Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tony CC (conference call) Cliff Notes ~ Saturday, Dec. 20,2014 - Final Update

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 6:39:17 PM
Subject: RE: TNT Cliff Notes for Sat Dec 20
Tony CC (conference call) Cliff Notes ~ Saturday, Dec. 20,2014 - Final Update
Highlights of Tony's "Quickie" CC - This will be down and dirty. Have an church event to get too - Sunny
Tony:  Everything we were expecting on Friday and Saturday has been completed, positioned.  We are just waiting.  I will tell you he (DC) is excited.
"Absolutely think this thing will come to pass this week. .   If nothing changes we should have a super fantastic Christmas.  We don't know the exact moment . . . hour. . . Everything is super positive."
Tony said this is ON THE INTERNET:  (He did not say whose internet.  Iraq's?) 
“Monday, the economy will change.  Everything should be official as of 19th and payments as of Monday the 22nd."
Tony:  Hopefully Mon/Tues it will start. . . Absolutely everyone is preparing for you to exchange next week.  
  • No contention, arguing, fussing or fighting.  All playing nice.
  • Iraq has permission to go whenever they choose.  
  • USA has same permission to go whenever they chose, after Iraq goes, so it maybe 10 minutes or hours before we hear.
  • FOREX - scheduled for January 2nd appearance.  Could come out higher to get people trading it.
  • No Packages yet
  • Dinar Rate as of this morning is $3.58.  Rupiah unchanged at $1.05.  
  • 800# lets us know it's live internationally and are only for US Banks.  Canada will need to call their own banks.
  • TAXES: Caller said a bank told his friend there is no tax on currency exchanges.  Tony said the tax situation is unknown and when Kuwait revalued there were no taxes paid.  
  • Holiday Bank Hours:  Open till Noon / 2 pm on Christmas and New Year's Eve.  
Tony's Tithing Plan:  He's paying his 10%. He will also ask his church members to bring in their bills and pay them all off so they can start anew and be debt free.    He's not giving large lump sums to a church when he doesn't know how it will be used.  Says he see's and does not understand ministers getting around in Bentley's and helicopters.           
PAM: :  Be kind to each other. It’s a wonderful season, a wonderful time.  Talk to your tax, legal professionals.  Be kind to each other
RAY:  Continue to enjoy this special Saturday.
TONY:  Rates set at all the banks.  Everybody getting briefed.  Iraq has authority . . .  Should be sometime over this weekend.  Want to get people in as fast as they can and start the exchange process.
On both sides, . .. hearing this is ready to go, people in positions.  Teams over there and over here watching everything.  We just don’t know what time, what day.  10 minutes, . . . hours or two days.  Just know the plan is to have everyone exchanging next week.  Trying to get through with Dinarland before the end of the year and the general public the first of the year. . . You should be feeling great, anticipating it.  Enjoy your day, have your plan ready.   (He will Tweet if something happens.)

This is all for now on the call from Friday.  The Friday call was canceled because of incoming information.  As soon as the full call notes are available, I will email them to all.



Make it a great day
 God bless/D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tony is scheduled for a jury trial in U.S. DistrictCourt,Kansas City on June 8th for his role in the daily14plus scam. This guy is a con man and scammer. You dinartards better wake up. He's taking you for a ride and making money by pumping the dinar. If you are a truthful guy, John, then you need to research this asswipe and let your readers know the truth. Otherwise you're just as bad as Tony Renfrow.