Saturday, December 27, 2014

What’s the answer?

In the present condition of the nation there seems to be no truth, integrity or moral turpitude in the leaders of the military and present holders of the government offices. The continual posting of the RV being held up by Jack Lew and Cohen being known cabal members and the republic supposedly up and with an interim president that has no valid oath because of appointment by “who?” and sworn in by a foreign agent from a court declared “unconstitutional since 1835.” How are the lowly unwashed heathens supposed to discern the truth from the fiction OH that’s right their not supposed to.
            So maybe the GURUS of psycho-babble can illuminate the heathens with answers to these questions:
(A)  if the republic is up and has its own treasury and treasurer why do these two clowns have any say in when the RV gets released or any other governmental, banking and function of the republic is to commence?
(B)   how are we to believe the republic form of government has been re-assembled when there are those asking for disclosure of the “charter” the first step to incorporation of the government right gurus?
(C)   why would an incorporated republic be what is wanted, hasn’t the last incorporated government/body politic caused enough havoc on our nation?
(D)  does anyone really believe anything the internet passes around since the credibility of the psycho-babble peddlers and main stream media suffer from the same malady?
(E)   when will “we the people” really read the documents that count and know that they are the enforcement they keep expecting a military that is too brain washed and politically correct to act in the manner “we the people” are expecting, right gurus?
Guess this is enough for the elite and unwashed heathens to ponder for now~

Served honorably and still serving honorably.


Anonymous said...

All the common people have to go on is hearsay. Claimed arrests ? Anybody know any ' bad guys ' arrested ? Republic back ? No evidence. GCR ? No proof. We live in interesting times, but I'll bet my Dad said that in Pearl Harbor during the attack he survived. Our short life spans make for short memories and endless cycles of the same shit. Our personal experience is far more reliable than the obvious hogwash fed to us by planted ' gurus, ' feeding us a stream of Hopium that is always soon or next week. Are there ' Aliens ' here ? The ' no proof ' thing again. The god so many speak of is silent, assuming there is one, and is comfortable with 100's of millions of deaths & seemingly endless suffering by the many hands of despots. Is that why our life expectancy is purposely so short ? TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

My solution? Buy used stuff...
The powers that be, cannot survive without YOUR participation...
Your participation is in the use of FRN's to buy NEW corporate goods.
Buy used cars, buy refurbished technologies, REFUSE TO BUY NEW!!!
Sell the unused crap in your garage! One mans trash is another mans treasure!
We all have enough abundance in our waste to bring this bullshit to an end.
Fuck these fucking fuckers.

Anonymous said...

What he said...

Freewill said...

Hence... barter and trade ;)