Saturday, December 20, 2014



Native Indians refer to physic attack as the “RUJAH” (Witch – Black Magic). They also believe that the “STRANGER FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE” are necessary in order to reach the highest level of “SPIRITUAL GROWTH”.
As a Native Indian, I recall my first experience with the RUJAH, one of fear and complete vulnerability. In a physical attack I could always hold my own, but to be attacked in the spiritual realm and only being able to feel the presence but not see it made me feel completely defenseless and vulnerable. It was after this attack and my kidneys were shutting down that I realized it had become all about “SURVIVAL”. It was a wild experience the first time that I was smudged with Sage that I could feel pain leaving my body that I realized there truly was something to the Native beliefs.
My Shaman teacher also taught me other spiritual knowledge to use to clear my body after one of these said attacks of the RUJAH. One of these methods was using “SPIRITUAL CLEARING BATHS” as well he performed “ANCIENT ROCK CLEARINGS” on my body. As you can imagine I was blown away when he removed the CANCER from my body as well as many bacterial infections over the next 14 months with these methods. Natives believe that if you are not “SPIRITUALLY CLEAN” that you should not touch others or allow others to touch you for you can pass that on to others. A lot of people in the AWAKENING COMMUNITY who claim to be HEALERS are only spreading the epidemic of disease and pain around. To be “SPIRITUALLY CLEAN” is a life of discipline.

But it was through this process of my “SPIRITUAL JOURNEY” that I learned how to go through a “SPIRITUAL HEALING” as well. My vulnerable experience with the RUJAH brought my ego crashing down and in exchange brought me a tremendous amount of “HUMILITY” and “GRATITUDE”. It did not take me long to realized that our “SPIRITUAL PATH” here is to learn lessons. Rather “NEVER FEAR THE DARKNESS”, but rather embrace it. Never allow yourself to go negative in the experience or I can assure you that the CREATOR will truly hand you your ass back to you on a platter. Never be disrespectful to “SPIRIT” which is against “SPIRITUAL LAW”.
But it was through my experiences with the RUJAH that they true magic of my “SHAMAN’S JOURNEY” took place. I realized that I was the creator of my own reality and I discovered TRUE HAPPINESS, HARMONY, PEACE, LOVE, and CONTENTMENT & FREEDOM LIKE NO OTHER. But to start a “SHAMAN’S JOURNEY” one must be willing to walk away from your old life and you know to begin anew. Your old life would consist of material possessions, status, etc. This had to be the scariest thing I had ever done in my life, but it was no worth it for I learned that the most beautiful things in life are truly free.
Our journey in this lifetime has caused us all much emotional pain. The Natives believe that you must clean your spiritual body in order to prevent these emotional pains from manifesting pain and disease as well as be transferred to others through “SPIRITUAL TIES” that exist between our children and relatives. The “TRUE NATIVE WAY” is live without negative emotion of anger, jealously, envy, spite, and etc. For these negative energies too can be passed to one another and into our bodies. The RUJAH’S know this for that his how they use negative energy to bring pain & sickness to our bodies.
The RUJAH’S also understand the “ENERGY BODY”. They use the CHAKRA ENERGY POINTS that are weak to do their damage. The “TRUE NATIVE WAY” is to understand that with every weak CHAKRA point comes an “EMOTIONAL WEAKNESS OR IMBALANCE”. As well our energy bodies today also have an extreme “IMMUNE SYSTEM WEAKNESS” as well due to the toxic poisoning of our food, water, and air which has made us extremely vulnerable to the RUJAH. The “TRUE NATIVE BELIEF” is how disease is manifested and well as spread through the “SPIRITUAL REALM”.
While on my Shaman’s journey and experience of the RUJAH, rather than focus on the emotional pain that my mother caused me as a child from her abuse and neglect, I learned to rather focus on the good things she taught me instead. I became extremely grateful that she taught me how to be a “SURVIVOR” and a “FIGHTER” for it was those traits that got me through my experiences of the RUJAH. But it was through this journey of healing and releasing all old negative emotions that no longer served me, that the “TRUE MAGIC” began. I began to realize I had earned gifts from the CREATOR. Gifts such as soul mate, visions, incredible intuition, ability to sense other emotions as well as energy, acute senses, and most importantly connection to “SPIRIT” and the “CREATOR”.
It was during a conversation I was having with the CREATOR about a past relationship where I was blaming that person for everything that went wrong that I heard the CREATOR say and “CHILD WERE WAS YOUR HEART”? My heart was full of anger. That was a profound moment for me for I realized that so many times on this journey I had been a CREATOR of my own misery. It started to make sense to me that we exist in a CO-CREATING UNIVERSE. If we choose, we can have a beautiful loving experience or we can have a miserable one. A “SHAMAN’S JOURNEY” is learning how we must all have DISCIPLINE, LEARN TO MASTER OUR EMOTIONS, AS WELL AS “SELF-RESPONSIBILITY”.
“SELF-RESPONSIBILITY” is all about standing up and owning one’s mistakes rather than blame others. And then take a look at the situation and how you can change it rather than repeat that same mistake over and over. Have you ever noticed how people who go from one abusive relationship to another seem to experience more abuse each time? WAKE UP PEOPLE, YOU HAVENT LEARNED THE LESSON!
It will only be when you master levels of your SHAMAN’S JOURNEY and receive EMOTIONAL HEALING that the CREATOR will give you his GIFTS. As SPIRIT told me recently about my PHYSIC GIFT, that one must use the gifts with humility. If I use my gift to manipulate others for financial gain rather than help MANKIND, I will become spiritually bankrupt. It appears to me that is exactly what is taking place for all of mankind today for there are so many people struggling.
Natives use only natural herbs to help repair the damage to the energy body brought on by the RUJAH. The reason they use the herbs from a MEDICINE MAN / SHAMAN is for the following reasons. They know what spiritual path a Shaman has taken and when they receive the gifts of the CREATOR that it comes with great power and energy. They use this power and energy to energize the herbs from the field of the earth. The CREATOR’S ENERGY comes into that medicine that makes it so powerful. People do not understand that herbs from a natural food store do not carry that same healing power and are usually are cut with chemicals and are not pure. When a SHAMAN creates a piece of ART it will carry a higher energy vibration within it which will bring healing to others. As through your Shaman’s journey you then connect to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH. Your gifts bring you protection from the UNIVERSE of PREDATORS as well as SPIRIT will start releasing ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE to you so in order to CO-CREATE with the CREATOR.
Through the experience of the RUJAH, you learn how to be a CREATOR and how to become incredible empowered. As Natives we are ready to assist MANKIND in moving forward in teaching the TRUE SPIRITUAL WAY AS WELL AS SPIRITUAL LAW. The dark forces on this planet have become extremely distorted and many people as well as children are suffering & dying. IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO WAKE UP AND BECOME SPIRITUAL WARRIORS AND BE THE WAR EAGLES THAT THE CREATOR NEEDS US TO BE!!

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