor provisions completed.  Believe it is now in Iraqs hands totally.  

WHERE WE ARE:  DC says, the delays created by US demands on Iraq seem to have been met.  US wanted all T’s crossed and I’s dotted.  Check list completed and monitored by IMF & BIS.  DC believes little to no notification will be given to other countries.  They will just do it and notify everyone later. 


CBI:  Website seen in USA has little to no information.  Website seen in Iraq is very different according to caller.  Her brother transmitted it for a few seconds and then connection cut off.
BUDGET:  to be published in Gazette January 1.  Rate in budget still shows live, International rate of 1166.  Statements within say, "When this becomes effective . . . implemented . . . will change to new rate."

Banks:   Still on standby.  No one in position.   All US banks are not Basel III compliant but working on it.
Roll-out Plan:  One bank still required to take general public.  Plan is still for internet and groups to go before general public.  DC expects some will be exchanged before the holiday (New Years).  Want to make a ton of appointments in first 36 hours.  Tony and DC speculated prior to holiday could be used to make appointments with peeps exchanging after the holiday.  
Exchanges since Oct 31st have been cash not SKR's.
DC:  Even the most cynical guys are believing that the US made a bunch of promises to very powerful people in the US to be able to move money before  the 1st during banking hours.
Dong Rate:  $1.02
Internet #'s  200,000 - 300,000 following Tony and DC.  Expect each person to connect with 10 others and them to connect with others growing into 3 million or more rapidly.
800#:   Maybe regional specific.  When released it's STRONGLY advised to make your own appointment first before passing the number along.
Exchanging:  high population areas may take longer to complete or get in than somewhere like S. Dakota which is sparsely populated.
Contract rates 
International Rate


DC:  In the budget, the one officially published in the gazette, Jan1 they have that it’s 1137 (the rate) and budget is 123 trillion dinar.  . . if you read throughout the budget, “upon economic exchange or “implementation of increased purchasing power” . . . Extremely close to getting this thing done right now.  Everyone set up for this getting done very quickly. . . waiting on Dr. Abadhi’s office to sent out notifications.  . . . they are very ready to have this done and completed pronto.  . . get this done on or before the 1st.  US folks have promised a lot of very powerful people to have this done before the 1st. . . believe contract rates still available but only small percentage will have access to it. . . rest access to Int’l rate of $3.58.     My expectation is this is our last call.  Have a very Happy New Year!
PAM: Missed the lovely lady who made the wonderful warm slippers for me by hand.  Want to say thank you to everyone who has done so much for us.  Intel, supporting members, , those helping others, our guest mods, transcribers . . . mods are amazing men and amazing to have the kind of support team we’ve had.  Thank you all.
RAY:  Magnificent money is coming to me Monday!
TONY:  It’s a great day.  I think we are there.  . . we think everything is finally done.  Hearing from Iraq side, we’re waiting for Abadhi to give the go signal. . . waiting on this side for some powerful people  . . . promised before the end of the year. . . Put in the public this will be law on the first.  I’m still enjoying Christmas. . . we can still be bearing gifts and enjoying Christmas again.  Today is the 29th and they’ve stated . . .the first.  I’m feeling good.  Enjoy the rest of your day.  We’ll tweet out sooner than later.

I don't know if I'll have a connection on Wed. and frankly hope we all are not doing a regular call on Wed.  This Momma needs new shoes!  


Anonymous said...

How many times have you been "there" this year? What a bunch of hog wash.

Anonymous said...

If Mike Cottrell says nothing is happening .. nothing is happening.

Anonymous said...

I have diners and I live in ohio can I go exc im not in a group let me know

Unknown said...

This is just to funny! Gurus makin promises about 800#'s...and were all gonna need this and have that. BULLSHIT! There wont be any taxes or capital gains either...especially if your dealing with TRN's (new currency). There has to be a major announcement first...and from what i've heard, Obama will be making that announcement, not anyone else. There are other things that have to take place first before the RV. Be patient, we are almost there. Please, in yourself and whats good for your financial institution after the announcements have been made and the banks open back up, you will find out all the info you need to know without going through some guru that claims they have intel saying something different. Ive already heard of ppl getting ripped off by some gurus cuz they sent them their patient. I believe early 2015, we will see this and other major events going on.