Friday, December 26, 2014

VIDEOS: Secret Society Training Video and Graphic of CC Structure

Secret Society Training video HACKED

December 26, 2014

If you have difficulty understanding what has happened to our beautiful world, you will completely understand after watching this Video. Make a file or CD of this, so that you can show it to others as you will need to. This is a Must see now. Save it and send it to your down line friends. It may be removed, so save it now.


see attachment for graphics and text 

[Ed Note: This series of videos were sent to me by a protected source removed from this information. I pass it on to interested individuals who may be general informed of contents but is not authored by me.

Arden Gifford, MD]

"Do not judge each day by the harvest
you reap but by the seeds that you plant." ~

Robert Louis Stevenson


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is a good idea to skim the comments:
As scary as this video is, it is a spoof. Thursday, May 12, 2011 "If the Illuminati were to make an initiation video, it may look a little like this. This is deliciously chilling, but hauntingly accurate." Prison Planet /illumicorp.html